NaslovnaForumKazinaSnatch Casino - opšta diskusija

Snatch Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 15)

 od caiods20221
64.017 pregleda 351 odgovora |
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Hello, did you also get a message when it kicked you out of the game, because you had some error ? Do you have any bonus history or something like that where it would be visible that the bonus is completed or still not completed ? Have you contacted support about this problem ? 

Please let me know.


Nemam tpt niti sam dobio ništa, jednostavno nije bilo ničega, bonus mi ništa nije doneo, hteo je da se završe još 3 okreta, dobio sam rundu od 78 evra i od tada nije bilo ni novca , ni bonus, ni bilo šta, imao sam 5 evra koje su mi dali da ostanem

Automatski prevedeno:

Sure, and you contacted support, what do you have to do in this case ? 

Stvar je u tome što ne znam šta da radim

Automatski prevedeno:

It's probably wise to wait now that you have a complaint filed with us. 

Anyway, I asked you if you contacted the casino with the problem and what did they tell you ? That would be the first place I would go.


Automatski prevedeno:

Prijavio sam se u Snatch Casino i imao sam sreće da osvojim nešto novca. Tražio sam da podignem svoj dobitak sa 3 povlačenja i oni su NA ČEKANjU 10 dana. Verifikovao sam svoj nalog i poslao svu traženu dokumentaciju, ali bez odgovora. Ćaskanje korisničke službe nastavlja da traje bez rešavanja mog problema. Šta mogu da uradim da izbegnem gubitak novca?

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi there.

The way I see it, the immediate danger seems to be the urge to play, so as long as you are cool, your funds should be safe. The other thing is, however, what takes so long to the casino. According to a higher Safety Index this casino is among the trustworthy. I really want to find out what is happening.

It must be hard for you. In any case, please update the complaint, and we shall see what the casino has to say about it. I hope you don't mind keeping us updated here on the forum too.


Naravno, svakodnevno kontaktiram korisničku podršku, ali mi kažu da pošaljem traženu dokumentaciju i strpljivo čekam, a pretvaram se da šaljem podsetnik finansijskim službama. Danas je 14. dan.

Automatski prevedeno:

I saw what you wrote and what your issue is. In this case you have a complaint and our team will contact the casino if nothing changes. 14 days is the exact time period we give casinos to resolve KYC, so it won't be long. I don't know what can take so long to verify documents. What all had to be sent? 

Biće vam potrebne sledeće stavke: - Snimak ekrana vašeg ličnog profila u Internet banci, koji uključuje sledeće informacije: IBAN (međunarodni broj bankovnog računa) ID banke / BIC (identifikacioni kod banke) punu adresu primaoca (poštanski broj, ulica , grad, država) Takođe zapišite svoje bankovne podatke (IBAN, BIC i punu adresu primaoca). – Kopija u boji kreditne/debitne kartice koja se koristi za deponovanje sredstava na vaš račun (prednja i zadnja strana). Iz bezbednosnih razloga treba da budu vidljive samo prvih 6 i poslednje 4 cifre kartice. Cifre na poleđini i CVV takođe moraju biti pokriveni. Zato ne brini. Molimo pošaljite listu dokumenata na . Trebalo bi da uključite svoje podatke za prijavu u kazino u naslovu svoje e-pošte. Ako imate bilo kakvih pitanja, kontaktirajte naš kazino ćaskanje uživo ili pošaljite e-poštu na


Automatski prevedeno:

I can see that these are quite common things the casino asks for and I don't know what can take them so long to verify. If there were some documents rejected, I understand that it could take longer, but you haven't mentioned anything like that yet. 

However, if you have sent everything you need you will probably have to wait for some kind of approval or if the casino will have any objections. 

Anyway, I would say that when Veronika gets to you, she will probably ask you some more questions and slowly the casino will be contacted. 

I hate to say it but you'll have to be patient. 

file danas su mi već pojeli bonus

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, what does that mean specifically, please? I'm not sure if I understand so I'll ask just to be sure. What's the problem?

Hteo sam da znam sva pridružena kazina kao što je ivildcasino..gamble zen..snatchcasino...gora od najgoreg čak i od spinange..barem ti plaćaju posle 14 dana..bolje je izbegavati ovu grupu..a ja ne znam zašto GC štiti njih više nego nas igrače..ha.

Tako da bi bilo pošteno da mi igrači znamo sva njihova slična kazina...sada sve kopiraju i nalepe...od ćaskanja...bonusa...da bi privukli druge kokoške.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, I know that this casino usually takes around 2 weeks to pay out money to a player. This has been confirmed in quite a few cases, so I would say that players should be cautious if they are bothered by having to wait 14 days.

However, I don't think we protect the casino in any way, but they always solve problems when they occur and that's one of the reasons why they have such a high safety index. Withdrawals as I said are slower, which could be improved, but of course if they use 3rd party providers, it doesn't have to be in their hands all the time. 

If we talk about other casinos, then whenever they have some sister casinos it's always mentioned. The fact that some casinos have something similar does not mean that they have a common relationship, so our team is careful to make sure that the information is accurate. 

Dobro veče.

Dobio sam bonus od kazina i pogodio sam Vagnera imao sam 340€ kada sam pogodio povukli su 300€ meni je ostalo 40€ da li je to legalno?

Automatski prevedeno:
Izmenjeno od Romi
Razlog: CG link added.
Automatski prevedeno:

Da, to je taj

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, which of the given bonuses did you play with. What date did you use the bonus? Have you checked the terms and conditions that apply to the bonuses? Didn't some maximum cashout apply to what you won? Alternatively, didn't the casino tell you if you broke any rules? 🤔

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