NaslovnaForumKazinaSnatch Casino - opšta diskusija

Snatch Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 8)

 od caiods20221
64.398 pregleda 359 odgovora |
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Hello, this is what you called a poor admin 😀.

Seriously, you're quite far from how things work on the forum. We are not in touch with any casinos.

As long as user reviews are shown, especially the bad ones, who is saying all is wonderful in Snatch?

Anyway, are you aware of other people with troubles in any casino? Send them our way, no complaint means no change in the safety index. Yet again, rejected complaint also means the score stands the same. It would be really unprofessional to change the score based on the unjustified complaint, wouldn't it?

Look, I know you're disappointed, but sometimes, the casino is right. You have been given the explanation.

I'm sorry. Try to move on if possible.


Dobili ste dosta dokaza i nisam jedini, da budem iskren, ne marim za ovaj kazino, ne idem tamo, samo sam pogledao lokalne admine i za sebe sam shvatio da nema smisla da podnesete bilo kakvu žalbu, i dalje ćete biti na strani kazina. Sve najbolje, nastavite da radite za kazino 👍 i snaći ćemo se nekako)

Automatski prevedeno:

I'm sorry, there is a huge difference between what you think and what has happened.

I believe I made myself pretty clear, so I thank you for your enlightenment on the subject. One complaint was submitted and closed as rejected. If this is enough for you to jump to such a conclusion - be my guest.

Just stop poisoning this forum, go somewhere else find a place where this situation would end differently - based on your evidence, as you usually love to add. There is literally nothing else I can say, well, I'm done trying.

I wish you a sunny day! 😉


I completed the verification process on their website the first thing I did. I got it approved, which is also visible when logging in. I made an attempt to withdraw (198 euros) and after a few days was informed that another document needed to be filled in. They attached a document that my bank must fill in or similar to this document. I have provided them with similar documents showing the relevant information but they require this particular document and it is not available to me. I point this out in chat support but they refer to email support and there I get the same answer over and over again. They are really not willing to solve this. I know which documents are relevant to request from many years of experience playing at different casinos. I have waited for a month now.


Hi, in this case I recommend you to file a complaint at this link: 

I think that a month is a long time to resolve a similar situation and since the casino writes you the same thing over and over again and gives you no alternative how you can submit the document, this is the best solution. However, I have seen similar cases solved in the past, such as this one: so I hope your case will turn out the same way.

If you get any relevant answer, or if you manage to verify yourself, can you let us know? 


Thanks Jaro. I will do so. For sure, I will let you know. // Best Regards


Thank you and I hope that everything will be sorted out soon. Fingers crossed. ☘️🤞

Da li još neko ima problem da ne može da pristupi veb lokaciji Snatch?

Automatski prevedeno:

Sada mi je uspelo, ali juče je bilo pokvareno.

Automatski prevedeno:

meni ne ide...

Automatski prevedeno:

Video sam vašu objavu u vezi s kazinom Snatch. Imam potpuno isti problem.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hej. Pre svega, hvala vam što ste mi dali povratne informacije. Tada se čini da se moji strahovi polako ispravljaju

Potvrdi. Danas sam dobio još jednu e-poštu od Snatch-a sa ponudom koja takođe kaže:

Sneč je nedavno jednom igraču isplatio 137.500 evra. Naaaja. Još čekam reakciju Snatcha. Nadam se da si više sreće nego ja do sada. Ako ne dobijem svih svojih 700 evra, onda je ovaj kazino gotov za mene i nikada više neću uplatiti tamo.

Hvala još jednom

Automatski prevedeno:

Snatch is another and Pulp, the ridiculous thing is with their intense marketing techniques emails and texts and sign up bonus offers if they ran their casinos legitimately they would probably make more money than they do ripping people off.


I ja to vidim na isti način jer bi oni trajno zarađivali. Kao samo jednom od pojedinačnih igrača

Automatski prevedeno:

Da li još neko ima problem da ne može da pristupi veb lokaciji Snatch?

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, I have moved the posts under the specific casino you are writing about. Also I tried that site and I had no problem getting to the page. 

Unfortunately, I see that you have the same problem as player Dino13. Did you try to write to support what could be the problem and why is it happening ? Do you have any pending withdrawals in the casino ? 

Anyway, I also noticed that you have already filed a complaint about this problem, so I wonder where it will go in your case. 

If you have any new information or if you manage to get on the page, would you let us know ?  


Hej. Pre svega, hvala vam što ste mi dali povratne informacije. Tada se čini da se moji strahovi polako ispravljaju

Potvrdi. Danas sam dobio još jednu e-poštu od Snatch-a sa ponudom koja takođe kaže:

Sneč je nedavno jednom igraču isplatio 137.500 evra. Naaaja. Još čekam reakciju Snatcha. Nadam se da si više sreće nego ja do sada. Ako ne dobijem svih svojih 700 evra, onda je ovaj kazino gotov za mene i nikada više neću uplatiti tamo.

Hvala još jednom

Automatski prevedeno:

Hey. It's certainly not nice to get an email like that when you are waiting for the casino to pay you out. It would also be nice if the casino communicated and you knew where you stand.

Anyway, I also saw that you've already managed to file a complaint and I'm curious how the whole case will be resolved. Maybe I can calm you down a bit, because I found the same situation that was solved a while ago. Here is a link to a complaint from another player who had the same experience:

I hope that, as in this case, your situation will be resolved without any problems and you will get to the site and be able to withdraw your money. If you have any new information, please update us.

For now, good luck.

Snatch is another and Pulp, the ridiculous thing is with their intense marketing techniques emails and texts and sign up bonus offers if they ran their casinos legitimately they would probably make more money than they do ripping people off.

Hm, I see you obviously don't have a very good experience with this casino either. Casino marketing techniques will probably be your nightmare for a while, since you're probably getting a lot of offers. 

As far as money making is concerned, you are probably right and I have nothing more to add. 


Da li želite još jednog igrača koji se oseća prevarenim?? I

užasno iskustvo, u stvari kazino guru je prestao da bude deo mog istraživanja da bi razumeo procenu kazina.. samo pomislivši da sam uputio ljude u ovaj kazino..

Automatski prevedeno:

You sound angry, but as far as I can tell, you also forgot to mention anything specifically.

No details, no complaints. Could you at least help me understand your concern?

I mean, what do you expect me to say if I have no clue what has possibly happened to you?

As for the recommendation, I would, for instance, recommend a certain casino after acquiring my personal experiences in the first place. I'm sorry you do things differently 🙁.


Ostavi to.. Neću da budem siromašan za 20 evra, ovde je stvar u tome da nije moguće da kazino traži takvu dokumentaciju da bi podigao mizernih 200 evra.. Umoran sam, više volim da igram i zaboravi na ovaj usrani kazino!! Sada bi trebalo da budete iskreniji sa svojim ocenama, a ne samo da obogotvorite one koji vas za to plaćaju

Automatski prevedeno:
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