Izgubio sam nešto novca u ovom kazinu koji nema ograničenja depozita, igranja ili povlačenja. Njihov proces povlačenja traje nedelju dana ili duže.
Nakon što sam zatražio da se moj nalog zatvori, stali su nedelju dana i nastavili su da mi šalju bonuse da me namame nazad. Na kraju sam se zasitio i počeo sam da im govorim grube stvari. Tek tada su tvrdili da su mi zatvorili nalog. Dobio sam e-poruku sa potvrdom o zatvaranju, ali nisam se potrudio da proverim da li je zaista zatvoren.
Nekoliko nedelja kasnije, dok sam čistio svoje imejlove, naišao sam na staru poruku od njih. Iz radoznalosti sam kliknuo na link do njihovog sajta. Uneo sam svoje podatke za prijavu samo da bih potvrdio da je pristup mom nalogu odbijen — ali na moje iznenađenje, uspeo sam da se prijavim na navodno „zatvoren" nalog bez ikakvih problema.
Pomislio sam: „U redu, možda mogu da se prijavim, ali verovatno ne mogu da uplatim ili igram." Da bih ovo testirao, pokušao sam da deponujem sredstva, a transakcija je prošla na „zatvorenom" računu.
U ovom trenutku sam bio besan. Znao sam da ću za podizanje deponovanih sredstava morati da ih odigram, što će trajati najmanje nedelju dana. Igrao sam fondove, izgubio skoro sve, i ostao sam sa samo 20 € na računu. Zatim sam kontaktirao njihov ćaskanje uživo da pitam zašto sam mogao da uplatim i igram na „zatvorenom" računu. Posle nekoliko minuta izbacili su me sa naloga.
Do danas nisam dobio nikakav odgovor ili objašnjenje od njih, a oni su efektivno zadržali (ili ukrali) preostalih 20 evra.
Onda sam zatražio pomoć od Casino Grounds-a, ali oni ništa nisu uradili. Rekli su mi samo da su kontaktirali kazino i da su ignorisali sve druge poruke koje sam poslao poslednjih 7 dana.
Dakle, nemojte koristiti Spinangu ili „Kazino".
I lost some money at this casino that has no deposit, play, or withdrawal limits. Their withdrawal process takes a week or longer.
After I requested my account to be closed, they stalled for a week and kept sending me bonuses to lure me back. I eventually got fed up and started saying harsh things to them. Only then did they claim to have closed my account. I received an email confirming the closure, but I didn’t bother to check if it was actually closed.
A few weeks later, while clearing out my emails, I came across an old message from them. Out of curiosity, I clicked on the link to their site. I entered my login details just to confirm that access to my account was denied—but to my surprise, I was able to log in to the supposedly "closed" account without any issue.
I thought, "Okay, maybe I can log in, but I probably can’t deposit or play." To test this, I tried depositing funds, and the transaction went through on the "closed" account.
At this point, I was furious. I knew that to withdraw the deposited funds, I’d need to play them through, which would take at least a week. I played the funds, lost almost all of it, and was left with just €20 in my balance. I then contacted their live chat to ask why I was able to deposit and play on a "closed" account. After a few minutes, they kicked me out of the account.
To this day, I’ve received no response or explanation from them, and they effectively kept (or stole) the remaining €20.
Then I asked for help from Casino Grounds, but they did nothing. They only told me that they contacted the casino and have been ignoring any other messages I’ve sent for the past 7 days.
So don't use Spinanga or "Casino grounds".
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