NaslovnaForumKazinaSpinanga Casino - opšta diskusija

Spinanga Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 39)

 od Miikkuli
115.897 pregleda 838 odgovora |
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Hey guys, did any of you receive any payments between yesterday and today? Thanks


Ne, ništa.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hey guys, did any of you receive any payments between yesterday and today? Thanks

Ne ništa

Ništa od 14.01

Automatski prevedeno:

Hey, is here anyone that recive some withdraw from this site? My request was on 21.1.2025 and still nothing. What can i do?



Zdravo, ima nas nekoliko. Još uvek čekam 3 povlačenja od 14. januara. Kontaktirao sam ćaskanje uživo nekoliko puta, uvek sa istim automatskim odgovorom, a oni čak ni ne odgovaraju na moje imejlove.

Imam otvorenu žalbu, ali ne napreduje.

Automatski prevedeno:

Oh not great. Maybe this site is all scam. Same here don’t answer to mail and the live chat is so funny, always same response. So we can forget about getting our money back🥹🥲 or what is your opinion here.

I am in the same situation. I find it highly questionable that this casino and other affiliated casinos through Rabidi has such a high rating on this site.

Yea, that is correct. But that is also on the other site. The rating about Spinanga are high, so i was sure that is legit and safe site to play. But now i think that is a scam. Maybe some people can share about how they got the money back from this site, if there is any😏


Neverovatno je da kompanija sa prihodima od 100.000.000 dolara nema novca da plati svojim kupcima. Kompanija koja svakog meseca otvara tri do pet novih kazino sajtova. Iskreno, imao sam problema sa njima u prošlosti i oni nemaju interesa da se menjaju. Žalosno, sramotno!!!

Automatski prevedeno:

Hey, is here anyone that recive some withdraw from this site? My request was on 21.1.2025 and still nothing. What can i do?


Hi, we give casinos 14 days to pay the player. I would say that if you don't have a reason why the casino hasn't paid you and you don't know anything from them, then I would think about filing a complaint after that time. 

So did they tell you anything? Did you play with any bonus or not? Have you been verified by the casino?

Dobro veče, u spinanga kazinu igrao sam blekdžek ...pre nego što sam igrao moj bilans je bio 39,91...kladio sam se 11€ u 15:49:27

Pre lota koji sam imao: 38,91 €

Kladim se na 11€

Pobedio sam, ali je moj račun ostao na 28,91 evra.

Kontaktirao sam kazino putem e-pošte i ćaskanja. U ćaskanju mi kažu da ih kontaktiram putem e-pošte i ne odgovaraju na moju e-poštu!

Drugi put mi u ćaskanju odgovore da je potrebno sve više vremena i upućuju me na podršku putem e-pošte.

Nije za 20€, ali ova taktika pokazuje nepouzdan kazino. Držite se dalje od ovog kazina.

To je kazino čiji je rejting trebao biti ispod 6,0.

Kada se ovako ponašaju za 20€ jednostavno se ne kladite na svoj novac u ovom kazinu to će vam praviti probleme.

Moram da dodam da su neki od predstavnika u mom ćaskanju priznali da je to bila greška i da će to biti ispravljeno...ali novac nikada nije vraćen...Stalno dobijam isti odgovor "treba više vremena"... Hahahaha 26 dana da pregledaju video od 20 sekundi i vrate iznos od 20€....

Kazino je bezveze, daleko.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello, I wanted to recommend you a complaint, but I see that you have already managed to file it, so let's see if our team can help you. Do you also have a game history where it shows your bet as won or not? I would definitely make a record of it just to be sure. I think that such a mistake, if admitted by the casino itself, wouldn't have to be dragged out for so long, and it's probably quite easy to keep track of if you know the exact time. 

Of course, as I said, we will be here and ready to assist you and hopefully we can achieve a successful end.

In the meantime, if something changes and the casino contacts you, be sure to let us know.

Hi all, does any of you have some update on payments? Yesterday they were telling me on the live chat that was due to a technical error with a third-party provided, today that is due to high volume of payments.. zero help from their side. 22 days waiting to receive my money and counting..


Hey, ok i will wait another week and then filing a complaint. No they didn’t, yea i have active first deposit bonus and wager all the amount so the bonus was complete as the rules said. No not yer, i want to verified myself, but the spinanga said that i dont need yet to verified myself. I also send a gmail with all my information for the verification to go process.

Thank for you help,



Hey, im in touch with live chat a they gave me this answer tonight at 16.16 time.



Ovi ljudi će od vas tražiti da potvrdite sva kretanja na vašoj kartici za poslednja 3 meseca. Verifikovan sam i tražili su ih. Kada napravite svoje treće ili četvrto povlačenje, oni će vas primorati ili neće nastaviti da plaćaju.

Automatski prevedeno:

Danas sam se odjavio sa svih kazina u ovoj grupi, oni su prevara.

Automatski prevedeno:

Da li su vam uvek plaćali za isplate? Jeste li imali nekoliko sa njima?

Automatski prevedeno:

Oh, but you got any withdraw from this site process? Yea, but why credit card if i was using crypto to deposit my assets.


I also think that all i scam, i just want to recive the money ans get out of this. Hope we can get the money

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