NaslovnaForumKazinaSpinpirate Casino - opšta diskusija

Spinpirate Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 6)

 od Isco33
24.559 pregleda 131 odgovora |
1...5 6 7

Sutra su mi 3 nedelje. 1500€ od 2000€ je stiglo pre toga...

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Automatski prevedeno:

Pa barem većina njih je stigla, većina bi bila više nego zadovoljna sa 500€

Automatski prevedeno: je sada nedostupan

Casinoguru zaista je vreme da skinete ova kazina za prevare sa svog sajta i prestanete da terate igrače sa ocenom 7.2 da spaljuju svoj novac!!!

To je takođe bio poslednji put da sam verovao Casinoguru rejtingu.


Automatski prevedeno:

Stranica je ponovo onlajn, ali nažalost mora da pristane na to. Kako mogu da verujem Casinoguru recenziji? 😀 Pogotovo sada, sa tako očiglednom prevarom koja je bar sada tako neverovatno smela i očigledna. Pa, mogu da se nosim sa činjenicom da mi novac nije isplaćen. Ono što ne mogu da prihvatim je da sajt može jednostavno da se izvuče. Zar nije moguće kontaktirati provajdere igara da se njihova ponuda koristi u nezakonite svrhe? S jedne strane, ovo ne može biti dobro za vas jer šteti vašoj reputaciji. I sigurno vam sa pravne tačke gledišta neće biti u interesu da se ovde vrši drska prevara?

Da li bi neko iz Casinogurua, pošto imaju mnogo veći domet, mogao kontaktirati Push Gaming, Relak ili Pragmatic Plai i obavestiti ih da se ovim sajtovima upravlja nelegalno? Konkretno, provajderi, koji su plaćeni, sigurno imaju više informacija o vlasnicima i operaterima početne stranice?

Sve što tražim je da se cela ova katastrofa ne završi samo „lošim rejtingom". Ali kazino guru bar vodi računa da se ovo ne ponovi i da se bar pokuša da se ovdašnji operateri na neki način procesuiraju...

Automatski prevedeno:

Providers couldn't care less, trust me 😂 they simply offer their services to reach as many operators as possible, and we can't even blame them for that, I do believe that the regulators for each provider should force them to only offer it's services to properly regulated casinos, but even if this was possible, we would only see these providers on european casinos and other extremely few Curacao that are decent would be unfairly dragged by said regulation. We can't blame providers for it, the only ones responsible are the casinos, no review sites or forums or providers

Kako Casinoguru nije kriv? Naravno, tu je 100% kriv kazino, ali ako ja, kao kazino guru, dam ocenu 7,2 i dalje je zadržim nakon više od 60 nerešenih žalbi, kriv je kazino guru.

Automatski prevedeno:

Checked and the casino does not have unsolved complaints, I have seen how unsolved complaints crush the casino rating, I got one example in mind: there is one casino that originally had a rating near 7, but after two unsolved complaint involving four digits amounts, the rating got lowered to less than 3 if I remember correctly, so, if all these open complaints turn out unsolved, the rating will get lowered. Also have in mind there are hundreds and hundreds of casinos reviewed and I don't think it's easy to keep track of each casino current state, that's where the players kick in with their reviews, if you ask me, I wouldn't register in this casino because all the players are reporting delayed payments, I wouldn't take the 6.8 rating into consideration, and just like me I think there are many players that do the same: prioritizing complaints and reviews by users instead of an official rating. The users help a lot, trust me, these reviews and complaints have prevented me from registering in many casinos and I have saved money thanks to them, if you think an official rating is inaccurate, make a review, trust me, it might help someone!


šta koristi ako su žalbe otvorene 2 nedelje? Trenutno čekam svoj novac skoro mesec dana.

Ova žalba je otvorena više od 3 nedelje: https: //

Kako da ne budu krivi kazino gurui, čak i ako kontrolišu više kazina u isto vreme, da ne unesu u rejting žalbu koja nije rešena 3 nedelje? To apsolutno nema smisla.

Automatski prevedeno:

Complaints take a long time to either be solved or declared unsolved, it can takes months for a complaint to be closed and it depends of how actively the casino is cooperating, guru gives a week to casino for react to a complaint and an additional week is given if the casino is unresponsive the first week, if two weeks pass without the casino reacting to the complaint, the complaint is closed as unresolved, black points are assigned depending on the severity of the case and the rating gets lowered. I have seen complaints taking nearly two months to be closed, I know it's hard but try to be patient, there was a casino (which I consider a scam nowadays) that took nearly 3 months to pay me out, I know how it feels. This specific casino got more than 40 active complaints, which I consider an insane amount and something tells me this casino will end up with a rating of 2 if most of these cases turn unresolved, I will personally add this one along with Scatterhall on my personal banned casinos list

Stranica je ponovo onlajn, ali nažalost mora da pristane na to. Kako mogu da verujem Casinoguru recenziji? 😀 Pogotovo sada, sa tako očiglednom prevarom koja je bar sada tako neverovatno smela i očigledna. Pa, mogu da se nosim sa činjenicom da mi novac nije isplaćen. Ono što ne mogu da prihvatim je da sajt može jednostavno da se izvuče. Zar nije moguće kontaktirati provajdere igara da se njihova ponuda koristi u nezakonite svrhe? S jedne strane, ovo ne može biti dobro za vas jer šteti vašoj reputaciji. I sigurno vam sa pravne tačke gledišta neće biti u interesu da se ovde vrši drska prevara?

Da li bi neko iz Casinogurua, pošto imaju mnogo veći domet, mogao kontaktirati Push Gaming, Relak ili Pragmatic Plai i obavestiti ih da se ovim sajtovima upravlja nelegalno? Konkretno, provajderi, koji su plaćeni, sigurno imaju više informacija o vlasnicima i operaterima početne stranice?

Sve što tražim je da se cela ova katastrofa ne završi samo „lošim rejtingom". Ali kazino guru bar vodi računa da se ovo ne ponovi i da se bar pokuša da se ovdašnji operateri na neki način procesuiraju...

Automatski prevedeno:

I empathize with all players capped in this situation. We are aware of all complaints, as I was told the casino provided us with some updates. As I explained we do not take delayed payments as a reason for lowering the rating, this is obviously an extreme case, but still, we are not pretty sure the casino does not intend to pay.

I'm almost sure the withdrawals are struggling due to its payment provider, not the casino itself. I know players don't care for such details.

Anyway, it's a fresh casino, so you can find this:

"We've thoroughly reviewed Spinpirate Casino and marked it as a fresh online casino. It hasn't been operating for long enough, so it's too soon for us to give it a normal reputation rating we give to established casinos. In our review, we've considered the casino's player complaints, estimated revenues, license, games genuineness, customer support quality, fairness of terms and conditions, withdrawal and win limits, and other factors. Because Spinpirate Casino is related to other online casinos listed below, its rating is also influenced by them. So, if you were ever wondering whether this casino is safe and legit or a scam, read the full review below to learn more.

According to our research and estimates, Spinpirate Casino is a smaller online casino revenue-wise. It's a part of a group of related casinos, however, this group is still quite small even when evaluated as a whole. The revenue of a casino is an important factor, as bigger casinos shouldn't have any issues paying out big wins, while smaller casinos could potentially struggle if you manage to win really big."

Furthermore, everyone is free to read user reviews and browse complaints to find out something is actually happening there. We do not hide even bad casinos.

Kako Casinoguru nije kriv? Naravno, tu je 100% kriv kazino, ali ako ja, kao kazino guru, dam ocenu 7,2 i dalje je zadržim nakon više od 60 nerešenih žalbi, kriv je kazino guru.

Automatski prevedeno:

Actually, you're wrong.


24 opened complaints - 4 solved.

None was closed as unresolved.

šta koristi ako su žalbe otvorene 2 nedelje? Trenutno čekam svoj novac skoro mesec dana.

Ova žalba je otvorena više od 3 nedelje: https: //

Kako da ne budu krivi kazino gurui, čak i ako kontrolišu više kazina u isto vreme, da ne unesu u rejting žalbu koja nije rešena 3 nedelje? To apsolutno nema smisla.

Automatski prevedeno:

Allow me to say we do not control the casinos. That's what the licensing authority should do. We try to help everyone who asks. Can you same the same about the Curacao license provider? What would you do if Curacao ignored you completely? Where would you go, I wonder.

Čekam 1250€ 3 nedelje. Žalbe ne znače ništa jer Casinoguru ne vodi računa o njima. Nepošteni ste kao i sami kazina!!

Automatski prevedeno:

Ljudi traže drugi kazino.

Sve dok nikome ne isplaćuju novac, nikome ne preporučujem ovaj kazino.

Automatski prevedeno:

Dear All,

We hope this message finds you well. We regret to inform you that it has come to our attention that payments are still being stuck at NodaPay. We were only made aware of this issue Thursday Late afternoon and have been trying to contact NodaPay to resolve it. Unfortunately, we have not been able to get through to them so far.

In the meantime, we want to let you know that Live Chat will be booking the goodies onto player accounts from today onward (one goodie per account waiting). If you have been affected by this issue and are still awaiting your goodie, please get in touch with Live Chat about it.

We understand how frustrating this situation can be, and we appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to resolve this issue. Thank you for your continued support, and we will keep you updated on the progress of this matter.

Best regards,

Scatterhall / Spinpirate

Kako Casinoguru nije kriv? Naravno, tu je 100% kriv kazino, ali ako ja, kao kazino guru, dam ocenu 7,2 i dalje je zadržim nakon više od 60 nerešenih žalbi, kriv je kazino guru.

Automatski prevedeno:

You're mixing the terms. The casino doesn't have a single unresolved complaint. That's why they still keep the rating they have. The complaints I'm looking at are mostly 2 weeks old. There's no point in punishing the casino as long as they admitted they have issues with the payments provider. Of course, we didn't mark the complaints as resolved and we keep an eye on them. 2 weeks of waiting for a withdrawal isn't an evidence showing that the website is a scam.


Kazino ne treba kažnjavati. Trebalo bi da dobije ocenu koju zaslužuje, a ona nije dobra. Tako da više ne igram u kockarnicama koje su ovde ocenjene, jer to uopšte nije tačno

Automatski prevedeno:
Spinpirate Casino

Kontaktirao sam kompaniju NODAPAI da potvrdim izjave koje objavljuju ovde svake nedelje.

Takođe mi je više nego upitno da se ovde ne navodi čak ni datum kada će „navodni" problem biti rešen i kada ćete konačno dobiti svoj novac.

Spinpirate će vam se verovatno javiti tek za nedelju dana, a zatim ponovo okriviti NODAPAI.

Tražim da mi se da datum kada će novac biti na mom bankovnom računu.

Naravno da shvatam da je moj novac nestao 😀. Samo bih voleo da pročitam Spinpirateov, iako veoma zabavan, pokušaj ako tražite tačan datum.

Automatski prevedeno:

Pa, kao što rekoh, ni kripto se ne isplaćuje, to govori sve

Automatski prevedeno:
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