NaslovnaForumKazinaSpinpirate Casino - opšta diskusija

Spinpirate Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 7)

 od Isco33
24.556 pregleda 131 odgovora |
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šta je ovde izgovor?

Sa žalbom koja je otvorena skoro mesec dana 😀?

I ovde žalbe koje su otvorene skoro mesec dana 🙂.

Pretpostavimo da Nodapai zaista uzrokuje probleme. Što je veoma čudno pošto sam bez problema vršio isplate preko Nodapai-a u drugim kockarnicama.

Kako onda Casinoguru može objasniti da se čak ni kripto isplate ne obrađuju ili ne stižu?

Kazinoguru nije kriv što isplate nisu stizale. Međutim, vi ste krivi za činjenicu da oba kazina i dalje imaju "relativno" dobre ocene i igrači nastavljaju da polažu i na kraju gube novac čak i ako dobiju jer se kazino ne isplati.

To je na neki način i pitanje zdravog razuma.

  1. Zašto Cripto nije isplaćen?
  2. Zašto ne možete da prenesete dobitak na igrače sa drugim servisom? (to bi sprečilo toliko problema)
  3. Zašto možete da plaćate preko NODAPAI-a u drugim kazinima, ali začudo ne na Spinpirate-u?

Ako ne možete da odgovorite ni na jedno od ovih pitanja, smatram da je neshvatljivo da se rejting kazina ne menja.

Problem sa ovim je što VI kao kazino guru ne vršite pritisak na kazino. Daju kazinu koliko god žele. Čak i nakon JEDAN MESEC bez primanja novca, rejting ovde neće biti niži. Kako je to moguće, kako to može biti ?

Zašto ne mogu da smanje rejting kazina i kada se reši svih 40-50 žalbi onda mogu da podese ocenu u skladu sa tim.

Naravno, to ne bi trebalo da bude norma. Ali s obzirom na nekoliko slučajeva koji nisu primili novac više od mesec dana i broj pritužbi i kontradiktornih izgovora, smatram da bi bilo prikladno izvršiti određeni pritisak na kazino da konačno isplati novac.

(Ne znam da li ste vi (Casinoguru) već kontaktirali NODAPAI. Ali to bi takođe bila prilika da potvrdite izjave kazina, na primer. Nadam se da će na moj e-mail biti odgovoreno i da mogu da pružim informacije u skladu sa tim.)

Ažurirano od strane autora
Automatski prevedeno:

Saint 90 + every player concerned about his casino:

"Just recently a warning has been added to the review:


It seems we are getting the same replies from the casino as anybody else, so we keep an eye on every open complaint to ensure we are ready for further progress.

Please inform us the moment you receive any payment.

Čekao sam svoj novac 8(!) radnih dana... još uvek na čekanju!! Ćaskajte uvek iste izgovore (copi+paste). Nikada do sada nisam doživeo tako nešto... Druga kazina su sinoć tražili uplatu na bankovni račun, novac je već jutros stigao... Pitam kako se ovako nešto može desiti bez posledica?

Automatski prevedeno:

Most of us have been waiting for our cashout for a month..😂

Hi everyone, I want you to watch them cheat on me. You can watch this process in real time. They set up a casino to take your money and give nothing back. This is a scam. I ask the casino administration to pay attention to this. Please

This casino has not paid me $38 since March 17, 2023. I ask them to pay, but they tell me that they are about to get better or "we are not responsible for the withdrawal, write to the finance department". Then why are you sitting and working here, Nina? You are stealing people's money. And I want everyone to know about it. 

So a deposit can be made from a variety of ways, but I can withdraw only to the bank?

Bianca 10:23

You can make a withdrawal in the sam way you made a deposit

Gary Christensen 10:23


Bianca 10:23

For example if you made a deposit via crypto in the place of IBAN, insert crypto adress and in the place of bic/swift simply the crypto type (also BTC, ETH etc...)

It was nice talking to you. Have a great day!

Thank you and have fun in our Casino

Please be advised to read thru our Terms and conditions to ensure that enjoy our Casino to the fullest

You have closed the chat.

Nina 18:46

Hello. How may I help you?

Gary Christensen 18:47

A week ago I put money on the withdrawal. The balance was withdrawn, but I did not get anything.

Nina 18:50

As I said before, we have a processing backlog and are working to catch up

Gary Christensen 18:51

No one told me that.

When can I get my money?

Nina 18:53

As I said before, we have a processing backlog and are working to catch up

Is there anything more I can do for you today?

It was nice talking to you. Have a great day!

Thank you and have fun in our Casino

Please be advised to read thru our Terms and conditions to ensure that enjoy our Casino to the fullest

Gary Christensen 18:56

When can I get my money?

Give me an approximate date.

Nina 18:57

sorry but I can't I don't handle with withdraw - I am the support

Gary Christensen 18:57

I'm not interested in that. Check with the person who handles the withdrawal.

dear Nina

Nina 18:58

dear Gary. - send it to the accounting

have a nice day

Nina 18:58

see you bye bye

You rated our customer service as bad.

You left the following comment: bad

Nina has closed the chat.



Gary Christensen


Bianca 07:25

Hello. How may I help you?

Gary Christensen 07:26

I've been waiting three weeks for my $40.

Bianca 07:27

We regret to inform you that it has come to our attention that payments are still being stuck at NodaPay. We were only made aware of this issue Thursday Late afternoon and have been trying to contact NodaPay to resolve it. Unfortunately, we have not been able to get through to them so far.

Bianca 07:33

It was nice talking to you. Have a great day!

Thank you and have fun in our Casino

Please be advised to read thru our Terms and conditions to ensure that enjoy our Casino to the fullest

Bianca has closed the chat.



Gary Christensen


Nina 14:44

Hello. How may I help you?

Gary Christensen 14:45

You haven't paid me for a month. Do you want my $40 back after all? Or are you waiting for me to forget about it? I won't forget. I'm going to post on all the casino forums that you're scammers.

Nina 14:46

we do not process any withdrawal requests on weekends or public holidays and it's easter. we hope to have fixed everything after the holidays

Gary Christensen 14:48

Okay I will create a post on the forums and we will all watch together to see how you keep your promises. You come up with excuses every time. I'm sick of it. Let everyone see your true face.

Nina 14:50

Is there anything more I can do for you today?

It was nice talking to you. Have a great day!

Thank you and have fun in our Casino

Please be advised to read thru our Terms and conditions to ensure that enjoy our Casino to the fullest

bye bye

Gary Christensen 14:52

I will make you popular ninafilefilefilefilefile


Please note, administration. The money has not been paid for almost a month. Documents are all accepted and the account is verified. They come up with excuses, postpone in the hope that you will forget about it. Or they write: we support you, we do not deal with payments. This is nonsense. It's the duty of support to deal with all the issues associated with the casino. 

CasinoGuru, you have established yourself as responsible and decent people. I believe you, please remove this casino or warn everyone that scammers. Thank you 

They said that after the holidays. Well, let's see if they are telling the truth together. 


Sadly, this thread is mainly about delayed payments in Spinpirate, browse it to find out the full picture. 🙁.

Da li je neko primio svoje dobitke? Danas mi je prebačeno 680€ koji dospeva od marta haha zapravo su mi platili novac da sam tako zbunjen haha možda će početi da plaćaju nikad nisam mislio da ću videti ovaj novac haha

Automatski prevedeno:

I'm positively shocked. Like, is it real?

Is anyone get their money!? I have waited now two months without payment. It is unbeliavable that spinpirate and scatterhall can continue their 'business'. Some one should make offence report against owner but yes this is very difficult.

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