Pa, razumem odakle dolazi ova ideja, ali računica ne funkcioniše ovako. Dozvolite mi da pomognem u tome. Odličan početak je „Objašnjen indeks bezbednosti" kreiran posebno za svaki kazino:
Usput, zapravo je ispod proseka.
Indeks bezbednosti, na primer, odnosi se na verovatnoću da ćete dobiti svoj dobitak iz kazina. Ne radi se o dobrom ili lošem – već o verovatnoći.
Uključene su licence koje nedostaju; ne brini. Dalji detalji se uvek objavljuju u tekstu ispod kratkog pregleda
„Indeks bezbednosti ovog kazina je izračunat na osnovu našeg istraživanja i podataka koje je prikupio naš tim za pregled kazina. Saznajte više o metodologiji pregleda kazina .
Prilično je složeno, da budem iskren. 🙂
Well, I understand where this idea comes from, but this is not how the calculation works. Let me help with that. A great start is "the Safety Index explained" created separately for each casino:
It is actually below average, by the way.
The Safety Index, for example, refers to a probability that you will get your winnings out from the casino. It is not about the good or bad—it's probability.
Missing licenses are included; don't worry. Further details are always announced in the text under the brief overview
"The Safety Index of this casino was calculated based on our research and data collected by our casino review team. Learn more about casino review methodology"
It is quite complex, to be honest. 🙂
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