NaslovnaForumKazinaSpinsBro Casino - opšta diskusija

SpinsBro Casino - opšta diskusija

 od Nemokid
11.843 pregleda 61 odgovora |
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Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za SpinsBro Casino, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.



Automatski prevedeno:

I will suppose it's a sticky bonus without any wagering requirements, if not, then that's an outright scam



Just checked and I don't see any sticky bonus in their promotions and still: "11. The maximum withdrawal amount of bonus funds is x5 of the received bonus balance."

They are crazy 😂 35x wagering requirements to just be able to withdraw 5x, that's only acceptable with sticky bonuses without wagering requirements, not for a 35x wagering requirements bonus.

Ne razumem šta mislite pod lepljivim bonusom! Proverite uslove i odredbe Vinstoria, Vin Legends, Icebet, Stelario itd...da li slučajno nađete ovu imitaciju petostrukog bonusa dobijenog na depozit? Ipak, vlasništvo/menadžment je uvek isti!!

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello Nemokid,

I believe I can help you with the sticky bonus, check this free course:

"Sticky bonus: The initial bonus value will be deducted from your account when making a withdrawal.

If you deposit €100 and get a €100 bonus, €100 will be deducted from your account when you make a withdrawal."

If you don't like your possible winnings to be capped, do not take such a bonus. It's still the same.


Nije loše, sada ga primenjuju skoro svi kazina! Ali ako osvojim 2.200,00 NZD i odbiju bonus od 100,00 NZD, nije da očajavam!! Problem nastaje kada od ove cifre odbiju 1.900,00 NZD, kao što se nedavno dogodilo u Ivild-u!

Automatski prevedeno:

I agree, it became very popular later on. And I think I also understand the difference between both situations. The cause, however, is still the same. If you know the casino limits the winnings like this, you should first decide how much you are most likely going to deposit so you can calculate how much you will be allowed to withdraw if you take the bonus.

If the player knows such terms will be applied, I see such a balance sheet as a must.

If I had known I will only be allowed to withdraw 5x the deposit value, I would have certainly considered such a limitation unworthy of any deposit.

I wouldn't take the bonus, I would only play with my own funds to avoid such a winning cap.


Draga Radka,

Verovao sam u činjenicu da Altacore NV u mnogim kockarnicama ne ograničava dobitke na 5 puta veći bonus bez čitanja apsurdnih uslova nametnutih ova dva kazina (Ivild i Snatch) nakon igre. U stvari, na najnovijim otvorenim igrama kao što su Vinstoria i Vin Legends, kao i na svim već isprobanim i testiranim kao što su Stelario, Icebet itd... nema ograničenja za dobitak igrajući se sa bonusom na depozit!

Po mom skromnom mišljenju, ozbiljan i pouzdan kazino vredan pažnje ne primenjuje ova dosadna ograničenja na neke od svojih kazina, a ne na druge, već sledi koherentnu i ispravnu komercijalnu/pravnu politiku. Takođe ozbiljna stvar što ne ažuriraju istoriju igre, očigledno da bi sakrili ove zločine! Više puta sam tražio da ažuriram ovu istoriju kako bih mogao da proverim šta se zaista dogodilo na računovodstvenom nivou, ali se oni oglušuju (pogledajte žalbu otvorenu kod vas)!

Zato sam začuđen da takve kazina pregledate čak i sa veoma visokim ocenama koje ne odgovaraju stvarnosti! Snatch Casino i Ivild su osrednji kazina po tome što značajno ograničavaju dobitke igrača sa slotovima koji su promenili RTP i veoma retke dobitke, štaviše, uplate preko Mifiniti-a koje bi trebalo da budu trenutne sporo stižu (imam povlačenje na čekanju za više od tri radna mesta dana!).

Lično sam već iskusio podatke da u ova dva kazina prikupljate ako dobro prođe 1 put od 16 uzastopnih depozita! To jest, položim 150 NZD k 16 puta, trošeći 2.400,00 NZD. Dobijam nakon 16 puta 2.200,00 NZD (svaka referenca je čista slučajna!) i ograničen sam na samo 335,00 NZD. U osnovi, to je igra isključivo za gubitak u ova dva kazina zbog ovih nepravednih ograničenja uprkos fariplai-u. Iz tog razloga, trebalo bi da ih uzmete u obzir sa maksimalnim rezultatom od oko 5, a ne 8 samo zbog gore navedenih činjenica!

Automatski prevedeno:

I know one specific conglomerate that got the exact same T&C and bonus terms across many of their casinos, but also they got casinos with completely different terms, even if they are under the same conglomerate/management, I suppose they do this to target a different audience and get different kind of players. On this specific case, I suppose they run casinos with the classic bonus deposit match with uncapped winnings but with 35-40x wagering requirements while on this they offer sticky bonuses, even tho I checked and saw no sticky bonuses at all (I might be wrong), if there are no sticky bonuses without wagering requirements and all the deposit matches are capped at 5x, then that is ridiculous, I already consider taking deposit matches a bad idea and that just makes it worse, unplayable I would say.


Da li je moguće da neka kazina rade sa redovnim uslovima sa gubitkom, dok neka sa nepoštenim uslovima teže da prikupe više nego što bi trebalo (veći prihodi) kao na primer u velikim trgovačkim lancima?

Automatski prevedeno:

Yes, I suppose they hedge their risk by having certain casinos with T&C that benefits them the most but at the same time they run casinos that are more player-friendly to gain a higher player base. I have a really specific example in mind: I will not mention which conglomerate this is, but I know they have casinos that require a 5x and 10x for clean deposits and have many bonuses (many with wagering requirements) but that same group runs casinos that offer a lot of no wagering bonuses (free spins, cashback and sticky bonuses) and also let you withdraw by just wagering 1x each clean deposit, I suppose the casinos with a bigger playerbase got the strictest terms and the ones with the smaller amount of users get the most flexible terms, thus hedging the overall risk the group takes with its casinos. I will suppose the group that runs this casino does the same.


I must say that SunsetGaze spared me the answer. The point of having tons of casinos in the same group, the owner is to cover as much local market as you can. How do you do that? By applying diversity. Let's just say that country A favors no deposit bonuses and slots, the second favorite aspect for local players is a live wheel of fortune. To address most of the expected audiences, the owner decides to create 2 platforms. Each focused on one of the mentioned preferences. Now, add a license - that creates a space for another platform, because some players don't care about licenses at all, some prefer at least Curacao - just an example. Since the obligation to comply with conditions at a certain level is only needed for the licensed brand - based on the list of allowed countries the casino intends to serve - the demand will be different for each platform. Such diversity can affect, KYC, payment options, bonuses - literally everything.

Why would a bigger group provide 100 similar websites? It would not make sense. Instead, I'd say, each brand - or branded group - is specifically created to cover a part of the market

Ne razumem zašto je svaka recenzija koju dam negativna o kazinu koji je dobro ocenjen od strane Casino Gurua odbijena samo zato što dovodim u pitanje politiku reputacije Casino Gurua?

Čudno je da svaki loš kazino ovde dobija veoma dobru ocenu od Casino Gurua. Zato što ova kazina verovatno stavljaju dovoljno novca na sto!

Ni Casino Guru nije od pomoći. Jednom sam se žalio na kazino ovde. Kazino Guru je rekao da neću dobiti svoj novac od kazina zbog uslova i bla bla, dobio sam novac od kazina jer sam znao kome da se obratim! Dakle, ova stranica uopšte nije od pomoći, barem ne za mene.

Ovaj sajt nije tu da pomogne igračima, već da pomogne kazinima. U svakom slučaju, to je moje iskustvo sa ovom platformom.

Možete izbrisati moj nalog.

Automatski prevedeno:

I checked and you have many reviews. I also have some reviews and almost all of them are negative, but genuine negative and mostly done to warn others, and I see your case is the same too, in one review you got you mention guru's rating is appropriate (I suppose it's a scam casino with a reputation lower than 3 or 2).

I do believe when a review is rejected you should receive an explanation why it was rejected/deleted, I never got any of my reviews rejected or deleted so I don't know, also my reviews are on casinos with a good guru's rating and my reviews are mostly negative, but I insist, genuine and none of them have been deleted


Ne, dobio sam dosta recenzija odbijenih i nije bilo opravdanja, samo informacija da krše odredbe i uslove Casino Gurua. I čudno se odbijaju samo recenzije gde pišem da ne razumem recenziju od Gurua jer imam jako loša iskustva u kockarnicama i ne samo u pogledu RTP-a. Začudo, mnoga kazina koja je Guru ocenio veoma dobro od strane Gurua su veoma loša, npr. B depoziti nisu rezervisani ili odloženi, slotovi nisu glatki, sajt se ne učitava, uslovi i odredbe su nepravedni, korisnička usluga je veoma loša i tako dalje Mogao bih da napišem spisak o njima, ali to bi ovde bio predugačak tekst. I ako onda napišem da ne mogu da razumem Guruovu ocenu na osnovu iskustva koje sam imao, ocena će tada biti odbijena.

npr. B Spinsbro, dobio je odličnu recenziju od Gurua, ali ovde postoje i druga kazina od istog provajdera, npr. B Time2Spin, kazino ima sumnjivu reputaciju od gurua koji kaže da bi radije trebalo da igrate u drugom kazinu. Smešno, provajder je isti, uslovi i odredbe su identični, zašto je Spinsbro ocenjen kao odličan, a drugi kazino operatera ne? Normalno je da onda pitam kakva je Guruova reputacija jer mi to nema smisla.

Za mene ova platforma nije od pomoći niti pruža poštene informacije.

Automatski prevedeno:

I understand, I will suppose your reviews didn't contain foul or profane language so it would be good to know why specifically they were rejected/deleted, for reference and to avoid future inconveniences.

Would like to add a casino can have a good or average/meh rating even if it's related casinos with a low rating, still being related to bad casinos usually lower the official rating because black points for unsolved complaints are also assigned to related casinos, and even if T&C is the exact same, possibly the casino with a higher rating has not enforced it to abuse users. Like I always say, official rating should be used as a reference and not for final decisions, before picking a casino it's more important to check player's reviews, complaints and checking sites like trustpilot and, of course, investigating T&C on our own, sounds like a lot of work but money is involved and it should be taken seriously.

I also would like to know why the reviews you mention were taken down, but (and I say this with good intention) you should be a bit less aggresive and ask for answers before assuming, for example, asking directly why the reviews were rejected or deleted before assuming anything, after you get an answer you can make conclusions and have proof for each claim, saying this without any intention to offend

Ne razumem zašto je svaka recenzija koju dam negativna o kazinu koji je dobro ocenjen od strane Casino Gurua odbijena samo zato što dovodim u pitanje politiku reputacije Casino Gurua?

Čudno je da svaki loš kazino ovde dobija veoma dobru ocenu od Casino Gurua. Zato što ova kazina verovatno stavljaju dovoljno novca na sto!

Ni Casino Guru nije od pomoći. Jednom sam se žalio na kazino ovde. Kazino Guru je rekao da neću dobiti svoj novac od kazina zbog uslova i bla bla, dobio sam novac od kazina jer sam znao kome da se obratim! Dakle, ova stranica uopšte nije od pomoći, barem ne za mene.

Ovaj sajt nije tu da pomogne igračima, već da pomogne kazinima. U svakom slučaju, to je moje iskustvo sa ovom platformom.

Možete izbrisati moj nalog.

Automatski prevedeno:


It's important to say that each deleted review contains an explanation - recheck your email, please. The proper explanation starts with "reason - other:" the explanation follows then.

I see several aspects I would point out based on those 2 rejected reviews:

Firstly - this explanation fits your case:

"Hello and thank you for your review. Sadly this is not the proper way of asking questions or updating information, hence I recommend you to join our forum and respond there instead, simply because players or even Casino Guru can't answer the user reviews, it's not designed that way. Feel free to submit a new review containing your opinion about the casino, this is the true purpose of those reviews. Thank you for your understanding."

I believe the explanation is quite understandable + you got a suggestion to submit another one properly.

The point is not to close your account, but to make you familiar with the purpose of the review.

Hopefully, you'll understand now.

Anyway, no review on SpinsBro Casino has been submitted so far hence I'm a bit confused...

Do you want me to delete your account?



Da li neko zna koliko je vremena potrebno za obradu isplata u ovom kazinu?

Napravio sam 3 povlačenja pre 2 dana, pošto mi je dozvoljeno da podignem samo 400€ svaki put, to su bila samo 3 povlačenja.

Sva 3 još uvek nisu obrađena i čekaju se.

U ćaskanju uživo ne možete da mi kažete koliko će dugo trajati isplata, što mi je prilično sumnjivo da ne možete da odgovorite na tako jednostavno pitanje. Dobio sam kic adresu e-pošte, ali sam, nažalost, napisao tamo, ali nisam odgovorio.

Nisam još dostigao VIP nivo, na 60 sam.

Verifikovao sam svoj nalog na veb lokaciji i piše provereno.

Koliko dugo moraš da čekaš ovde?

Automatski prevedeno:
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