pre 10 meseci
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pre 10 meseci
Zdravo, nadam se da će vam igrač uzvratiti, jer još uvek nisam saznao na koji mejl je napisao i nisam našao nikakve kontakt detalje.
Međutim, da li vas je kazino ohrabrio da igrate ovde iako ste iz ograničene zemlje i zavisnik od kockanja? Ima li nešto konkretno u vašem slučaju?
Koji kazino je u pitanju?
Hi, I hope the player will write you back, because I still haven't found out what specific email he wrote to and I haven't found any contact details.
However, were you also encouraged by the casino to play here even though you are from a restricted country and a gambling addict ? Is there anything specific in your case ?
Which casino is in question ?