NaslovnaForumKazinaSportsbetting brands providing casinos vs. standard online casinos

Sportsbetting brands providing casinos vs. standard online casinos

 od Daniel
5.018 pregleda 12 odgovora |

Hi, we were discussing one thing within the company and maybe you could help us as well.

You surely know that there are standard online casinos and then there are big sportsbetting brands having online casinos as one of their side products.

Do you prefer to play online casinos that are part of some big sportsbetting brand or do you prefer to play with companies that are solely focused on online casino? Does it even matter to you?

Do you know about an online casino that is very popular around the world (according to your opinion), but it's not connected to any sportsbetting brand? Let us know!

Pozdrav, radije igram u kockarnicama koje nisu dio velikog brenda za klađenje jer smatram da su više fokusirani na svoj razvoj, a ne toliko na ostale aktivnosti. Uz to, sjajni su mnogo pohlepniji iako vas uvjeravaju da je sve ispravno i bez problema.

To ne znači da me ne zanimaju obje vrste kockarnica, ali manje vjerujem manje.

Svaka riječ je rezultat mog iskustva, pa možda niste apsolutno u pravu. Bit će zanimljivo pročitati različite komentare na tu temu. To je zaista vrlo aktualno i moramo biti informirani.

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Thanks for your reply 🙂 Let's see if we get more replies here, but I also have the feeling that it's better when smaller brands focus on one product (the casino) than sportsbetting+online casino+poker as well since sportsbetting activities are mostly prioritised compared to the casino ones.

Ažurirano od strane autora

I start a thread with this "Why no one mention gigants" thing... u gave good answer..They focus more on sport betting, so prefer brands that are focused on casino products...

I agree, but that doesn't mean they are bad or they can be enjoyable .

Me personally like to play casino on sport betting sites for 5 reasons...

1.i can play sport/and casino in same time on same place

2.I feel more Secure (many casinos close acc,won't payout wins,and other stuff... this happens almost never on Sportbetting sites)at least from my experience

3.They have good withdrwal time (mostly 1-3 some casinos u wait even 2-3 to 7 days)

4.Personally find live chat more serious than just casinos sites

5.They don't have 3x wager on deposit RULE

This last in maybe most important,even if it is on 5 place...i don't like when someone force me nd tells me how many times i need to play and..Sportbetting Brands have only rule for the bonuses.

Ofc there are downside also but only one (but important) , they usually lack of providers...

As i saw ,Playtech ,Pragmatic and Inspired Gaming,RTG ,Red tiger,PG Soft..This only apply on worldwide sportbetting brands/casinos..

In my country Sportbetting casinos have 10+ top popular providers so i Prefer to play on them all the time..idk how is in other countries, if someone can write here

Ažurirano od strane autora

Vrlo dobra tema ... Ljubitelj sam i manjih marki koje se fokusiraju samo na kockarnice i nisu vezane ni za jednu marku. Možda je to zbog problema koje sam iskusio s onim što se smatra najboljim, ali u stvarnosti to nisu ... gubljenje vremena, spora komunikacija, negativne reakcije itd.

Ne želim se u potpunosti žaliti na divove, ali do sada nisam vidio pouzdanog ... nadam se da će se to jednog dana promijeniti.

Automatski prevedeno:

Oduvijek sam igrao u internetskim kockarnicama koje su dio popularnog branda i moje mišljenje nije baš potpuno, ali više volim velike poput 365bet i winbet. Mora da postoji razlog da se toliko često igra među igračima, a to je zbog njihove odlične usluge. Naravno, i ja sam prolazio kroz neke probleme, ali pretpostavljam da se to događa s vremena na vrijeme.

Automatski prevedeno:

Pa ... moj odgovor je dvosmislen. Najveći profit sam zaradio igrajući na divovskim markama kockarnica, ali također sam izgubio i više vremena čekajući da izvrše posao ili riješe druga pitanja. Potpuno ste u povjerenju u manja kockarnica - oni su najbolja opcija ako želite biti sigurni.

Automatski prevedeno:

Definitivno najveća kockarnica ... Biram ih iz razloga povezanih sa sigurnošću i pouzdanošću. Imao sam puno problema sa malim kockarnicama koje su nepredvidivo zatvorene i nisam primio bonuse.

Općenito, uvijek postoji rizik i morate dvaput razmisliti.

Automatski prevedeno:

There are bonuses available too for gamers and hotels. Most of the casinos have a collection of slot machines that require no deposit. These are situated in the casino lobby and you can find a free slot when you call in and ask for it.

Izmenjeno od Radka
Razlog: Zabranjen link

Da, potpuno se slažem, zašto niko ne pominje takve gigante kao što je jer na tako velikim platformama za igre možete pronaći šta god želite, jer kul platforma za igre se može naći samo u forumima kazina gde ljudi stvarno znaju kako da igraju.

Izmenjeno od Radka
Razlog: made the link passive
Automatski prevedeno:

That's probably because the last post was a 4 year old advertisement.. 🙂 Interested in seeing Gamdon listed? Suit yourself:

Anything else you'd like to say? Search the forum, you'll surely find threads dedicated to Gamdom:

for instance.

GAMDOM took my money disabled account it says fuk you GAMDOM give me my filing money back



Are you referring to unintentionally voided winnings when you say the casino took your money? It is usually associated with an account closure. I hope you have at least some idea of why your account has been closed. Are there any rule violations you are aware of? I'm asking because we may figure something out here.

Share the whole story, please It is in your best interest, I guess. According to the very short complaint post, you won't get much further without details.

Just to be sure, is this about casino or sports betting activities, plase? The thread suggests sports betting, which might be quite a complication.

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