NaslovnaForumKazinaStarda Casino - opšta diskusija

Starda Casino - opšta diskusija

 od franztheuerw
5.692 pregleda 25 odgovora |
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Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za Starda Casino, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.

ne možete da igrate sa evrima, već sa rusom rubljama? Nisu li isključeni iz ibana? čini mi se veoma čudnim

Automatski prevedeno:

Well, quite a question for support, I'd say. 🤔

I found that "On 26 February 2022, Cyprus, Italy, Hungary and Germany confirmed that they would not block the Russian exclusion from SWIFT."

I take it as a ban for the organizations set in "unfriendly countries", not for currency. Not the expert myself though.

Kazina su prevaranti. Muče me već mesec dana. Poslao sam sve fotografije - prihvatili su fotografiju. I traže previše fotografija. Selfi sa TIN, selfi sa izvodom iz matične knjige rođenih, selfi sa SNILS, fotografija za pasoš, selfi sa pasošem! Apsurd! Toliko dokumenata. Možda su hteli da uzmu kredit za mene? I rekli su da možete povući, sve je u redu. I šta mislite da se desilo? Naravno, ništa nije izašlo! Oni su očigledno lagali! i rekli su da je potrebna dodatna provera 72 sata! Svi razumete da će kasnije biti novih razloga da ne platite! Onda kažu sačekajte godinu dana i tako dalje. I sve to za 80 dolara!!!! Kazino je u stečaju!

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello there! I'm so glad you've found this forum and come here! I truly think the casino must have quite a good reason for such excessive demands - withdrawal is worth $80? That's close to "ridiculous".

Can't speak on behalf of the casino, but if the casinos suspect you of some kind of fraud, I would expect a verification call instead.

I unintentionally found you're using VPN software pretty often changing the countries, due to that, you may (not saying you are) seem suspicious to the casino, perhaps. Just a thought.

Good luck with the complaint, and keep us posted!

Deponovano €25 i osvojiti €11843. Novac je stigao za tren, bar 1000 evra je stiglo na račun četiri puta dnevno.

Nikada nisam osvojio toliko novca.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi there, and congratulations!

That's indeed a very interesting sum, given the value of the deposit. 👍🙌

In such cases, it is usually divided into several payouts that meet the withdrawal limits.

So, 4 parts made it home, and the rest is on the way, I guess. 4k per day is not so bad, I'd say. I mean, I'm glad you picked a casino with very reasonable withdrawal limits.

Sometimes players do not care much about the limits in advance and then become angry when they hit big and must wait several months to get the full amount. 🙂


Svi delovi su stigli kući, samo su podeljeni.

Zato što sam mogao da prenesem samo 1000 € po povlačenju i mogao sam da napravim samo 4 povlačenja dnevno.

Automatski prevedeno:

That's probably the first time I hear about a rule of 4 withdrawals per day. Anyway, I'm glad it ended up well for you 🙂


I think it would be good to clarify that self-exclusion is a responsible gambling tool designed for players struggling with control or facing gambling harm. In practical terms, it involves blocking the player's account and personal data, preventing further play.

It usually goes hand in hand with declaring a gambling problem in order to close the account as soon as possible. Closed accounts are not meant to be reopened. Here comes the word "exclusion" It's designed to be permanent.

In light of that, I understand the chat operators might be confused.

Players might want their accounts to be closed right away, even if there is no risk of an unhealthy temptation. In such a case, the account might be reopened in the future.

What you were seeking is sort of a cooling period, a time you want your account to be frozen. But soon after, you are allowed to get back and continue playing. Am I correct, please?

On the other hand, I can't say I understand Freya's response. Since I'm not familiar with the whole background, I find it a bit confusing.

As a result of her action, though, your account was closed permanently, which is not what you asked for, I'd say.

And here comes another issue, If I may guess, I'd say she purely focused on the fact that you had opened two accounts, but she also, let's say, overlooked the context.

Well, may I know whether you've gotten your full balance out of the casino, please? Because if not, I'm quite convinced submitting a complaint won't be a mistake. As I say, I'm not fully familiar with the whole situation, yet a little investigation won't hurt, especially if you have some doubts.

Are you up to one?


The casino reached out to me. This issue was resolved.


Perfect so I'm glad that everything turned out well in the end. 😊👍

Are you going to stay in this casino even though there were such problems or are you going to move elsewhere ? 

Oduševljen sam kazinom.

Super brza verifikacija i povlačenje u roku od 20 minuta.

Sada ću ostati ovde.

Automatski prevedeno:

That's perfect. I think it would deserve a review, so if you're interested you can do so here. 😀😎👍

As for the withdrawals, what method do you use to collect the money ? 


Ne plaćaju ni prvo povlačenje. Oni su prevaranti. Vidite da u ćaskanju pratilac donosi odluke, što sve čini veoma sumnjivim!

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, did you have a problem in this casino too and they didn't cash you out here ? Do you know the reason ? Please tell us a bit more so we can ty to help you. 

So do I understand correctly that you requested a withdrawal for the amount you haven't had in your account, and they paid it? Very strange indeed. Luckily, they fixed it right away. Now you just need to wait until the amount is back in your account, and only then will you be able to request the right amount to be withdrawn. Make sure to let us know how all this is going.

Platio sam bankovnim transferom u petak i još uvek nisam primio novac na svoj račun. Međutim, to je zaduženo od banke

Automatski prevedeno:

Pošaljite kazinu kopiju depozita/bankovnog izvoda.

Automatski prevedeno:

Platio sam bankovnim transferom u petak i još uvek nisam primio novac na svoj račun. Međutim, to je zaduženo od banke

Automatski prevedeno:

Have you contacted the casino about this problem? I would probably try to notify them as well and they will probably ask you what the other player sent. 

Will you please try and let me know how it turns out ? 

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