NaslovnaForumKazinaStelario Casino - opšta diskusija

Stelario Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 2)

pre 2 godina od pufabass86
11.092 pregleda 75 odgovora |
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pre 1 godinu

Hello my name is Christos and i start and account at STELARIO casino at November 1st 2023.

After i did make a 40euro deposit (no bonus incuded) i procced to the hacksaw provider and bought the super bonus at ITERO at 0.20 stake and won 110 euro i then bought ROYAL POTATO at 0.20 stake and won 180-190 euros and lost some of them at the end i bought the super bonus at BOWERY BOYS 0.20 stake and won 1740 euros and lost some of them i did tried to make a withdraw the amount of 600 euros the casino informed me that i must verify myself with some documents and so i did.

After that they did send me an email asking for a selfie of me holding my ID and so i did that also and after all of the document (bills that shows my address, a phone bill with my name, my bank card in front and back and my ID) they blocked me with the following reason "THE ACCOUNT HAS BEEN BLOCK FOR GAMBLING ADDICION" and they send me the following EMAIL :

Dear Christos Zaloumis,            


The Stelario Casino Risk Department has conducted a detailed investigation into your SENPAI21 login. Account SENPAI21 - did not pass the casino security check.

During the verification of your account, a violation of the project rules was discovered, namely:

- It is prohibited to transfer funds from one account to another and use third party payment methods;

Due to the identified violations, your balance was canceled and your account was closed without the right to reopen.

According to the rules of the project, you are prohibited from playing on this site. The Casino is not responsible for your opening a new account or any losses you may incur after opening a new account.

We reserve the right to close an account created in violation of these rules at any time.

This decision is final and cannot be revised.

So i did make all the effort and believe me its very hard for me to endure all that i am here and ask you

can you please help so i can retrieve my money?

Thank you a lot.

pre 1 godinu

Hi, I'm sorry you got yourself into this situation. However, are you aware that you transferred funds from one account to another and used a third party payment method ? 

In this case, if you don't feel that you have broken the casino rules or that there was no mistake on your part, I would recommend filing a complaint here on this link. 

Our team will try to help you and look into the situation in depth and see where we can get to. Are you in ? 

pre 1 godinu

Osvojio sam pobedu u ovom kazinu, uspeo sam da verifikujem svoj nalog sada imam problema sa verifikacijom kartice! Nije moguće da postoji sav ovaj nered da se povuče i umesto toga uplati sve je vrlo jednostavno i brzo! Može li neko da mi pomogne da proverim podatke o mojoj kartici?

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 godinu

Hello. May I ask what do you mean by "verifying my card"? Have you used this card to make a deposit as well?

I am asking because the casinos to make sure that the player is the owner of the account, generally allow players to make a withdrawal only to accounts or cards with which they have previously made a deposit

You could ask the support about this. Also if there is some problem with your card, maybe check with your payment provider.

I can understand that it seems strange when you see that to make a deposit is usually very easy, but to withdraw the money can be so time consuming, but it is actually caused because of the verification process which needs to be done and most of the casinos start it when the withdrawal is asked for. And as you say all the problems or issues could start. That's why is always best to cooperate with the casino and provide all the documents they ask for.

Let us know if you have any answer from the support. Will wait for your news.

pre 8 meseci

Ne razumem sve ove negativne stvari, momci, bukvalno sam na stelariju već 8 meseci, a sa njihovim tokenskim programom lojalnosti generišem mnogo novca i pričam više od 2.000/3.000 mesečno bez radeći pola spina, uvek lako povlačim i imam profit od 3.500 i više i imam oko 7.200 (1.900.000 tokena) koji generiše 70/90 evra dnevno, sećam se da sam tokom verifikacije toliko opsovao da mi je skoro trebalo 10 dana, ali sam sve proverio, i uvek su mi slali novac bez problema. Tako da je moj savet da pošaljete šta god vas traže, jer je to zaista poštena zbrka po mom iskustvu i ja se ionako povlačim već 8 meseci, a ne 8 dana.

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pre 8 meseci

So it's good that you have a good experience. Not everyone has to have it and sometimes verification can be quite painful. However, once the player passes it, then it should only get better. 

You play here all the time, right ? What method do you use for withdrawal ? How long does it take for the money to come in? 🙂

pre 8 meseci

Slažem se, obično koristim bankovni transfer (već sam potvrdio i prikupio 20/30 operacija podizanja, ili čak BTC ili e-novčanika uopšte, jedina mana je što ove poslednje dve/tri nedelje ćaskanje uživo ne radi i mejlovi ne rade). Odgovaram, ali uprkos tome uplate su ipak obavljene, samo sam pitao zašto ne mogu da mi pošalju preko e-novčanika, samo želim da razumem zašto ne odgovaraju, jer čak i pri proveri da li mi verujete ili ne Mučio sam se ali sam uvek odgovarao i uostalom nisam imao više problema, ali ih nemam ni sada, ali dugme za ćaskanje uživo ne radi, ako bi popravili sve bi bilo savršeno

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 8 meseci

Kao Italijan, garantujem vam da to nije slučaj, zahvaljujući njihovom programu lojalnosti sa tokenima ja bukvalno pasivno generišem 2/3k mesečno bez problema, u suštini iz kazina to je za mene postala čista investicija, povlačim se bez problema, oni pitali su me i dosta dokumenata, ali kada je sve bilo urađeno, proveravali su me i uvek su mi slali novac 8 meseci kasnije, imam istoriju od 2.100 deponovanih i 4.000 povučenih, a da ne spominjem da još uvek imam 7.400 koji stvaraju 70/ 80 evra dnevno, tako da nije prevara i ne razumem zašto doživljavam samo negativna iskustva kada nisam imao nikakvih problema 8 meseci, osim poslednje dve nedelje kada ne odgovaram na mejlove i live chat ne radi, ali i pored ovoga sam podigao 900€ i stiglo bez problema sa bankovnim transferom, više ne igram i više ne uplaćujem već samo zato što ionako sami generišu, ali nije prevara, inače posle 8 meseci Ne bih bio ovde da ti ovo kažem

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 8 meseci

Slažem se, obično koristim bankovni transfer (već sam potvrdio i prikupio 20/30 operacija podizanja, ili čak BTC ili e-novčanika uopšte, jedina mana je što ove poslednje dve/tri nedelje ćaskanje uživo ne radi i mejlovi ne rade). Odgovaram, ali uprkos tome uplate su ipak obavljene, samo sam pitao zašto ne mogu da mi pošalju preko e-novčanika, samo želim da razumem zašto ne odgovaraju, jer čak i pri proveri da li mi verujete ili ne Mučio sam se ali sam uvek odgovarao i uostalom nisam imao više problema, ali ih nemam ni sada, ali dugme za ćaskanje uživo ne radi, ako bi popravili sve bi bilo savršeno

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 8 meseci

Maybe they are just going through some changes or improvements, so you can definitely let us know if it will go in a while or if communication will be impossible. I think this is quite important especially when there are some problems. I probably wouldn't want to get no answer. 

On the other hand, I am happy that everything is going well, you always get the money and you don't have any other difficulties. After all, that's probably the most important thing for players. 

So if everything goes well with the chat, let me know. 

pre 8 meseci

Da, ažuriraću za par nedelja, ali za sada nikada nisam imao problema u vezi sa faktorom novca/povlačenja osim na e-novčaniku (btc, eth, itd..) koji pokušavam da podignem već dve nedelje i ponište povlačenje pozivajući me (putem mejla) da naplatim putem bankovnog transfera, obavestiću o svemu za par nedelja

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pre 8 meseci

Thanks, I will definitely look forward to the update. 

As for the problem with the e-wallet withdrawal, maybe they have some problems with this method and I hope it will be available soon. 

May it go well. 

pre 7 meseci


I submited a complaint about stelario casino, in which my account has been disabled by administrator after a withdrawal i tried to make. They don't answer my emails and they have a very bad attitude in the live chat. I have more details inside the complaint along with the live-chatscript. Does anyone know long does it take for my complaint to get reviewed and open?

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 7 meseci
pre 7 meseci


Your complaint has been reviewed and is now available right here 👈.

As far as I can assume, the casino most likely detected same patterns for both yours and your friend's accounts. When you were visiting your friend's house to show him how lucky you had been, you connected through his wifi. Despite our belief that the same IP address is not enough to strip someone from his winnings, many casino's just need a second chance to think about it. Thus, it's great that you opened the complaint.

As soon as the team gathers necessary information form you, I bet the casino representative will be prompted to present the casino's opinion on the situation. It takes some time, however.

For now, update Nick, please, to ensure he understands the situation well. We'll stay in touch.

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 7 meseci
pre 6 meseci

Zdravo jaro, za sada dobro, samo jedna čudna stvar večeras, obično iz njihovog programa lojalnosti sam imao ograničenje od 250.000 povlačećih tokena, ali večeras nisam zašto mi je dozvolilo da podignem maksimalno 12.500 (trebao sam da konvertujem 60.000 što je oko 200€) pa i sad mi daje "dostignut limit za povlačenje", teoretski limit bi trebao biti dnevni, svejedno ću vas obavestiti, nadam se da neću morati da otvaram žalbe i da nema ništa čudno

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 6 meseci

Da li je takođe čudno što moj razgovor uživo ne radi?

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 6 meseci

Hi, did you also try to write to them about what you are describing to me ? I think they should be willing to explain to you how it is. 

As for the live chat, have you emailed them to find out what this might be ? If it has been normal for you so far, it doesn't seem normal to me. 

So try asking them about it. 

pre 6 meseci

Jaro onda za izdavanje tokena mislim da je dnevni limit povlačenja smanjen, jer sam danas mogao da konvertujem još 12.500 tokena i igram bez problema, tražio sam povlačenje u subotu (praznik) ali odmah jutros je uplata stigla bez problemi, za sada je sve normalno zabavljam se u kazinu i igram normalno, samo ne razumem zašto live ćaskanje ne radi i ne odgovaram na imejl podrške, ali sve dok nemam problemi sa plaćanjem ili bilo čim drugim, mogu vam reći da za sada sve ide glatko (iz ličnog iskustva su uvek bili pošteni i uvek su mi plaćali i odgovarali na mejlove i ćaskanje uživo, osim u poslednja dva meseca kada nisam ne dobijem odgovor na mejl, a onda kada kliknem na iskačući prozor za ćaskanje uživo ništa se ne dešava, ali ponavljam, nemam problema ni sa čim, to je bila samo moja radoznalost, nadam se i mislim da neću imati problema sa stelario u budućnosti na faktor plaćanja i tako dalje

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pre 6 meseci

Well, I'm glad it all got sorted out in the end and you got your money. Sometimes you just have to be a little patient, because not everything is sent right away. If you haven't had any trouble in the past, that makes it all the nicer, so I would keep a cool head during some of the delays. 

However, if you have anything else to say, feel free to write. Anyway, I believe that you will continue to thrive here and you will collect only pleasant experiences. 🙂

pre 6 meseci

jedino se nadam da kada mi zatrebaju oni i podrška nadam se da je aktivna a ne kao sada, jer dobijam novac ali podrška ne odgovara na mejl

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pre 6 meseci

I can't promise you that, and if it's important to you then maybe I would try to get in touch with them, and if that's not possible, then it's probably better to find another casino where it's not like that. Communication would be important to me as well, so I know why you have this approach. But you are always free to decide if you want to continue playing here. If they ignore you and you expect them to come back to you when something comes up, you might be unpleasantly surprised. 

pre 6 meseci

I meni je to važno, ali bih samo želeo da razumem da li imaju problema sa sistemom e-pošte ili ih ne primaju.

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