Želeo bih da uključim odgovor koji ćemo koristiti u našoj e-poruci sa igračima čije su recenzije korisnika Stupid Casino-a odbijene.
Obično ne možemo biti vrlo konkretni, ali u ovom slučaju ćemo napraviti izuzetak. Saznali smo da je kazino svojim igračima poslao e-poštu sa 40 besplatnih okretaja za pregled. Ovo je iskreno protiv naših uslova i odredbi:
Kao rezultat toga, doneli smo odluku da odbijemo svih više od 800 recenzija koje su stigle u jednom danu. Pored toga, svesni smo da vi, igrači, niste uradili ništa loše, i izvinjavam se za eventualne neprijatnosti.
I would like to include a response that we are going to use in our email correspondence with players whose Stupid Casino user reviews were rejected.
Usually, we cannot be very specific, but in this case we will make an exception. We found out that the casino sent an email to its players offering 40 free spins for a review. This is frankly against our Terms and Conditions:
As a result, we made the decision to reject all more than 800 reviews that came in in a single day. Additionally, we are aware that you, the players, did nothing improper, and I apologize for any inconveniences.