NaslovnaForumKazinaSuperb Casino - opšta diskusija

Superb Casino - opšta diskusija

 od jimjamjim
53.463 pregleda 322 odgovora |
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Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za Superb Casino, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.

They're all demonstrably criminals and by raising their rating slightly, casino guru is enabling this.


Is enabling what?

I understand it would seem weird when a casino with unresolved complaints has a good safety index, yet you should keep in mind that this is completely a different case.

Does this sound like an invitation to you?


What is the matter? We actually invite players to browse recommended casinos instead of joining this one.


The rating has increased! That's what's the matter. Please explain how, given all the evidence and unresolved complaints, that could be possible? Unless your algorithm is flawed.


This casino has a saftey index (rating) of 2.2. I don't really understand what's bothering you here, as it's always a good idea to check the information about a casino before you go somewhere to play. By having unresolved complaints, they get black points and therefore their rating is lowered.


Have you finally received your withdrawal jimjamjim ?


Hi, I think if that was the case he would have updated us. Based on his complaint, which was unresolved, I assume he didn't get his withdrawal, which I'm very sorry about. I'd be happy if I wasn't right. Well, let's see if we hear from him. 

I recently have played with , deposit around £1500 with time to time and then ended on £3084. After my stake limit was reduced so decided to make full withdrawal . On their website it clearly says processing time 24H-48H.. Its more than 2 weeks now and still withdrawal status is pending and on chatting with rude online copy and paste agent, i been told it will take 7-21 business days . After reading reviews , they making players to give up but i will not give up ..Did anyone get paid here .. kindly share.


According to our information, this casino is under maintenance. Thus, I would say it will take quite some time; otherwise, we won't probably know. Could be related to your issue. 🤔

In case you played casino games, try to submit a free-of-charge complaint:

We will do our best to help you out. Further details are listed here.


Imao sam samo najgora iskustva. Zadržani ste nedeljama sa lošim izgovorima da dobijete isplatu. samo PREVARA. Nadam se da će ovakva kazina uskoro biti zatvorena da više ne prave štetu. Lično, nisam imao veliku sumu da nije isplaćena

ali drugi igrači verovatno imaju gore. Takvi lažni kazina uništavaju čitavu industriju

Ali postoje i poštena i ugledna kazina na internetu koja onda pate od takvih lažnih kazina.

ali ko stavlja prevarantsku ruku u takva kazina???????

Lično sam ponovo postao mnogo oprezniji

Superb Casino je puna prevara. Biti pažljiv

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello, what was the situation in the casino when you say you had only bad experiences here ? Is it just the withdrawal that you mention ? Can you please describe a bit more so that other players have a chance to see what you went through ? 

Želeo sam da se moj dobitak isplati. Imao sam najmanje 20 ili više razgovora uživo i uvek je ista stvar. Nametnuti ste izgovorima i to traje skoro mesec dana. Hteo sam da otkažem isplatu i igram dok ne izgubim novac, tada bih ga barem izgubio, ali ne mogu čak ni da otkažem isplatu kao što mogu u drugim renomiranim kazinima. Ali budimo iskreni, ni u jednom renomiranom kazinu isplata ne traje 1 mesec. A ako pročitate komentare na Internetu o Superb Casinu onda su oni slični mom iskustvu. Ne zanimaju me čak ni bednih 100 evra, ali mrzim da me varaju da bih postao. Moram da kažem da su to izolovani slučajevi, većina kazina na internetu je renomirana i OK. Možda možete postići nešto što bi me pozitivno iznenadilo.

Lep dan

Automatski prevedeno:

Well, the cavalry is on the way - I'm talking about your complaint.

The most important thing I'd like to mention is the necessity of further updates when we're speaking about the complaint process. Sadly, we won't get much further without additional information, so please take a look at that - you may do so right here and now.

I'd also like to mention that when it comes to the player's winnings protection, I usually deem it much safer when the player just can't cancel the withdrawal. But I admit it may feel different in your situation 🙁.

Additionally, I would not say this casino should be considered a reputable one. Have you seen this its safety index? Despite that, members of the Complaint Team will do their best to help.

I'm sorry you have this kind of experience.



To je samo pokušaj sa moje strane da upozorim i nisam znao kome da se obratim u takvim stvarima. Sporni iznos nije bio dovoljan ni policiji, a ni Privrednoj komori Austrije, iako se oni vrlo rado bave takvim stvarima. Ali kao što sam rekao, sporni iznos je prenizak za mene. Više me brine ozbiljnost drugih provajdera kazina ili sportskog klađenja

prema onima koji svoj posao obavljaju ozbiljno. Crnih ovaca ima svuda, posebno na internetu. i od ovog slučaja se bavim samo bezbednosnim indeksom o kockarnicama i Guruu. Pročitao sam Superbovo oglašavanje na Fejsbuku i upravo sam ga isprobao kao i mnoga druga kazina.

Ne igram velike sume novca i većinu vremena izgubiš novac koji uložiš, ali to znaš unapred i to je u redu, inače je bolje da ne igraš uopšte i ako imaš sreće da nešto osvojiš neće se isplatiti iz nekih slabašnih argumenata.

I to je ono što me oduševljava i zašto sam se registrovao kod vas.

Ranije nisam ni znao da postoji takav sajt.


Automatski prevedeno:

I really appreciate your efforts, and I'm grateful you came here and shared this bitter experience.

Also, I feel you are a very responsible player; it is great to know that, and I hope your healthy approach will serve as a good example for the rest of the community.

It is sad to know such casinos display irresistible advertisements on social media, sadly, this is a modern trend and partly a reason why we put our effort into the safety index.

Well, we learn from our mistakes, our role is to help avoid danger. I'm glad to see we share a common goal.

Thank you!

Molimo vas !!

I drago mi je da uopšte postoji sajt gde možete razmeniti ideje o prijatnim i ne baš prijatnim stvarima, i malo o bezbednosti stanovništva koje se igra na internetu

doprinosi. Na Internetu postoje i dobra i apsolutno renomirana kazina.

Lep dan

Automatski prevedeno:

Yes I think it's important and certainly appropriate that players can support each other or warn each other in various things about casinos, so I think it's good.

As for the casinos themselves, sure, everything has its advantages and disadvantages, and casinos can be good and bad, just like everything in this world.

However, I noticed that Tomas replied to the complaint, so it would be useful if you could send him the answer to his questions so that he can move on. Would that be possible ?

Have a nice day too.


Ako već niste igrali i možda podigli novac iz odličnog kazina, nemojte ići tamo, isplate traju 7-21 bankarski dan (21), za koje vreme ne možete ponovo da povučete i ne možete da otkažete povlačenje bilo, tako da je potpuno besmisleno mesto, ali ima dosta kazina da birate tako da možete zaboraviti na takva mesta, ja sam sada čekao novac koji sam odatle podigao 3 nedelje!

Automatski prevedeno:

Hey, does that mean you still haven't received the money for 3 weeks ? Did the casino tell you why it's taking so long ?

As far as the casino itself is concerned, it has a pretty low safety index, so I would be careful in depositing here in the future. 

Anyway, let me know what stage you are in. I'll be waiting.


Hep, ja još čekam svoj novac i njihovo objašnjenje je da pregled traje 7-21 radni dan, pa za to vreme "istražuju" da li sam igrao igre po pravilima, sa pravim ulozima itd, itd, ali sada kada sam pročitao druge ljude koji su isplaćivali u istom Kazinu poruke igrača, ni oni nisu mogli da isplate, kazino želi da odustanemo i zaboravimo na to i čini činjenicu da ne možete ni da poništite to povlačenje a još je čudnije da ne možete da napravite novo povlačenje dok se prethodno ne obradi, moja situacija nije ozbiljna, jer sam povukao samo 100e ali ima i drugih koji čekaju njihove hiljade evra, srećno im sa njihovim podizanjem, nadam se da ćete dobiti svoj novac i znam da više nikada nećete igrati u Superb kazinu, ažuriraću svoju situaciju ponovo za nedelju dana...

Automatski prevedeno:
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