NaslovnaForumKazinaSuperBoss Casino - opšta diskusija

SuperBoss Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 5)

 od Freudstein
32.523 pregleda 143 odgovora |
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I was referring to similar situations in general, mentioning the most common complications.

You know, I do not know what caused your issues, furthermore, you mentioned the withdrawal was marked as paid after I replied to you - I'm seeing that in the complaint now.

So, let's get back to the usuals. How did the casino explain? Are you in touch with the support


Podrška tvrdi da je verovatno bilo nekih tehničkih problema sa njihovim dobavljačem plaćanja, ali još uvek čekaju odgovor. I već je prošlo 8 dana!

Zato se klonite ovog kazina jer oni ne plaćaju bilo kakvim izgovorima.

Automatski prevedeno:

Ni danas mi novac nije stigao na bankovni račun.

A prema kazinu, provajder platnih usluga još nije dao objašnjenje.

Naravno, ovo je samo izgovor koji koriste dok drže moj novac.

Moja žalba takođe odugovlači bez napretka.

Svaki igrač koji razmišlja da otvori SuperBoss račun za igre treba da zna da ga ne bi trebalo zavesti super pozitivna ocena Casino Gurua. Ovaj kazino je čista prevara.

Automatski prevedeno:

Ali da li samo ja još uvek nisam plaćen od SuperBosa??

Prošlo je 14 dana bez primanja novca sa isplatama označenim kao uplaćene!

Kazino koji ne plaća i koji je ocenjen kao odličan izaziva me jezu, kao i mnoge sumnje!

A u međuvremenu moja žalba se zaglavljuje!!

Automatski prevedeno:

Ali da, pustimo da prođe svih 7 dana pre nego što kontaktiramo predstavnika kazina u vezi sa mojom žalbom. Prošlo je samo 17 dana otkako nisam primio uplate..

Automatski prevedeno:

I'm sorry to hear you still have issues with the withdrawal. I checked your complaint and I can see you already forwarded the communication to Kristina. Please, give her a bit more time to go through it.

Ne otvarajte račune za igre u SuperBoss kazinu jer se ne isplati!

Čekam skoro mesec dana na uplatu od 4000€ koja nikako da stigne!

Kažu da su imali problema sa plaćanjem bankovnim transferom, ali sve je to izgovor jer čak ni sa kriptovalutom ne žele da plaćaju isplate.

Automatski prevedeno:

Thanks for the notice. I see even the complaint is waiting for the casino to respond!

Have you ever experienced anything unusual before?


Worst ever. They waisting your time maximum to not pay you. Hoping you will loose all your win until they finish "verification" from providers. If you are patient,they will waste more time with day whidrawal limits - 500 € per day. Security in low level. The last win 4000 € I received only 500 € . Because in some how someone knew, that I have big balance and cracked my account. After declined whidrawal to unknown cryptowallet, I never used any crypto wallet on this casino, they even didn't block temporary my account for security and all my balance was played off. All 3,500 € . After fiting with casino about this situation - the casino conclusion was, that I used myself an VPN and played off all by myself. And all my evidence about strange crypto wallet and VPN they didn't accepted. And most interesting thing - after all this situation already 2 months ago there no wins at all anymore. 

Zdravo, ovaj kazino je potpuno lažan. Oni odlažu povlačenje navodeći da morate da verifikujete svoj telefon da biste vam poslali novac, kreirajući zahtev za povlačenje, vaš novac ostaje na saldu igre. Oni takođe rade nešto veoma nezakonito, a to je da manipulišu slotovima. Tako nešto nisam nigde video, ali nemam drugo objašnjenje. Kada sam u slotu koji mi daje, ispuštaju me iz slota file ovo je jedan od slučajeva i nakon što me ispadnu i ponovo pokrenem igru, automatski igram demo što je super čudno. Njima bi trebalo oduzeti licencu, oni su 100% prevaranti. Gde mogu da otpremim video?

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, so if I understand correctly your account hasn't been fully verified yet ? Is this your first casino withdrawal ? We give the casino 14 days to fully verify your account and process your withdrawal. How long has your situation been going on ? 

Regarding the slots and you have doubts, have you tried to check with support how it is possible that you get an error so often ? If you have some evidence and your situation is already longer than the time frame I mentioned, I would recommend to file a complaint on this link: where you can then prove to our team what you have. 

Do you think it's a worthwhile thing to try ? 



Samo pogledajte video i dajte svoje mišljenje da li ovi ljudi zaslužuju da imaju licencu za ovo 🙂

Automatski prevedeno:

It's good that you have some proof. Does it happen on some other slots or just on this one ? 

Have you tried to contact support, what problem could occur in this case if you can run the game in the demo version but not in the normal version ? 

I would also like to ask how long has your situation regarding the withdrawal and KYC been going on? 

I will wait for your response.


Žreb je namešten, to je to. Ali nikada nisam video tako čudna izbacivanja iz proreza. Desilo mi se na bgaming-u, na igricama maskota i na onlipai-u, na Joker Coins Megavais-u u početku sam imao opkladu od 50 centi, napravio sam nekoliko okreta, palo me je i opklada od 50 centi je nestala, poslali su mi ekcel sa opkladama , te opklade od 50 centi nisu bile navedene tamo.

Automatski prevedeno:

Recently, a player asked us about distinguishing real slots from others, I feel you might want to see the response. If you do, it's here:

I thought it might interest you since it is about the genuity of games.

Speaking about games, do I understand correctly you're currently missing a few bets in the betting history?

Can you perhaps recall whether those sums of 50 cents were deducted from your balance while playing?

Casino Guru you need to review this casino mark from 9.4 to more lower. A lot of reviews where this casino try to scam people. They said that slot provider Wazdan make verification of my winnings, but not theirs casino, this is total scam and lies. I play Wazdan slots in a lof of other casino and had winnings more then x400 with max bet. And never saw "provider verification", but i see that this casino use this scam way for all people who win at this site. They say that provider asked for "verification", to waste withdraw for 21` day.

If you try to find fair casinos, this casino can not be in this list.


100% sam siguran da je uzimao. Takve anomalije nisam video. Recimo da igram sa 180 evra, igra me ispusti i vrati mi 220 evra, to je ostavilo dobar utisak na mene 😀. Nažalost, nemam načina da to dokažem, imam samo video snimke sudara. Inače ovaj kazino manipuliše slotovima i siguran sam.

Automatski prevedeno:

Casino Guru you need to review this casino mark from 9.4 to more lower. A lot of reviews where this casino try to scam people. They said that slot provider Wazdan make verification of my winnings, but not theirs casino, this is total scam and lies. I play Wazdan slots in a lof of other casino and had winnings more then x400 with max bet. And never saw "provider verification", but i see that this casino use this scam way for all people who win at this site. They say that provider asked for "verification", to waste withdraw for 21` day.

If you try to find fair casinos, this casino can not be in this list.


Firstly, we list all casinos without exclusions - even those who ask to be removed. 🙂

I'm sorry your playing history is being investigated, obviously, it is not my place to support your opinion at this point. Sometimes it just happens and the casino - or game provider should have a good reason for that. This is something I can't however, distinguish now - but I appreciate your insight.

Additionally, the rating is affected by complaints - not by user reviews, the reason is simple: we can't evaluate information given through user reviews, we can however, investigate through the complaint process.

Do you think you could use some help? Submit the complaint, this is always the best approach.

I wonder whether you've been told a reason for this check. Have you? 🤔

100% sam siguran da je uzimao. Takve anomalije nisam video. Recimo da igram sa 180 evra, igra me ispusti i vrati mi 220 evra, to je ostavilo dobar utisak na mene 😀. Nažalost, nemam načina da to dokažem, imam samo video snimke sudara. Inače ovaj kazino manipuliše slotovima i siguran sam.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello there.

Sadly, this is everlasting evergreen - players struggle to prove the casino is altering slots. I'm still convinced more of those situations are bugs, I have never heard about a case where the casino was caught during tempering with slots. Have you, perhaps?


I will submit complaint, casino will answer that they can not do something, It is provider verification. How complaint will help? Are possible to decrease rating of this casino with this complaint?

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