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Suprabets Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 11)

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Bro did you still face problem with them ? or they return you the balance ?

Sajtovi koje ste preporučili su samo primili žalbu, ali nije išlo dalje...

Automatski prevedeno:

There is little else to suggest, I'm afraid. Maybe it just take some time until the complaint is addressed. We also have a procedure called "case evaluation."

If we could theoretically just for fun say that you also deal with sports betting, could you explain what theoretical situation justifies closing someone's account and confiscating all of his funds?

All of the normal and regular sites simply limit the customer if they don't like his betting patterns, always in the case of the accounts that are making money instead of losing.

This is the only case I have ever met to openly admit that they are going to take your money and close your account if they don't like your betting patterns.

Ofcourse they can not prove anything, all of the evidence is circumstantial, but since they are in Curaçao, they don't care.

The other thing is, the Casino knows you are not going to deal with sports betting and they can simply push every open case here to the sports section - even if one made only one bet, and the case is closed - the rating is intact.


I'll try to explain this theoretical question.

The key point is that, even though the problem would have been a single sports wager, leading to the account's closure, it would also have required us to speak with the casino about related sports betting policies.

We are unable to do this because we lack the necessary expertise about sports betting to ensure fairness. We therefore let others handle that.

However, I believe I understand what you are saying. Few complaints have been made in the past about sports betting, which suggests that although the player placed some bets, his issue with the casino had nothing to do with the sports betting policies and procedures, such as delayed payment or account verification. The specifics are always important.

Bro, they are not in curacao. CEG for example are very fair.

The license is ANJOUAN GAMING LICENSING they even dont reply to mails, the licensor its a shame that even are together with suprabets.

The other thing is, the Casino knows you are not going to deal with sports betting and they can simply push every open case here to the sports section - even if one made only one bet, and the case is closed - the rating is intact. YOU RE RIGHT and casino guru must signal that many players face account problem. so people wont use suprabets.


now a theoretical question from my side, if I may:

Suppose that there is a website named "sportsbook reviews." Reviews have nothing to do with casinos; all guides and the majority of topics on the entire website relate to sports betting. Would you search for a respectable sportsbook or casino using such a website?

In addition, even though we do not have much to say about sports betting, you can still express your opinions in our forum, which we added because we recognize how important it is to share information. To be honest, we do not know a lot about "SB" policies, so how can we alert players to something we do not fully comprehend? Just keep in mind the summary of your complaint:

"As the issue resulting in your blocking was due sports betting-related issue, unfortunately, we won't be able to advise you correctly as we don't have enough insight into sports betting, and we wouldn't be able to judge competently all the pros and cons, therefore, we have to reject your complaint."

Consequently, the forum.

I'm not trying to oppose you, I just want you to understand that we have already had many similar discussions, yet none of these has changed anything.


No, for my part I am not asking you to judge, I am asking you to be an intermediary because for me for 2 months my emails are ignored and an account with 7000 euros is blocked without explanation, what I want is that just the representative of the casino site speaks and explains to me you see? You at least have a minimum of credibility not a simple player

Would you search for a respectable sportsbook or casino using such a website?

As for your question, I will look for a sportsbook and casino at the same time, today you and I know that many sites have a sports betting side and a casino side on the same site, so if their reputation is bad and they do not pay on bets obviously they will do the same for the casino and will not pay, so even if your site is about the casino side, and even if I wanted to look for a betting site if I have a bad rating on their site, I will not register. I think I have answered your question


Ok, I'm sorry what you have been through.

Not only is your complaint outside of our purview, but we would also be unable to ascertain the outcome of the response if we were to ask the casino representative such questions on your behalf while we are concentrating only on casinos.

Due to the GDPR policy, in order to fulfill your request, we would also need to establish new guidelines for the Resolution Center. I am afraid that is not going to occur. It goes without saying that the team is incapable of engaging in theoretical discussions about the numerous complaints pertaining to casinos.

Some websites advocate for resolving problems related to sports betting; in my view, it makes more sense to talk about your problem on these websites.

Regarding your response:

As for your question, I will look for a sportsbook and casino at the same time, today you and I know that many sites have a sports betting side and a casino side on the same site, so if their reputation is bad and they do not pay on bets obviously they will do the same for the casino and will not pay, so even if your site is about the casino side, and even if I wanted to look for a betting site if I have a bad rating on their site, I will not register. I think I have answered your question

I believe this whole communication proves your approach does not work as you thought it would. You have been assuming, and look where it got you.

Put simply, review casinos on pages designated for casinos and sportsbooks on pages devoted to sportsbooks. You are right; sports betting is available at a lot of casinos. However, do you really believe that the same individuals who establish the bonuses, guidelines, and business plans for casinos also manage the sports betting division of each casino? That is to say, the sports rules may be unjust even if the casino is excellent and fair. For this reason, we do not view sports betting as a casino feature and believe that assuming is not the best course of action.

Well, that's all, I'm afraid.


I think you don't understand what I'm getting at.

A casino that does not pay that has a bad reputation, that finds excuses to close an account and not give the winning money to the player. Automatically or there is a good chance that he will do the same in sports betting and vice versa it goes in both directions.

So for me as a player if I see that the site has a bad reputation in the casino, I will not register even if I want to play betting or casino. As long as the site has a reputation behind it. You don't have to register.

In this case by leaving an index 6.1/10 you contribute to a positive image of suprabets. But they are scammers...


I have been trying to explain that we do not have the same viewpoint here, and I understand what you are saying.

In my opinion, you might be partly right, but we simply cannot incorporate such an assumption into the mathematical formula of the Safety Index that is specific to casinos as long as we do not look into sports betting. At least every fan of sports betting has access to the forum.

It is okay if you believe that we should approach things differently. However, we won't, so please do not confuse the sportsbook rating—which we do not even offer—with the casino Safety Index.

You keep saying the same, hence, frankly, giving me no other option than to repeat myself too.

Casino Guru does not review or investigate sportsbooks. I'm sorry.

Hello radka i receive a response from the authorties.

Izmenjeno od Radka
Razlog: personal details deleted

Hi! If I may say so, I do not think it was a good idea to share that kind of screenshot online. Your email address and full name were visible.

Thus, I deleted the screenshot. Furthermore, the email shown seemed like your response only. Could you post solely the final statement, please?


Ažurirano od strane autora


The operator has confirmed violation of their T&Cs, specifically engaging in Arbitrage betting

We have reviewed the data provided by the operator and come to the conclusion they are correct

This account was engaged in Arbitrage betting in violation of the operators terms and conditions.


Thank you. I suppose this is all about sports betting, then. Frankly, completely out from our experties 🙁

Totalna prevara kompanija.

Počeo sam da se kladim na Suprabets u avgustu sa depozitom od oko 30 evra - dobio sam nekoliko zahteva za povlačenje da bih uspeo polako za više od jednog dana dok treći zahtev za povlačenje od 66 evra nije ostao nedovršen u ponedeljak 2. septembra i moj račun je bio zaključan i stanje u tom trenutku je bilo oko 250 €. Ne odgovaraju na mejlove i 10 puta dnevno razgovaram sa četom koji uopšte ne može i ne želi da pomogne. Kako ova kompanija može da radi i jedan dan. Potpuno su mi opljačkali moj dobitak - očigledno ne možeš da osvojiš 300 evra sa 30 evra za par nedelja?? Molim vas učinite nešto da ova kompanija prestane da nudi svoje igre čak i u Finskoj. Ovo je puno nemilosrdnog otvorenog zločina!!

Automatski prevedeno:

You can try here

File a complaint here and they will answer, for my part they were with suprabets its unfairness.

My account was locked with 7000 euros..


Da li je vaš slučaj sa suprabetima napredovao na bilo koji način? I koliko dugo je vaš nalog zaključan?

Automatski prevedeno:

Uložio sam žalbu - ali šta misle o vašem slučaju!!

Automatski prevedeno:

Totalna prevara kompanija.

Počeo sam da se kladim na Suprabets u avgustu sa depozitom od oko 30 evra - dobio sam nekoliko zahteva za povlačenje da bih uspeo polako za više od jednog dana dok treći zahtev za povlačenje od 66 evra nije ostao nedovršen u ponedeljak 2. septembra i moj račun je bio zaključan i stanje u tom trenutku je bilo oko 250 €. Ne odgovaraju na mejlove i 10 puta dnevno razgovaram sa četom koji uopšte ne može i ne želi da pomogne. Kako ova kompanija može da radi i jedan dan. Potpuno su mi opljačkali moj dobitak - očigledno ne možeš da osvojiš 300 evra sa 30 evra za par nedelja?? Molim vas učinite nešto da ova kompanija prestane da nudi svoje igre čak i u Finskoj. Ovo je puno nemilosrdnog otvorenog zločina!!

Automatski prevedeno:

I am really sorry that our complaint team couldn't offer you any help, as your complaint was related to sports betting, and we don't deal with it here.

I could suggest some sites that do, and maybe you will get some better response from them:


U moje ime, oni mogu da nastave svoj zločin i ubuduće – kada niko i ništa tu ne može ništa.

Ali nemojte praviti velike depozite tamo ako želite da igrate.

Naravno, verovatno možete nastaviti da igrate tamo još dugo ako samo izgubite, a ako igrate arbitražu, onda se nadajte da žeton koji se igra tamo neće pobediti - ali budite spremni da vaš nalog bude zatvoren ako pobedite ili pokušate da odatle povuče sredstva.

I ako iskreno kažem, ovaj moj problem nije vezan samo za sportsko klađenje - već i za to što je račun zaključan kada se za kratko vreme blagoslovi nesrazmeran iznos dobitaka - sada igrajte rulet ili klađenje 1,k,2 !!!

Nije ni čudo što ova lafka nastavlja da radi, iako je u poslednjih nekoliko godina bilo šokantno mnogo primera ove vrste aktivnosti. Varaju i uzimaju novac - i uprkos molbama, ne odgovaraju ništa.

Bolje bih razumeo da se upravo spremaju da zatvore svoju lokaciju i još uvek uzimaju sve što mogu da dobiju u poslednjim brojilima - onda razumem operativni model - inače ne razumem.

I da, i ja sam bio glup – na svu sreću ostao sam u prvih deset zbog dva uspešna povlačenja – inače je dobitak bio 250 evra.

Ažurirano od strane autora
Automatski prevedeno:

Pa, danas su mi odgovorili ne identifikujući moju grešku, a kamoli moj zločin - nisam uradio ništa loše ili pogrešne vrste opklada - nisam čak ni dobio nikakav bonus i koristio sam samo svoj metod depozita!!

Moje opklade su bile slične onome što moji prijatelji mogu da igraju tamo sve vreme - uglavnom su tražili najbolje kvote itd. - bez arbitražnih opklada itd... ali ovo je bio njihov klasičan odgovor, koji sam video i kod drugih!! !

„Dragi igrače,

Vaš nalog je označen zbog kršenja naših uslova i odredbi, tačka 11.5.

U skladu sa našim uslovima zatvorićemo vaš nalog.

Hvala na razumevanju

s poštovanjem,

SB tim

Automatski prevedeno:

blocked for 3 month, they wont do something for you bro suprabets, they didnt reply to thousand mails, the chat is always claiming that they re not responsable of account etc..

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