Nisam hteo ništa više da pišem, ali moram da reagujem na ovo:
Međutim, uz poštovanje, na osnovu navedenog pravila 11.5, tvrdim da je sportsko klađenje bio primarni razlog za zatvaranje vašeg naloga. Pravilo 11.5 je sveobuhvatno i sadrži paragrafe koji se direktno odnose na vaše navike klađenja i igre na koje se kladite."
Većinu slučajeva i situacija navedenih u ovom pravilu nije moguće dokazati i proveriti.
Lako je pokazati da je neko koristio dupli račun ili neko pranje novca verovatno, ali navike klađenja su nešto drugo.
U suštini oni ovde traže da donesu odluku o klađenju na osnovu radnom pika, 1 Ks 2 zatvorenih očiju. Samo u tom slučaju se smatrate rekreativcem, ali i samo ako ne pobedite. Pokušajte da osvojite veliki multibet i pokušajte da povučete taj iznos, ista stvar će se desiti.
Ako volim da tražim najbolje kvote i upoređujem kvote, i tražim večerašnje sastave, ko je povređen i ko igra u timu u kojem ne želi da bude, ako pratim objave igrača na društvenim mrežama, ako pratim kvote dešavanja i promene tokom dana, i posle svega što negde nađe neku vrednost za mene, imam svako pravo da prihvatim tu opkladu i pokušam da unovčim svoj naporan rad.
Svoje istraživanje smatram teškim radom.
Ako kazino, s druge strane, smatra da je ovaj proces nepravedan, oni imaju svako pravo da proglase opkladu poništenom. I imaju pravo da ograniče igrače koje vide kao obrazac ili profesionalne igrače.
Ali, po hiljadu i prvi put, nemaju pravo da vam kradu novac kao neku sumanutu zamišljenu naknadu za nešto!
U stvari, mogli bi da imaju to pravo ako bi dokazali da su sve navedene aktivnosti protivne pravilima klađenja nosioca kockarske i sportske dozvole.
Pored toga, davalac licence mora da potvrdi da je ova praksa konfiskacije sredstava igrača za obeštećenje u skladu sa važećim zakonima države, u ovom slučaju Kurasao.
Ja to jednostavno ne vidim mogućim, mislim da imate narko kartele sa osuđenim članovima gde država ima problema da konfiskuje svu imovinu iz pravnih razloga.
Ukratko, suprabet nas tretira gore nego što su članovi narko kartela tretirani od strane države.
I wasn't gonna write anything more, but I have to react to this:
However, respectfully, based on the listed rule 11.5, I contend that sports betting was the primary reason for your account closure. Rule 11.5 is comprehensive and contains paragraphs directly related to your betting habits and the games you wager on."
Most of the cases and situations mentioned in this rule are not possible to prove and not possible to verify.
It's easy to show that someone used double accounts or some money laundering probably, but the betting habits are something else.
Basically they are asking here to make a betting decion based on radnom pick, 1 X 2 with their eyes closed. Only in that case you are considered as recreational player, but also only if you don't win. Try to win some large multibet, and try to withdraw that amount, same thing is going to happen.
If I like to search for best odds and compare the odds, and look for tonight's lineups, who is injured and who plays in a team where he doesn't want to be, if I follow social posts of players, if I follow the odds developments and the change throughout a day, and after all that find some value for me somewhere, I have every right to to take that bet and try to cash in on my hard work.
I consider my research a hard work.
If the Casino on the other hand, finds this process to be unfair, they have every right to declare a bet a voided bet. And they have a right to limit players they see as a pattern or professional players.
But, for a thousand and first time, they don't have the right to steal your money as some crazy imagined compensation for something!
Actually they could have that right If they were to prove that all of the mentioned activities are against the betting rules of the gambling and sports licence holder.
And than also, the licence provider has to confirm that this praxis of confiscating funds of players for compensation is in compliance with current laws of the state, in this case Curaçao.
I simply don't see it as possible, I mean you have drug cartels with convicted members where the state has trouble in confiscating all of the property due to legal reasons.
In short, suprabets treats us worse then the members of drug cartels are treated from the state.
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