NaslovnaForumKazinaSvenplay Casino - opšta diskusija

Svenplay Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 5)

 od Geisseli
27.239 pregleda 137 odgovora |
1...4 5 67

Za Geisela, ovo pitanje

Automatski prevedeno:

Moro, prošlo je oko tri nedelje.

Automatski prevedeno:

Da, sad ću početi istu šalu, poslao sam dokumente, adresa

a bankovni podaci nisu prihvaćeni. Da li treba da pretimo žalbama ili je bolje da se ljutimo i pitamo svaki dan zašto se dokumenti ne primaju

Automatski prevedeno:

Moro, prošlo je oko tri nedelje.

Automatski prevedeno:


if you feel like you need help, kindly mind the possibility of submitting a complaint.

You can find some useful info right here. If you find the complaint worth a try, submit one by clicking/tapping this link.

The casino's reputation is very bad, so I hope we will be able to solve the issue.


I have played few months with svenplay and now there is 4k eur money that i have tried to withdraw for a month. I completed the kyv process and they have asked for 3 extra documents that i have sent and they have accepted. I tried to withdraw once again and i got an email saying that they just took 2,5k from my account because i have breached some of their bonus terms or other rules. Yes, i have taken their deposit bonus about 5-7 times and rolled them over as said in the rules. I asked them to give a explanation why this happened before making complaint to MGA.

Any experience with this kind of shit? I know they can decide the rules when playing with bonus money, but i did rollover for every bonus as rules said and now they just came up and accuse me of breaking the rules.

Has the casinoguru been able to help with svenplay? Or do i contact MGA straight away?



the rollover is just a single rule applied to bonuses, maybe you violated another rule. Sadly, I guess you are not well aware of the details, are you?

Sadly, the casino's score is so low now 🙁

Has the casino explained which rule you breached? I checked the complaint, hence I'd say no explicit explanation was made. You can always try the licensing authority as the last option because it is usually a long run if you ever receive a response.


Uvek sam čitao sopstvene uslove bonusa i pratio ih. Ovo je sledeće iz odeljka pravila bonusa:

a) „Prevarna praksa" označava svaku prevarantsku aktivnost kojom se bavite vi ili bilo koja osoba koja deluje u vaše ime ili u dosluhu sa vama, i uključuje bez ograničenja:

lažne povraćaje sredstava i povraćaj sredstava;

korišćenje ukradene, klonirane ili na drugi način neovlašćene kreditne ili debitne kartice kao izvora sredstava od strane vas ili bilo koje druge osobe koja učestvuje u istoj igri u bilo kom trenutku;

dogovaranje sa drugima radi dobijanja nepravedne prednosti (uključujući i bonus šeme ili slične podsticaje koje nudimo);

svaki pokušaj registracije lažnih ili obmanjujućih informacija o nalogu;

svaki vaš stvarni ili pokušaj radnje za koju razumno verujemo da je nezakonit u bilo kojoj primenljivoj jurisdikciji, učinjen u dobroj veri ili sa namerom da nas prevari i/ili zaobiđe bilo koje ugovorno ili zakonsko ograničenje, bez obzira da li nam takav čin ili pokušaj stvarno uzrokuje štetu;

b) „Nepravedna prednost" uključuje bez ograničenja:

iskorišćavanje greške, rupe ili greške u našem ili bilo kom softveru treće strane koji koristite u vezi sa Uslugama (uključujući bilo koje Igre);

korišćenje automatizovanih plejera („botova") ili drugog softvera ili sistema za analizu treće strane; ili

Iskorišćavanje „Nedostaka" kako je definisano u odeljku 18, u svakom slučaju bilo u vašu korist i/ili na našu ili tuđu štetu.

c) „zloupotreba bonusa" uključuje:

Uplatite depozit da biste dobili bonus bez aktivnosti deponovanih sredstava

Povlačenje radi ponovnog depozita

Klađenje na obe strane jednog događaja da bi se ispunili uslovi za klađenje na bonus netačno

Usmeravanje novih naloga za sopstvenu upotrebu

Svi bonusi podležu ograničenju korišćenja bonusa zasnovanom na bonus motoru, i osim ako nije drugačije navedeno, ne bi trebalo da se koriste više od 6 puta u kalendarskom mesecu, ako iz bilo kog razloga pojedini igrač koristi bonus kod iznad toga. kompanija summa zadržava pravo da dalje istražuje zloupotrebu bonusa i smanji bonus dobitke

Nisam uradio druge naloge, stavio opklade za oba tima, uzeo više od 6 bonusa mesečno, povukao novac, nisam iskoristio bilo kakve rupe ili tehničke probleme. Jednostavno nisam prekršio pravila.

Automatski prevedeno:

Does the casino suspect you of all those actions at once?

I was hoping for a better explanation, but I'd say it fits the review score - 2,2 out of 10 🙁.

Try to pay better attention to the reviews, you should avoid such casinos. Good luck with the complaint 🤞

Yes, i agree with you. I started playing there before i saw the rating here. Most of the pages you find with google say positive things about casinos, I think casinos pay something for a positive review. If you google svenplay casino experiences, most pages say it is a good place.

But yes, they sent me that list and this wasnt all. They didnt be specific if I did those all but it is weird to write a rule there that havent been broken. This is a pure theft. All I can say to people who find this writing, AVOID THIS CASINO IN ALL CASES!


Unfortunately this is the problem of the internet. People can't trust everything they read. Everyday, we receive emails where casinos ask how much they need to pay to get extra points for their rating or better position in the top online casinos lists etc.

Many websites don't care about the casino quality. They only care about the commission they get from them 😕


I dalje razumem, moj e-mail je blokiran i dokumenti se ne prihvataju

Automatski prevedeno:

Based on all the things said here, I fear it would change.

Well, good luck with the complaint. May I know what made you play in this casino? Where did you find it?

Please all, do avoid this casino and all L.C.S. limited casinos. They are only there to take your money. They do not have a great reputatation.

Jako loše ne preporučujem nikome, tražiš da ga zatvore zbog dodavanja igrice a oni ti stalno šalju reklame da igraš, ne pridržavaju se odgovornog kockanja.

Automatski prevedeno:

This is a horrible situation. I'm more convinced this is an issue associated with the fact, that many casinos left 3rd party companies handling their promotions and newsletters. Thus it probably takes some time to update the list of recipients. Another question is how the unsubscribe process is handled when a player requests account closure. Had you unsubscribed yourself before you asked for your account to be closed, perhaps?

I agree this is truly an unpleasant situation, yet very common according to experiences shared through our forum 🙁

LCS Ltd. Casinos took more than € 4.000,- from me … no winnings … and in every casino from LCS Ltd I’ve been blocked because of gambling problems…. but one day later I could make a new account in the next casino of LCS Ltd. They’ve no player protection! And the MGA doesn’t do anything!

so never play in LCS Ltd casinos!


Hi, I see that you have filed a complaint against all the casinos that you say ripped you off from this group. As for the blocking, did you ask to be blocked because of the gambling problem ? 

Anyway, I also noticed that almost all the casinos in this group have a pretty low safety index, which I think speaks for itself. I would definitely avoid casinos like this and if you have a gambling problem I think this guide might be useful for you:

Anyway, I wonder where you will get with all the complaints. I hope everything gets sorted out. 


I wonder what the MGA is for. Player protection is the number one priority for all regulatory authorities. At least it should be according to the laws and guidelines. Unfortunately, one is powerless against LCS Ltd. I filed the complaints hoping to get some help here. I have collected all the evidence and if someone talks about gambling addiction and therefore wants to close their account, then alarm bells should be ringing for the companies! But that is exactly why it is often ignored.... Because people addicted to gambling gamble their entire lives away! There's money to be made in that!

But at least these problems belong much more in the public eye!!!

I don't gamble now ... there's nothing left 😭



I remember days when the MGA was considered the best and most caring authority.

Anyway, when it comes to blocking addicted players in casinos, the player also needs to follow certain steps. The way I feel about it at this point, it does not include MGA much.

Needless to say, the complaint against Svenplay is missing. So, what has happened? If you don't mind explaining, of course.

I can imagine you are really trapped in this, and I'm sorry for that. To stay a bit safer, keep in mind that if you self-exclude yourself from one casino, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you are protected on all the other associated websites. 

Also keep in mind that if you play in casinos without your national license, such limitations as insolvency, debts, detention, or anything similar bound to local laws, for instance, are unknown to the casino.

I agree that such a topic should be discussed more often and more publicly; the numbers are alarming. I can assure you that we at Casino Guru are well aware of that and will do our best to raise public awareness further.

Take Šimon as an example.

I hope one day you'll win this battle and get your life back!


Da li je neko ovde dobio svoj novac??

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Idi na stranicuod 7 stranica

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