NaslovnaForumKazinaTumblewins Casino - opšta diskusija

Tumblewins Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 2)

 od margaridar91
2.743 pregleda 33 odgovora |
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slažem se. Ovaj kazino je prevara na svakom nivou.

Otvoreni su samo da uzimaju narodne pare.

Automatski prevedeno:


Sajt mi nije dao nikakve povratne informacije, nije bilo uplata niti odgovora na mejlove.

Taj novac verovatno nikada neću videti.

Više ne postoji način da se kazino natera da ispuni svoje dužnosti

Imaju sve objašnjeno na sajtu u uslovima i odredbama, ali ništa ne ispunjavaju. 🙁 Zaista sam tužan. Taj novac je zaista bio potreban i nikada ga neću videti.

Automatski prevedeno:

I'm really sorry, that's one of the worst things when the casino ignores you and you don't know anything about your situation.

Anyway, try to hang in there and see what happens when the team contacts the casino and if something can be sorted out. I'm not saying it has to be that way, but as another player said, if there was even a minimal chance, it's still better than no chance at all.

I really wish it could have been resolved and you got your money.

Yea 36 euro or some 🥲, also hoping I get my money

The casino hasn't let you know anything about your withdrawal yet either? 😕

To je upravo moje mišljenje. Nažalost, zavisnik sam od kockanja i želeo sam da mi blokiraju nalog, ali nisam dobio odgovor ni posle 14 mejlova i nije bilo odgovora na upite gurua. Nažalost, zbog bolesti (i nakon što sam već zatražio zatvaranje), ipak sam platio 299 evra. Kazino je definitivno iskoristio moju bolest i namerno odložio brisanje mog naloga. Po mom mišljenju, to je namerna prevara i zločin. Ovaj kazino bi zaista trebao biti zatvoren.

Automatski prevedeno:

Even though we tried to help you, the casino did not respond and did not reply. In cases like this it is difficult to help the player when there is no cooperation. I don't like these situations and I wish there were casinos that would at least give a statement as to why this happened and let the player know.

Napravio sam novi nalog ovde posebno da upozorim igrače. Molimo vas da ne deponujete ovde, sve negativne kritike su istinite. Dobici se NE isplaćuju ovde, gubite svoj novac. Prestaće da vam odgovaraju i izgubićete novac. Neverovatno je da je takav kriminalni sajt još uvek na mreži.

Ako pročitate sve negativne kritike i ipak odlučite da bacite svoj novac tamo, sami ste krivi.

Još jedno upozorenje: Ovde morate lično da se verifikujete putem mejla i predate dokumente putem mejla, što znači da svoju ličnu kartu i druge podatke poveravate ovom sumnjivom sajtu, koji je lažan i ima samo negativne kritike. Veoma opasno!

Za sve platforme kao što je kazinoguru: Morate da pružite više informacija i upozorite igrače na takvu veb lokaciju. Svuda, na svakom SAJTU, čitate samo NEGATIVNE KOMENTARE da ste prevareni. Trebalo bi da bude na crnoj listi na svakom sajtu kazina.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi there,

We do what we can, in my opinion. This forum is a prime illustration. The issue is that too many players only glance at the Safety Index, ignoring the other information that could be very helpful. As you said...

Thank you for your concerns and the effort to keep others well-informed. It is good to see someone so keen to pursue the same goal!

Blacklisting any casino is therefore not the course of action we would take. Rather, we concentrate on presenting as much information as we can. Conversely, blacklisting entails concealing information.



Hvala na odgovoru! Ipak, postoji još jedna stvar koja me zanima: na strani 1, korisnik po imenu "noobiplez" je povezao .pdf datoteku koja pokazuje Carabao licencu za ovaj kazino, sa potpisom. Da li je ova licenca proverena? I dalje piše da nemaju licencu, što svakako pretpostavljam. Ne možete naći ništa o tome na internetu ili na njihovoj veb stranici, i mislim da da imaju licencu ne bi mogli sebi da priušte da tako varaju igrače.

Odakle ovaj dokument, da li je možda lažan?

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi there!

Happy to add something meaningful! 🙂

Regarding the license, did you also see my response?

I see! I was asking because I recall getting this official information was quite a pain in the past. Perpas it still is 😀. So, send my thanks to your friend as well, please.

Any additional information that you or your friend may have in the future would also be greatly appreciated.

I believe that we have yet to receive a response from CIL, which is, to be honest, fairly typical. Therefore, this PDF is deemed unapproved.

The primary problem with CIL's license validity is that there is not a database or list of casinos that have been granted licenses. We are unable to compare; the only option is to speak with a CIL employee.

Morao sam malo da se nasmejem kada sam ovde pročitao poslednju novu "pozitivnu" recenziju o ovom kazinu.

„Podrška za ćaskanje uživo 24/7"

Šteta što niko ovde nikada nije uspeo da dođe do podrške za ćaskanje uživo (uključujući i mene). Ni korisnici koji su pobedili, ni zaposleni CasinoGuru-a koji su nekoliko puta pokušavali da reše konflikte. Možda podrška za ćaskanje uživo funkcioniše samo kada je u pitanju pitanje: "Kako da platim?" 🙂

Automatski prevedeno:

Hmm, I read it too, but we can't just reject it based on the fact that the player wrote what he wrote. He described quite a lot of things and what is true and what is not would take a long time to refute. Of course, one user review does nothing for this casino. It doesn't count in the Safety Index or anywhere else, and I believe that safety index is more likely to scare players than this one good user review is to attract players. 😉

Zdravo, od 30.11.2024 isplata čeka sve

poslao dokumenta 30.11. a takođe je pitao nedelju dana kasnije da nijedan odgovor nije plaćen bez bonusa

Automatski prevedeno:

We usually give casinos 14 full days to proceed with the payment, so I believe that our team could try to help you out with this.

Were you asked to provide documents for the verification?

You can file your complaint here by using this link, and we surely will look deeper into this issue.

After winning $300, I’m wondering whether I should keep playing or stop.



Thumbs up for such a question!!!!

If you prefer a math-oriented suggestion, analyze your gaming history to find out a lead on whether you may await some sort of further winnings. If you want another yet still number-utilizing option, compare your deposits to your withdrawals and think about whether you prefer to withdraw that amount, or perhaps if you are in green numbers, whether you don't mind getting back to black or, less responsibly, getting to red ones.

It is so easy without getting the feelings into that, is it not? So, to be more practical: Do you like the idea of losing the amount? If you don't, I think it's better to withdraw 😀

What do you feel is the correct answer anyway? It matters the most!

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