Prestali su da primaju igrače iz Poljske. Da, trebalo bi da vas obaveste o tome, da vam uplate ostatak na računima i sve bi bilo u redu.
Ocena je porasla na 8,2 jer je ažuriranje obavljeno pre nego što smo bili svesni situacije u kojoj se nalazite. Uvek je potrebno vreme, u ovom slučaju, sledeće srede ćete videti da će UBERLucki Casino imati mnogo niži rejting. Žalbe i njihova neodazivost su ozbiljna tema, mi ih svakako ne ignorišemo. Radi se samo o našim unutrašnjim procesima. UBERLucki se može „probuditi" i zatražiti ponovno otvaranje, mi i dalje pokušavamo da dođemo do njih svim kanalima koje imamo, kako bismo vam pomogli.
Ako ne budu sarađivali, njihov rejting će do sledeće srede pasti na 5,6. Dodatno, ako ostali otvoreni prigovori ostanu nerešeni, njihov rejting će još niže opasti.
Ako naša žalba ne bude uspešna, toplo preporučujem da kontaktirate njihov organ za izdavanje dozvola. U slučaju bilo kakvih pitanja, možete me kontaktirati na moju adresu e-pošte, KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk . rado ću pomoći.
They stopped accepting players from Poland. Yes, they should inform you about this, pay you the balance left in the accounts and everything would be fine.
The rating increased to 8,2 because the update was done before we were aware of the situation you are experiencing. It always takes time, in this case, next Wednesday you will see that UBERLucky Casino will have a much lower rating. The complaints and their unresponsiveness are serious issues, we certainly do not ignore them. It is just about our internal processes. UBERLucky may "wake up", and ask for a reopening, we are still trying to reach them through all the channels we have, in order to help you.
If they fail to cooperate, their rating will drop to 5,6 by next Wednesday. Additionally, if the rest of the opened complaints end up unresolved, their rating will decrease even lower.
If our complaint resolution does not succeed, I highly recommend reaching their licensing authority. In case of any questions, you can contact me at my email address, I will gladly assist.
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