Da, igrao sam tamo. Nude 100 okretaja po ceni od 10 centi po okretanju. Međutim, budite oprezni – nakon korišćenja okretaja, obavezno je uplatiti depozit da biste aktivirali bilo koji bonus dobitak, koji se zatim mora uložiti 20 puta. Čak i ako nešto osvojite, vaša sredstva neće biti oslobođena dok ne ispunite ove uslove za klađenje.
Moj savet je da u potpunosti izbegavate te "besplatne okrete dobrodošlice". Ako ih igrate, budite spremni da odmah otkažete bonus.
Usput, njihovi uslovi uključuju sledeću klauzulu pod 9. Depoziti i povlačenja računa:
9.3. Možete uplatiti novac samo sa računa/sistema i/ili kreditnih kartica registrovanih na vaše ime, pošto Kompanija ne prihvata priloge trećih lica (npr. rođaka, prijatelja, supružnika i/ili partnera). Ako naša bezbednosna provera otkrije kršenje ovog zahteva, svi dobici će biti oduzeti i vraćeni nama.
Ovde postoji kontradikcija jer je jedini ponuđeni metod depozita kriptovaluta.

Pored toga, postoje neka nepravedna pravila:
9.12.5. Kompanija može zadržati 10% (ne manje od 0,50 USD) od povučenog iznosa ako je novac prebačen na račun igrača (ukupne opklade) manji od trostrukog ukupnog iznosa depozita. Kompanija zadržava 20% iznosa traženog za povlačenje ako su sredstva deponovana kreditnom karticom.
Yes, I did play there. They offer 100 spins at the price of 10 cents per spin. However, be cautious—after using the spins, it’s mandatory to make a deposit to activate any bonus winnings, which must then be wagered 20 times. Even if you win something, your funds won’t be released until you meet these wagering requirements.
My advice is to avoid those "welcome free spins" altogether. If you do play them, be prepared to cancel the bonus immediately.
By the way, their terms include the following clause under 9. Account Deposits and Withdrawals:
9.3. You can deposit money only from accounts/systems and/or credit cards registered in your name, as the Company does not accept contributions from third parties (e.g., relatives, friends, spouses, and/or partners). If our security check reveals a violation of this requirement, all winnings will be forfeited and returned to us.
There is a contradiction here because the only deposit method offered is cryptocurrency.

Additionally, there are some unfair rules:
9.12.5. The Company may withhold 10% (not less than US$0.50) of the amount withdrawn if the money transferred to the player’s account (total bets) is less than three times the total sum of deposits. The Company withholds 20% of the amount requested for withdrawal if the funds were deposited using a credit card.
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