Pa, ovaj problem se pojavljuje previše puta u poslednjih nekoliko dana, mislim sa captcha.
Pokušavamo da rešimo ovaj problem, ali to nije tako lako kao što izgleda.
U ovom slučaju bi nam dobro došla mala pomoć i biće nam potreban obrazac za informacije da bismo mogli da pokušamo da ga popravimo.
Možete li mi dati:
- Možete li da napravite snimak ekrana kada se captcha pojavi sa tačnim vremenom i takođe nam kažete vremensku zonu (najbolje bi bilo u UTC)
- Takođe bi bilo korisno napraviti snimak ekrana sa celim ekranom gde ćemo videti i domen koji koristite.
- Na koji nalog ste prijavljeni.
- IP adresa bi takođe bila odlična ako je možete pronaći.
Na osnovu ovih faktora možda možemo pratiti potencijalni problem iako je složeniji. Ne obećavam 100% uspeh, ali bar možemo pokušati da otkrijemo šta može biti problem.
Takođe, da li ste koristili VPN?
Znam da je mnogo pitanja, ali pretpostavljam da bez toga nećemo dalje.
Pored toga, možda mogu da vas posavetujem u vezi sa osnovnim stvarima kao što je brisanje kolačića, promena pretraživača, ali ove informacije bi bile zaista dobre.
Hvala vam na pomoći. 🙂
Well, this problem arises quite too much times in the last few days, I mean with captcha.
We try to solve this issue but it is not so easy as it looks.
In this matter we could use a little help and we will need some information form so we can try to fix it.
Can you please provide me:
- Can you take a screenshot when captcha appears with exact time and also tell us the time zone (the best it would be in UTC)
- Also it would be helpful to make a screenshot with whole screen where we see also the domain you use.
- Which account you are logged in.
- Ip address would be great too if you are able to find it.
Based on these factors we maybe can track potential problem even though it is more complex. I do not promise 100% success but at least we can try to find out what can be the problem.
Also, did you use VPN?
I know it is lot of questions but I suppose, without that we won't move further.
Additionally, I can maybe advise you with basic things like- deleting cookies, changing browsers but these info would be really good to have.
Thank you for your assistance. 🙂
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