Razumem apsolutno sve što govorite i moram da kažem neke stvari.
Ako kazino negde radi ilegalno, već sam rekao da to moraju da reše vlasti u vašoj zemlji. U našoj recenziji imamo da igrači iz Španije ne mogu da igraju u kazinu, što bi kod mene kao igrača izazvalo izvesnu sumnju i verovatno bih se pitao zašto.
Međutim, postoje kockarnice koje rade legalno i sa promenom zakona to se može promeniti i posle nekog vremena više neće biti tako. Ali mi ne istražujemo zakonitost jer nismo pravnici i nemamo kapacitet da stalno pratimo da li se neki propisi menjaju u nekoj zemlji.
Apsolutno se slažem da kazina često mogu da ciljaju ranjive igrače sa takvim praksama i to je nepravedno i nepošteno sa strane kazina. Pogotovo kada nema licencu, praktično je da kažemo nedodirljiv.
U takvim slučajevima bih bio posebno oprezan i pokušao da izbegnem situaciju barem tako što ću saznati što više informacija o tome gde ulažem svoj novac kada negde igram. Možda će u procesu igrači saznati kako je. Znam da će im verovatno biti teško da pronađu stvari o tome da li je kazino legalan ili se neće truditi da traže tako nešto. Ali ako je neko zainteresovan i često igra u kockarnicama, onda bi bilo dobro videti kako se zakonodavstvo u ovom pogledu menja s vremena na vreme.
Na kraju bih rekao da se trudimo da što više informišemo igrače i svakako ih ne šaljemo u takva kazina, ali neke stvari su jednostavno van našeg delokruga. To uključuje i zakonitost.
I understand absolutely everything you are saying and I have some points to make.
If a casino is operating illegally somewhere, I have already said that it needs to be dealt with by the authorities in your country. We have it in our review that players from Spain cannot play in the casino, which would arouse some suspicion in me as a player and I would probably wonder why.
However, there are casinos that operate legally and with the change in legislation this may change and after some time it may not be the case anymore. But we don't investigate legality because we are not lawyers and we don't have the capacity to constantly monitor whether some regulations are changing in a certain country.
I absolutely agree that casinos can often target vulnerable players with such practices and it is unfair and dishonest on the casino's part. Especially when it has no license, it is virtually let's say untouchable.
In such cases I would be especially careful and try to avoid the situation at least by finding out as much information as possible about where I deposit my money when I play somewhere. Maybe in the process players will find out how it is. I know that they will probably have a hard time finding things about whether a casino is legal or they won't bother to look for something like that. But if someone is interested and plays frequently in casinos, then it would be good to see how the legislation in this respect changes from time to time.
In the end I would say that we try to inform players as much as possible and certainly not send them to such casinos, but some things are simply out of our scope. That includes legality.