NaslovnaForumKazinaVelobet Casino - opšta diskusija

Velobet Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 20)

 od Landgraf1994
66.063 pregleda 392 odgovora |
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I understand absolutely everything you are saying and I have some points to make. 

If a casino is operating illegally somewhere, I have already said that it needs to be dealt with by the authorities in your country. We have it in our review that players from Spain cannot play in the casino, which would arouse some suspicion in me as a player and I would probably wonder why. 

However, there are casinos that operate legally and with the change in legislation this may change and after some time it may not be the case anymore. But we don't investigate legality because we are not lawyers and we don't have the capacity to constantly monitor whether some regulations are changing in a certain country. 

I absolutely agree that casinos can often target vulnerable players with such practices and it is unfair and dishonest on the casino's part. Especially when it has no license, it is virtually let's say untouchable. 

In such cases I would be especially careful and try to avoid the situation at least by finding out as much information as possible about where I deposit my money when I play somewhere. Maybe in the process players will find out how it is. I know that they will probably have a hard time finding things about whether a casino is legal or they won't bother to look for something like that. But if someone is interested and plays frequently in casinos, then it would be good to see how the legislation in this respect changes from time to time. 

In the end I would say that we try to inform players as much as possible and certainly not send them to such casinos, but some things are simply out of our scope. That includes legality.

Ne pokušavajte da branite neodbranjivo. Ako u recenziji kažete, ne, da španski igrači ne mogu da igraju, ali da ih ne prihvataju i to je laž. Pročitao sam ovde mišljenja koja ih prihvataju i još više otvaraju sve račune koji su potrebni, čak i ako su obavešteni da su ranjivi igrači, zataškavaju ilegalni kazino pun zločina, pa ne mogu ni da zamislim šta mogu da rade sa novcem igrača, šta god hoće pošto su u toj zemlji totalno ilegalni i nema potrebe da ih prijavljuju. Španija ih je već blokirala jer su očigledno ilegalni.

a pristrasne kritike nisu validne, validne su recenzije koje su zaista imale pravo iskustvo, jer se negativne niti se objavljuju niti uzimaju u obzir za indeks bezbednosti, iz onoga što sam pročitao, što savetujem svim igračima da urade, iako ja uopšte se ne slažu sa mehanikom koji se ovde prati.

Automatski prevedeno:

I'm not going to keep repeating myself and leave it at that, because I can see that it's not going anywhere. 

As far as user reviews are concerned, I'm sure the casino has some bad URs, but both 1* and 5* are rejected based on a clearly stated reason. I would also like to mention that it has no effect on the Saftey index if a casino has the best rating in the context of user reviews or even the worst. It does not count towards the casino's final rating. 

What's more, players who are affected by some problems always have the possibility to file a complaint and if our team evaluates that the player is right and the casino made a mistake and does not try to solve it, then its safety index will go down. So far they have addressed all of them and have not had a single one unresolved. 

Naravno ovo ne vodi nikuda jer niko ne želi da ide dalje, dokazi su tu i ništa nije urađeno, mislim da grešite kada kažete da se sve vrste ocena odbijaju, samo negativne se odbijaju i zapušavaju , nisam pročitao da su zabranjene bilo kakve pozitivne što su laži.

Istina je da me najviše zbunjuje to što kažete da mišljenja igrača ne utiču na bezbednosni indeks kazina. To govori sve.

I jedna stvar mora biti vrlo jasna kada je kazino počinio zločin, može ga popraviti ili ne, ali ga je već počinio. Ne zaboravimo ovo, posebno sa ranjivim igračima koji su samo krivi za igranje u ovoj vrsti ilegalnih kazina kao što je kojima nije dozvoljeno da rade i otvaraju svoja vrata da bi iskoristili igrače.

Automatski prevedeno:

Let me put it this way, I can see how many user reviews are rejected in our system. They are not only bad but also good. But it's always on a basis of something and the player also gets a reason, it's not that whoever thinks he doesn't like it, so he rejects it. 

Also, there are attempts on different casinos, mostly newer ones to have good user feedback and some casinos even unknowingly give players some free spins for rating the casino on different sites and even on ours. When more such user reviews come in and we suspect them we contact the casino, but right at the beginning it is not possible to see a pattern. Now imagine if players come to a casino to write a user review after a day or two, it will always be good, but they won't write anything that would arouse suspicion. But after some time we find out that the players were not honest and the user reviews are rejected. So if for all the time we have them approved they were to be counted in the safety index, how objective would the safety index be, try to think about it yourself. It is not all black and white as you see it from your point of view. I try to understand all players, whether they have a good or bad view of the casino and I have no problem with constructive criticism, we are not perfect either. But I'm always happy when it's on the level and each side thinks about different things and doesn't just see everything from their point of view. 

I hope that nobody will encounter similar bad situations and everything will be more positive.

Žao mi je, nema opravdanja a vi ga pravdate. Ako kazino nema dozvolu za rad u nekoj zemlji, to je nezakonito i ako prihvata ranjive igrače znajući da su iz te zemlje, to je odgovornost kazina i zločin, što je dokazala španska Generalna direkcija za kockanje i oni koji ih brane i prikrivaju.

A ljudi će reći šta te briga?

Mnogo, jer su mimo zakona i sredstvima i depozitima španskih igrača i igrača iz zemalja koje nemaju licencu rade šta hoće, kako kažu u recenzijama koje se objavljuju i što ne žele da objavljivati, čak i sa maloletnicima.

Dakle, ovaj indeks bezbednosti je za neke igrače u svetu pogrešan čak i ako je skriven i ako se ne objavi uradiću to na drugom mestu, ali to je istina koju oni ne žele.


Automatski prevedeno:

Pisali su mi ljudi da im niste dozvolili da objavljuju kritike jer su negativne, čak ni od rođaka maloletnika.

Ozbiljno, ko si ti da poričeš pravo iskustvo igrača o kazinu? Ko si ti da poričeš objavljivanje stvarnog iskustva? Ovaj je stvaran, a ovaj nije. Zato što su mi ljudi pisali o da ne objavljujete prava iskustva pomoći drugim igračima, zašto? Koje kriterijume sledite jer su mi čak poslali i testove.

Ovi ljudi su pretrpeli loše iskustvo sa iz prve ruke i vi im ne dajete glas i oni to žele da prikriju.

Casino Guru me mnogo zbunjuje i mislim da su igrači ovog kazina više.

Automatski prevedeno:

Žao mi je, nema opravdanja a vi ga pravdate. Ako kazino nema dozvolu za rad u nekoj zemlji, to je nezakonito i ako prihvata ranjive igrače znajući da su iz te zemlje, to je odgovornost kazina i zločin, što je dokazala španska Generalna direkcija za kockanje i oni koji ih brane i prikrivaju.

A ljudi će reći šta te briga?

Mnogo, jer su mimo zakona i sredstvima i depozitima španskih igrača i igrača iz zemalja koje nemaju licencu rade šta hoće, kako kažu u recenzijama koje se objavljuju i što ne žele da objavljivati, čak i sa maloletnicima.

Dakle, ovaj indeks bezbednosti je za neke igrače u svetu pogrešan čak i ako je skriven i ako se ne objavi uradiću to na drugom mestu, ali to je istina koju oni ne žele.


Automatski prevedeno:

I have already told you that we do not deal with legality, I do not know how many times I have to repeat it. 

Then you need to report it to the Spanish authorities. I have explained everything to you and I have tried my best. 

Pisali su mi ljudi da im niste dozvolili da objavljuju kritike jer su negativne, čak ni od rođaka maloletnika.

Ozbiljno, ko si ti da poričeš pravo iskustvo igrača o kazinu? Ko si ti da poričeš objavljivanje stvarnog iskustva? Ovaj je stvaran, a ovaj nije. Zato što su mi ljudi pisali o da ne objavljujete prava iskustva pomoći drugim igračima, zašto? Koje kriterijume sledite jer su mi čak poslali i testove.

Ovi ljudi su pretrpeli loše iskustvo sa iz prve ruke i vi im ne dajete glas i oni to žele da prikriju.

Casino Guru me mnogo zbunjuje i mislim da su igrači ovog kazina više.

Automatski prevedeno:

Feel free to tell me what player wrote to you and I'll be happy to see the reason why something was rejected.


Hi. My complaint has now being ongoing for weeks and the timer always goes way passed 0 waiting for the handler to reply. I don’t think he has time to even look in to the case thoroughly as I think he is too busy


I contacted him to look into it. I saw that the casino responded, which could move the case closer to resolution. I hope it will be soon. 😕

Why have hey took all my favourite games off velobet ?? I can’t seem to find any Netent or Redtiger games and most of the slots that are left say not available in my country


Hi, I don't know, did you think to ask directly at the casino? Maybe they'd have something to tell you. I was also wondering if it might be the providers that are restricted for you, but that's just an idea. 

Wouldn't you give it a try?

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