Iskreno sam zapanjen količinom novca koju ova kazina skupljaju.
Pisao sam Velobet-u i zanimljivo je da je komunikacija putem e-pošte koja je usledila bila od treće strane „Kompanije", a ne Velobet-a.
Zapravo sam poništio sve svoje depozite i od tada sam im nekoliko puta pisao da pitam ZAŠTO su mi vratili…. NEMA ODGOVORA….. (Mislim da sami možemo bezbedno da shvatimo razlog!)
Čini se da za mali broj uspešnih izazova postoji neviđeni broj neuspešnih izazova!
Moj savet bi bio da 'pročitate negativne kritike' uopšteno, to će verovatno biti prava iskustva!
Pročitajte i one pozitivne, ako mislite da će vam pomoći, ali imajte na umu:
- ako zvuči previše dobro da bi bilo istinito
- uporedi to sa lošom recenzijom 😉
I am honestly astounded at the amount of money these casinos are scooping up.
I wrote to Velobet and interestingly the email communication that ensued were from the third party ‘Company’ not Velobet.
I actually got all my deposits reversed and have since written to them several times to ask WHY they paid me back …. NO RESPONSE….. (I think we can safely fathom the reason ourselves!)
It seems for a small number of successful challenges there are an unprecedented number of unsuccessful challenges!
My advice would be to ‘read the negative reviews’ generally, these are likely to be real experiences!
Read the positive ones too, if you think it will help, but keep in mind:
- if it sounds too good to be true
- compare it to a poor review 😉
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