Zdravo. Za mene to izgleda ovako. U stvari, šteta što sam uložio pare i igrao se jer su se mišljenja o prekidačima na različitim tek onda pojavila i mislio sam da će biti problema sa distribucijom...
Ukupno sam položio depozite od 8.700 PLN. Igrao sam i sve je bilo u redu. Proverio sam to na veb stranici tako što sam poslao bankovni izvod koji sam naručio, ličnu kartu sa obe strane, selfi sa ličnim dokumentom, ekran Skrill depozita i ekran Minifiti depozita i sve je verifikovano.
Onda sam dobio e-mail i od mene su tražili dodatna dokumenta o uplati, poslao sam im MiniFits i prihvatio sam ga. Nastavio sam da igram i naručio ostatak od 2.000 PLN jer sam pročitao da će, ako je iznos veći, vreme čekanja biti veoma dugo. Prijavljujem se debitno i ostavka je otkazana. Pišem u čet i kažu mi da sam sama otkazala prekid, ali to nije bio slučaj. Pokušavam da naručim sledeći i on se blokira. Pišem u čet i kažem da treba da dodam selfi sa ličnom kartom iz ruke i na otvorenom sajtu gde sam prijavljen.
Poslao sam sliku šta žele da prihvate pa sam pisao na čet sa molbom da mi deblokiraju uplate i posle nekog vremena su blokirali račun buahah, a na računu 43 PLN 3.300
Pišem ponovo na čet i kažu da sam prekršio propise i mogu da mi vrate 1.000 PLN, gde sam dao mali depozit od 8.700 PLN, neka šala i da je to bilo iz lojalnosti. Očigledno sam prekršio pravila jer sam stavio vilekortone opklade na isti meč, izbegavajući ograničenja. Većina ovako napravljenih opklada je bila negativna, a osim toga, kako sam mogao da znam da to nije moguće pošto su prihvatili ove opklade i za to su mi ukrali uplaćenih 8.700 PLN i ukupno 43.300 PLN
Nudi 1.000 PLN. Zato upozoravam sve da ne igraju tamo jer ako potroše mnogo novca, uskoro će doći do novih dokumenata ili nečeg drugog. Ljudi, nemojte uplaćivati novac tamo i ja sam šokiran da to još nije prevara jer je to očigledna prevara sa dokumentima i pljačkaće ljude. To je samo gubljenje živaca, novca i vremena za ove lopove. I takođe rade ilegalno pod licencom Curacao u Poljskoj, ne plaćaju poreze i nemaju dozvolu.
Svima koji su prevareni iz drugih zemalja savetujem da anonimno pišu Ministarstvu finansija sa linkom ka svom sajtu da ih blokiraju, ili će ih možda neko tužiti sudu.
Molim za pomoć i intervenciju u povratu mojih 43.300 PLN. Hvala unapred, srdačan pozdrav
Imam naloge sa oko 300 sajtova na internetu i igram sa kladionicama i kladionicama preko 20 godina, a ništa slično još nisam video. Kako se ovo drugo može nazvati nego iznuđivanje podataka, švercovanje, da ne bih dao svoj novac lopovima i prevarama...?
Hello. For me it looks like this. Actually, it's a pity that I put money there and played because the opinions about switches on different ones only after the fact and I thought there would be a problem with distribution...
In total, I made deposits of PLN 8,700. I played and everything was fine. I verified it on the website by sending the bank statement I ordered, an ID card on both sides, a selfie with the ID, a Skrill deposit screen and a Minifity deposit screen and everything was verified.
Then I received an e-mail and was asked for additional documents about the payment receipt, I sent them the MiniFits and I accepted it. I continued playing and ordered the rest of PLN 2,000 because I read that if the amount is higher, the waiting time will be very long. I log in en debit and the resignation has been cancelled. I write in the chat and I am told that I canceled the interruption myself, but that was not the case. I try to order the next one and it gets blocked. I write to the chat and say that I should add a selfie with my ID card from my hand and on the open website where I am logged in.
I sent a photo of what they wanted to accept, so I wrote to the chat asking them to unblock my payments, and after a while they blocked the account buahah, and on the account 43 PLN 3,300
I write to the chat again and they say that I have broken the regulations and they can give me back PLN 1,000, where I made a small deposit of PLN 8,700, some joke and that it was out of loyalty. I apparently broke the rules because I placed wilekortone bets on the same match, avoiding the limits. Most of the bets made this way were negative and besides, how was I supposed to know that this was not possible since they accepted these bets and for this they stole my deposited PLN 8,700 and a total of PLN 43,300
Offering PLN 1,000. So I warn everyone against playing there because if they spend a lot of money, they will soon come up with new documents or something else. People, don't deposit money there and I'm shocked that it's not a scam yet because it's a blatant fraud for documents and will rob people. It's just a waste of nerves, money and time for these thieves. And they also operate illegally under a curacao license in Poland, they do not pay taxes and do not have a license.
I advise all those who have been defrauded from other countries to write anonymously to the Ministry of Finance with a link to their website so that they can block them, or maybe someone will sue them in court.
I am asking for help and intervention in recovering my PLN 43,300. Thank you in advance, best regards
I have accounts with about 300 websites on the Internet and I have been playing with bookmakers and bookmakers for over 20 years, and I haven't seen anything similar yet. What else can this be called other than extorting data, swiping, so as not to pay my money to thieves and fraud...?