NaslovnaForumKazinaViggoslots Casino - opšta diskusija

Viggoslots Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 4)

 od simplyme
26.637 pregleda 103 odgovora |
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How can you be so sure? I'm going through their user reviews and submitted complaints and I'd be actually quite worried. The reviews are often bad and they have quite a few unresolved related to withdrawals.

Nešto ste pogrešno razumeli, moje čestitke su bile na pobedi u MEGA KAZINU i brojevi su izašli!

Automatski prevedeno:

Yeah I read the same kinda worried now


Za mene je Viggoslots zombi kazino!!!

Mnogi portali za ocenjivanje kazina (ne želim ovde da imenujem imena) stavili su ovaj kazino na crnu listu jednostavno zbog nedostatka komunikacije i mnogih pritužbi i sumnjivih uslova. Čak i ako igrate bez bonusa, ne isplate i traže razlog, onda se komunikacija jednostavno prekine i igrač zaglavi u vazduhu. Zašto je ovde samo pod znakom pitanja, to je ipak preterivanje!!! Samo treba da proguglate crnu listu viggoslots ili mountberg... tamo možete mnogo naučiti.

Evobet i ulozi isti!!!!

Pošto je regulatorna vlast pasivna i ne mari, mislim da je važno upozoriti takve crne ovce direktno preko rejting portala i foruma.

Automatski prevedeno:

Well atleast viggoslots has been answering keep refusing my proof of address but still communicating I emailed customer support at mega casino last night. Haven't heard anything....

Ya I thought this site was good but now after trusting your reviews saying mega casino is highly rated put me in a even worse situation everything I read about mega casino is bad and blacklisted and I most likely got scammed I am so mad the numbers here are BS

Nažalost, i ja sam imao ovo iskustvo, nijedan kazino koji je ovde ocenjen tako visoko od strane Gurua nije u redu. Jednostavno sam izgubio 1000de evra zbog pogrešnih, precenjenih Guru kritika... dobre kritike igrača su lažne, uglavnom novajlije koji su samo dali recenziju, pa od insajdera iz kazina da dobiju igrače....pogledajte vvv., postoje iskrene kritike.

Automatski prevedeno:

Same problems with others casino like fairspin who used to have a bad rate and now a good one (they have a lot of fake review from non registred people and from restricted countries) and a lot of complaints.. so I agree with you its weird

Ya mega casino verified my proof of address using my online bank statement viggoslots still refusing I got my landlord to get me a rent receipt hopefully it works I dunno the emails aren't quite the same when they ask for documents the first on said rent would work the last one doesn't say that


When it comes to Fairspin casino, I'd like to clarify that user reviews have no influence on the Casino Guru reputation rating. User reviews only affect the user rating. You also mentioned they have a lot of complaints. The casino has 12 solved complaints, 1 unresolved and 3 are still open so far. The casino received black points only for the 1 unresolved complaint. We don't assign black point for solved or open cases.


It's the proof of address they first already accepted my online bank statement for proof of address last time now they won't because it's an online bank I don't have utilities in my name I changed the address with my phone company they said it won't show on my bill for 2 more billing cycles which is stupid so it said in the email a rent receipt would work which my landlord is getting for me also my roomate added my name on the utilities so worst comes to worst I'll have to wait till the 21st when the bill comes in


Then you'll be better prepared for the next KYC in a different casino, I'd say. It's always good to be able to provide any utility bill as proof of address, it's much easier for both sides. Seems like this one is taking your KYC "more seriously". Each casino group, because it's usually the same standard within the whole group, approaches the verification in a slightly different way, the "quality" of the license can affect the casino's approach as well.

Update sent in a new proof of address and it was approved 👍


Sounds promising 🙂 You may get it all done by the end of this year.

Withdrawal requests were also approved thank you viggoslots 👍


Now we just need to know that the money arrived 😉


I actually got paid out on Christmas Eve


Yep on Saturday which was super surprising I've never recieved a withdrawal on a weekend before thank you viggoslots 👍


Automatski prevedeno:

That's definitely worth sharing 😀 - thank you and congratulations!

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