Casino - opšta diskusija Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 4)

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pre 3 meseci

Bilo je toliko strepnje nakon što sam izgubio ovaj iznos da se incident dogodio pre 3 meseca, ali nakon vašeg poslednjeg poricanja, nisam uspeo da skupim snagu da pokušam da rešim svoj slučaj.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 meseci

If you have proof of what you are saying and you have this win from your real balance, you should try to reopen your complaint. You will need to provide all the evidence, though, that it is not related to sports betting.

pre 3 meseci

A kako ću tačno da pružim dokaze, kada su mi potpuno zabranili nalog i više ne mogu da se prijavim?

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 meseci

In this case, we really cannot be of any help if you did not keep any screenshots as evidence.

I could suggest you use these sites, though, which deal with sports betting issues, and hopefully you will be able to get it solved.

pre 3 meseci

Imao bih snimke ekrana da sam znao da će biti ukradeno na ovaj način. Sve što je nedostajalo nakon svake runde je da sam morao da napravim snimak ekrana da bih imao dokaze o mojim dobicima u budućnosti.

Jednostavno su mi zabranili nalog, iznenada, ne dozvoljavajući mi da se prijavim i dobijem više informacija. Ali nema problema. Tek sada delim mišljenje da osim što nemate poverenja u Vulkanbet, nemojte verovati Casino Guruu u rešavanju sporova, jer su odbili moj slučaj bez dokaza da je moj slučaj vezan za sport. Ako ja ne mogu da imam dokaze, ne možete ni vi. Pa su odbili samovoljno i lenjo.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 meseci

It is always good to take screenshots just in case, and I would always recommend it to everyone.

If you really feel that the issue you have experienced is not related to sports betting, try to file a complaint again and describe your issue well to our team, please. They will surely have a look at it and then decide if they are able to help you out. Unfortunately, as we do not deal with sports and we do not have anyone on our team who could be of any help when it comes to these sports-related issues, we are not able to assist players in this matter.

pre 3 meseci

Ali ako primetite u mnogim sporovima protiv Vulkanbeta, velika većina kladionica tvrdi da ovo kršenje termina u kojem kažu da se osoba kladi na sport i slotove istovremeno ima aktivan bonus. Svi koji znaju kako funkcionišu bonusi za klađenje znaju da je nemoguće koristiti saldo sportskog bonusa u kazinu i obrnuto, ali to tvrde za sve korisnike.

Bio sam njihov kupac više od 3 godine, imao sam na desetine isplata i depozita, bio sam potpuno verifikovan, u svakom slučaju... Bio sam redovan korisnik, ali nikada nisam osvojio takav iznos na Vulkanbetu. I nakon istraživanja primetio sam ovu žalbu koja je bukvalno ista kao i moja "". Prvo ste odbili, tvrdeći da je problem sa sportom, ali ste onda proverili i osoba je uspela da podigne svoj novac. Nemam dokaza, jer sam koristio kladionicu kao i svaki drugi dan, bavio sam se sportom i slotovima - sa položenim saldom -, sve dok nisam osvojio veliki iznos u slotovima. Prestao sam da igram na trenutak i nekoliko sati kasnije, kada sam pokušao da se vratim, shvatio sam da je moj nalog blokiran i zabranjen i da mi je ceo balans zadržan.

Još jednom su tvrdili da sam prekršio pravila tako što sam istovremeno igrao velike iznose na slotovima i sportovima (ŠTA JE PROBLEM SA TIM? BILANS JE MOJ, NOVAC JE MOJ, JA GA DEPONIO) da bih pokušao da ubrzam bonus prevrnuti. Ali svi znaju da nije moguće koristiti Ks i I bonuse. Jednostavno, nema osnova za to što govore.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 meseci

Unfortunately, I can not help you in any way with this issue. Try to file a complaint again where you describe the issue in detail, please.

When it comes to the maximum bet, it is usually set by the casino, and you cannot go over it when playing with a bonus. So if you break the rules, there is really nothing that can be done.

pre 1 meseca

Has anyone tried to play it

Izmenjeno od Radka pre 1 meseca
Razlog: just made the link passive
pre 1 meseca

Zdravo. Vulkanbet kazino mi je blokirao nalog jer sam imao 4 naloga koji uopšte nisu verifikovani i na njih nije uplaćen depozit. Na poslednjem računu sam osvojio 13.000 PLN i hteo sam da izvršim povlačenje. Ali su me blokirali

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

Ali kada sam napravio depozite, sve je bilo u redu, mogao sam čak i da položim 100.000 PLN i bilo bi u redu

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

Imam samo jedan nalog. Što sam potvrdio ličnom kartom....

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

It is against the rules in most online casinos to create multiple accounts, so I am not surprised they blocked you, to tell you the truth.🤷‍♀️

In your complaint, you stated that those other accounts your friend was using. Right? Well, this is not a wise idea, and next time, make sure to read the full terms at each casino beforehand to prevent any future issues.

I hope that our team will be able to help you out this time, and you'll be more careful next time.

pre 3 nedelja

fileGood morning everyone so I woke up this morning and my account is blocked. They said I have multiple accounts but I have just one. It’s funny because all my deposits was good but then once I win something suddenly I’m getting blocked !!!!

They explain me I have multiple accounts because my wife also plays in this casino and she have also account

So it’s two different individuals who just live in same house and use same wifi and same laptop I feel so triggered that I’m thinking go to court and sue this casino

pre 3 nedelja

wow people still play at Vulkan casino))

pre 3 nedelja

I was till now.

It was good casino but I guess you know house always wins

pre 3 nedelja

fileGood morning everyone so I woke up this morning and my account is blocked. They said I have multiple accounts but I have just one. It’s funny because all my deposits was good but then once I win something suddenly I’m getting blocked !!!!

They explain me I have multiple accounts because my wife also plays in this casino and she have also account

So it’s two different individuals who just live in same house and use same wifi and same laptop I feel so triggered that I’m thinking go to court and sue this casino

pre 3 nedelja

Hi. I can see that you already submitted a complaint here, and Kristina explained to you that unfortunately we won't be able to help as you breached the terms.

It is very important to read the terms at each online casino before depositing. This rule is nothing unusual to see in most of online casinos, you know.

Have you not seen it before, perhaps?

pre 3 nedelja

haven’t you’ve seen married couples who lives in same house having same interests in this case scammer vulkan bet casino ? I’ve said that before my lawyer is making case about this because this is bull crap. Vulkan bet is scammers

pre 3 nedelja

Of course we did, but that is why most of online casinos have the rule stated in their terms. It is always wise to read those before even depositing.

pre 3 nedelja

Rules like that are bizarre. I never got kicked out from casino when I’ve been there with my wife

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