NaslovnaForumKazinaWazamba Casino - opšta diskusija

Wazamba Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 10)

 od Matiseli
84.268 pregleda 392 odgovora |
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Da li ste proverili žalbe?

Bio je još jedan koji je imao problem jer ih nisu prihvatili.

Ako ne možete da shvatite, napravite svoj bas i neka se njihov menadžer pobrine za to, jer podrška ponekad nije najbolja

Automatski prevedeno:

Da li ste proverili žalbe?

Bio je još jedan koji je imao problem jer ih nisu prihvatili.

Ako ne možete da shvatite, napravite svoj bas i neka se njihov menadžer pobrine za to, jer podrška ponekad nije najbolja

Automatski prevedeno:

Postoji mala nada da ću uspeti sam. Ako ne tražim pomoć odavde

Automatski prevedeno:

If I may intervene for a second, I think you should also submit the complaint immediately. Don't worry, it's free.

I'd say the casino had quite some time to verify you, and now you could use some help, so let's start right here by using this link.

You may wonder what the complaint actually is,.. Well, let me share this guide. In my opinion, it explains the whole feature clearly.

Are you interested?

Da li ste proverili žalbe?

Bio je još jedan koji je imao problem jer ih nisu prihvatili.

Ako ne možete da shvatite, napravite svoj bas i neka se njihov menadžer pobrine za to, jer podrška ponekad nije najbolja

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi did you manage to solve any of your problems in this casino in this way ? I'm asking because if you recommend such a procedure, you've probably solved something. Is that right ? 🙂


I have solved one of my problems with another casino through your complaints section and i'm grateful for it.

I might be filing a complaint for wazamba soon if they keep delaying my own withdrawals further but currently i'm only on 4th day of waiting.

If I may intervene for a second, I think you should also submit the complaint immediately. Don't worry, it's free.

I'd say the casino had quite some time to verify you, and now you could use some help, so let's start right here by using this link.

You may wonder what the complaint actually is,.. Well, let me share this guide. In my opinion, it explains the whole feature clearly.

Are you interested?

I think i am close to finding a solution so i will keep trying a little bit more by myself and then i will ask for help if it is necessary

I have solved one of my problems with another casino through your complaints section and i'm grateful for it.

I might be filing a complaint for wazamba soon if they keep delaying my own withdrawals further but currently i'm only on 4th day of waiting.

It makes me happy that we've been able to help you once before. Of course, if you have a problem at this casino, don't hesitate to file a complaint. However, I would also say that 4 days is still not a big deal and we give casinos 14 days to resolve the withdrawal process. 

Anyway, did you get any reason from the casino why it takes longer ? 

I think i am close to finding a solution so i will keep trying a little bit more by myself and then i will ask for help if it is necessary

Well, I hope you'll be able to sort it out. If not, you know you can turn to us. Good luck and if you have something new, feel free to update us. 🙂

Zdravo, imao sam isplatu "na čekanju" danima kada su rekli da će potrajati 1 do 3 radna dana...mi smo već 4. i izgleda da ne plaćaju...pored negativne kritike koje sam pročitao na mreži... Da li je to stranica za prevaru? U ćaskanju ne daju rešenja i ograničeni su na kopiranje i lepljenje poruke.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello, I have moved your post under the casino where your problems occurred. I see that you are in 4th day in your withdrawal stage, but I would like to start by saying that we give casinos 14 days to resolve withdrawal process. When the casino told you it would take 1-3 days, did they give you an explanation why you don't have it yet ? It occurs to me that since it is before the holidays, the casino may have some delay in payments or there may be other reasons. 

However, I recommend to be patient for a while considering the time frame I told you and we'll see if the money gets to you. I firmly believe that it will and if you have any new information, don't hesitate to let us know. Fingers crossed. 🤞

Post od Rafaeliton was hidden
Razlog: Uvredljiv sadržaj

Dear user, due to your totally inappropriate language and abusive behavior I'm warning you now!

Please respect our policies otherwise your account will be permanently banned or you'll lose access to the forum.

Rabidi NV su najgora vrsta ljudi, uspeli su da me ne spavaju dugo jer sam bio tako nervozan. Oni su obučeni banditi!!!

Predlažem policijsku istragu u sedištu firme, treba ih hapsiti i jesti kamenje do kraja života!!!

Automatski prevedeno:

Dobar dan, napravio sam nekoliko depozita od 29.12.2021. i izgubio sam mnogo novca i nastavivši da igram, uspeo sam da osvojim nešto od onoga što sam izgubio. Oko 2.400 €, pokušavam da mi ga vrate... politika refundiranja je da kaže da se vraćaju u roku od 3 radna dana, ali je prošlo nekoliko dana i ne vidim odgovor.

Istina je da su povrati na svaka 24 sata i sa ograničenjem. Prihvatio sam ga i povlačio sam svakih 24 sata. Kontaktiram odeljenje za pomoć ali mi niko ne daje odgovor...

Kažu mi da samo moram da čekam.

Trebam pomoć

Automatski prevedeno:

Rabidi NV su najgora vrsta ljudi, uspeli su da me ne spavaju dugo jer sam bio tako nervozan. Oni su obučeni banditi!!!

Predlažem policijsku istragu u sedištu firme, treba ih hapsiti i jesti kamenje do kraja života!!!

Automatski prevedeno:

I'm sorry for your experiences, but keep your temper on the leash. I won't tolerate your general abuse.

If you have something to say about Rabidi - insults excluded, do so here, please:

I pray you understand my warning.

Dobar dan, napravio sam nekoliko depozita od 29.12.2021. i izgubio sam mnogo novca i nastavivši da igram, uspeo sam da osvojim nešto od onoga što sam izgubio. Oko 2.400 €, pokušavam da mi ga vrate... politika refundiranja je da kaže da se vraćaju u roku od 3 radna dana, ali je prošlo nekoliko dana i ne vidim odgovor.

Istina je da su povrati na svaka 24 sata i sa ograničenjem. Prihvatio sam ga i povlačio sam svakih 24 sata. Kontaktiram odeljenje za pomoć ali mi niko ne daje odgovor...

Kažu mi da samo moram da čekam.

Trebam pomoć

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello there,

Are you referring to refunds or rather ordinary withdrawal requests, please?

Honestly, I can't tell for now.

I'll be here for an update. 🙏

Zdravo, imam 101.000 evra. Imam tri isplate na čekanju od ovoga, prvi dan je prvi i ne plaćaju. Kako ih kontaktiram putem ćaskanja i kažu mi da sam u redu. Trebam pomoć. Imam mnogo novca za povlačenje. To je hleb mog sina. Justiceaaaaa. filefilefilefilefile

Automatski prevedeno:


The way I understand your post, the casino admitted that you are in the line. Meaning they are most likely in delay - processing payments in the queue. Did I get it right?

I'm asking because, in such a situation, you just need to wait. Just don't cancel the withdrawals, that's important.

Maybe you can paste here the response you got from support. Can you, please?


Tri povlačenja su juče odobrena i plaćena od strane kazino vazamba. Ali kada zatražim povlačenje, nikada ne otkazujem.😊. Nadam se da više neće biti kašnjenja u isplatama, jer su ta povlačenja trajala više od tri radna dana prema uslovima i odredbama kazino vazamba.

Automatski prevedeno:

Good, that's responsible.

I also hope the delay won't be too excessive. Could you keep me posted, please? 🙏

Just to be sure, you know.

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