NaslovnaForumKazinaWazamba Casino - opšta diskusija

Wazamba Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 15)

 od Matiseli
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Yesterday I contacted live support again. Finally the problem was resolved and they credited the winning prize to my account. Event though they were 9 days late, I'm still happy that I it's finally resolved. Now I'm going through the withdraw process. Thank you for your help!


Zdravo, može li neko da odgovori na moju žalbu?, otvorena je u ponedeljak. Hvala vam

Automatski prevedeno:

Dobro jutro, pogodio sam džekpot od 62.000 hiljada na Vazambi i nakon što su platili 25.000 evra zatvorili su račun bez ikakvog objašnjenja... strašno

Automatski prevedeno:

Yesterday I contacted live support again. Finally the problem was resolved and they credited the winning prize to my account. Event though they were 9 days late, I'm still happy that I it's finally resolved. Now I'm going through the withdraw process. Thank you for your help!

9 days is quite a lot but in the end the most important thing is that you got the prize as you say. 

When you mention that you are going to withdraw money now, make sure you let us know how that goes as well. What payment method do you use ? 🙂

Zdravo, može li neko da odgovori na moju žalbu?, otvorena je u ponedeljak. Hvala vam

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, here is a timer that is important for all parties. Tomas has quite a lot of complaints and he tries to get to each player as soon as possible but you have to be patient. He will look at your messages you sent him and then he will answer you.


But about your situation. I don't think it's right to just close a player's account without an explanation and it would upset me too. When you hit the jackpot, congratulations, but I don't really understand why you were only paid half of it. Did the casino explain that to you ? 

Anyway, I hope it gets sorted out and you get all your money. If you have an update be sure to let me know. 

file odgovorili su mi na ovo.

Automatski prevedeno:


hello there! It has been some time 🙂

I just want to mention your rejected complaint 👈 in order to keep the conversation fair. I also vividly remember the debates surrounding it.

Take care.

file odgovorili su mi na ovo.

Automatski prevedeno:

I was afraid of this. Well, the only way seems to be patient with the complaint.

I imagine Tomas will ask the casino representative for further explanation. Until the complaint reaches this phase, I fear we won't have more to add. I'm sorry.


Jaro nadam se da će se sve rešiti...

Automatski prevedeno:

I'll be hoping as well, whatever new news you have be sure to get back to me. 😉

Izvinite. Šta znači administrativna odluka? U ćaskanju uživo mi kažu da je moj nalog zatvoren zbog administrativne odluke

Automatski prevedeno:

Draga Radka,

Želeo bih da vam odgovorim jer smatram da je ova tema sa Vazamba and Co veoma važna.

Vaše kolege su mi tada veoma dobro i profesionalno pomagale.

Imam advokatsku kancelariju na Curacao-u koja ima moja dokumenta. Jasno se može dokazati da nisam dobio nikakav dobitak.

Stoga tražim druge pobednike koji su iskusili istu stvar.

Siguran sam da ćete se složiti sa mnom da bi to za vas lično bio veliki novac, na koji imate pravo.

Zato ne odustajem i pokušaću sve da dođem do dobitka.

Pravda mora da pobedi, zar ne misliš da je Radka?

Želeo bih da se još jednom zahvalim vama i vašim kolegama na velikoj podršci koju ste tada pružili.

Veliki pozdrav

poslala vam je Anja Mejer

PS: Savet o grupnoj tužbi došao je od advokata.

Automatski prevedeno:

Izvinite. Šta znači administrativna odluka? U ćaskanju uživo mi kažu da je moj nalog zatvoren zbog administrativne odluke

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, it may be based on their decision, but I can't tell you for sure what exactly is behind it. Casinos sometimes resort to this, but it is important that you have cashed out and have an account with 0, so you don't have any money there. If these conditions are not met, then the account should not be closed.

I would say, or I think it is, that one of the reasons can be when a player wins a lot of money and the losses are not so big. In that case I can imagine that something similar could happen, but obviously the reasons could be different. The casino probably won't say them so it's a pity because sometimes a fair explanation would be appropriate.

So the casino has come up with this, yes, they're closing your account ? 🤔

Moj račun je zatvoren nakon džekpota od 62.000 evra. Već imam otvorenu žalbu sa vašim kolegom Stefanom

Automatski prevedeno:

Draga Radka,

Želeo bih da vam odgovorim jer smatram da je ova tema sa Vazamba and Co veoma važna.

Vaše kolege su mi tada veoma dobro i profesionalno pomagale.

Imam advokatsku kancelariju na Curacao-u koja ima moja dokumenta. Jasno se može dokazati da nisam dobio nikakav dobitak.

Stoga tražim druge pobednike koji su iskusili istu stvar.

Siguran sam da ćete se složiti sa mnom da bi to za vas lično bio veliki novac, na koji imate pravo.

Zato ne odustajem i pokušaću sve da dođem do dobitka.

Pravda mora da pobedi, zar ne misliš da je Radka?

Želeo bih da se još jednom zahvalim vama i vašim kolegama na velikoj podršci koju ste tada pružili.

Veliki pozdrav

poslala vam je Anja Mejer

PS: Savet o grupnoj tužbi došao je od advokata.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello again.

As we have tried to explain to you on numerous occasions, what you still perceive as some form of justice is far from a fair perspective. I am afraid nothing has changed.

Therefore, I think there should be a proper response when you approach members who are unaware with your general truth once more.

So, one more: is this whole thing still about our rejected complaint, please? We were even unable to determiate the desputed amount due to your inconsistencies. If this is related, I ask you kindly to keep it fair and square for others. That's all I ask from you.

Attorneys operate in distinct ways, lawsuits provide them their wagers 🙂

I have been discussing a fair approach instead.

Moj račun je zatvoren nakon džekpota od 62.000 evra. Već imam otvorenu žalbu sa vašim kolegom Stefanom

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi there! And, congratulations!!!

I saw the reply:

"To be fair @stefan I ask you to change the amount of the claim, the casino paid 3 pending withdrawals and now the missing balance is 27000. Thanks"

You know that when you win big, especially a jackpot, the casino will most likely close your account and investigate your gaming history. because the win is quite big. Sometimes they need to cooperate with related game providers, since most jackpots are paid by game providers.

In any case, I'm glad to see the withdrawals have been moving!


Hvala Radka na ogromnoj ljubaznosti. Nadajmo se da će se sve rešiti. Tako sam zabrinuta🙁

Automatski prevedeno:

Zdravo Radka! Toliko sam uplašena da neću videti svoj dobitak 🙁

Automatski prevedeno:

I sympathize with you and I would also be worried, but since they have already paid you some part of it, that would probably put me at ease. 

Also, the fact that Stefan contacted the casino and their high safety index could be a good sign. I know it's not pleasant to wait in a situation like this, but for now it's the only thing we can do and I firmly believe that you will get the rest and enjoy the money. 

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