ForumKazinaWazamba Casino - opšta diskusija

Wazamba Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 9)

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pre 10 meseci

Zdravo, oni samo igraju na vreme.

Svaki dan sam dostavljao ličnu kartu i vozačku dozvolu kao dokumente. Uvek se podvrgavaj svaki dan, nerviraj ih, onda je u redu da ne odustaneš.

Došao je red na mene da primim svoje dobitke od marta.

Pozdrav Anja

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 10 meseci

First of all thanks for responding.

Secondly did you take your winnings or not and if yes after how much time?

pre 10 meseci

Još jedan važan savet je da sačuvate sve dobitke koje ste osvojili kao snimak ekrana i takođe preuzmete istoriju igre.

Za mene je Vazamba nekoliko puta manipulisao iznosom, tako da je moj dobitak bio sve manji.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 10 meseci

Još jedan važan savet je da sačuvate sve dobitke koje ste osvojili kao snimak ekrana i takođe preuzmete istoriju igre.

Za mene je Vazamba nekoliko puta manipulisao iznosom, tako da je moj dobitak bio sve manji.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 10 meseci

Ok i understand thanks again for the response

pre 10 meseci

I know it is not funny but i am trying to be calm with matters like this. Exactly this way, i download the documents from my internet banking account and i send them to wazamba. I dont convert any photo.

pre 10 meseci

I see. As I said, I just wanted to be sure about its origin. Sadly it truly looks like the casino employees should receive additional training on how the documents need to be handled. 🙁

I'm sorry I could not be more helpful.

At least you may submit a free-of-charge complaint, just in case you struggle far too long. Kindly check out this guide on how this feature works.

How do you feel about that?

pre 10 meseci

Još jedan važan savet je da sačuvate sve dobitke koje ste osvojili kao snimak ekrana i takođe preuzmete istoriju igre.

Za mene je Vazamba nekoliko puta manipulisao iznosom, tako da je moj dobitak bio sve manji.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 10 meseci

I think it is fair to add that your complaint was actually closed as unjustified. With all due respect, deal with it and stop chasing other players with your unsupported ideas.

Do I really have to remind you each time?

"Thank you for your emails. Unfortunately, I didn't find any relevant conversation that would suggest that someone else played in the casino instead of you. According to your game history, you played down your winnings to zero and made 36 deposits after that. It is highly unlikely that someone would do that after being "robbed" of 80000€. In the conversations you forwarded, you basically complain about your withdrawals. Since all withdrawals you made were processed and received and there is no sign of abusing access to your account, I'm afraid your complaint will be rejected. If you disagree with our decision, please turn to the Gaming Authority ( I wish I could be of more help."

If you don't stop bringing this topic up each time a new player posts an issue, your permit to create posts here will be restricted.

Can you please consider that?

pre 10 meseci

I see. As I said, I just wanted to be sure about its origin. Sadly it truly looks like the casino employees should receive additional training on how the documents need to be handled. 🙁

I'm sorry I could not be more helpful.

At least you may submit a free-of-charge complaint, just in case you struggle far too long. Kindly check out this guide on how this feature works.

How do you feel about that?

pre 10 meseci

Ok again thanks for the responses i will try to find a solution as soon as possible. Either way i take my money or not i will submit for suer a complaint about wazamba casino.

pre 10 meseci

Thank you too. We'll be here if you need more details about the complaint or whatever suits your needs.

Would you kindly keep us posted on your progress? The others might find it handy, I'd say. 🙏

One way or another, I wish you a pretty quick solution!

pre 10 meseci

Thank you too. We'll be here if you need more details about the complaint or whatever suits your needs.

Would you kindly keep us posted on your progress? The others might find it handy, I'd say. 🙏

One way or another, I wish you a pretty quick solution!

pre 10 meseci

Of course i will provide information if something changes. Thanks again

pre 10 meseci

Pazio bih...Jer je vaš kolega i sam prepoznao razlike.

Ali neću više ništa objavljivati.

Očekujem poštovanje i od tebe.

Sve najbolje

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 10 meseci

Please do not try to say you do not understand. I know the whole background of the complaint I mentioned. I personally discussed your posts with Matěj many times in the past due to that.

It is the path you have chosen. Those are the consequences.

I respect you as a human being, but I can't ignore the constant denigration you try to spread here. 🙏

Stay well.

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 10 meseci
pre 9 meseci

Dobro jutro, pre 2 dana sam osvojio 1000 evra sa bonusom od 30 evra na kraju nakon dva dana isplata je otkazana rekavši da mi je mašina greškom isplatila

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 9 meseci

Hi, did you ask how this is possible or for some proof from the casino that there was an error ? 

pre 9 meseci

Da, kažu da je greška na slotu i da nije trebalo da mi plate. Kažu da bih sa maksimalnim bonusom od 5 evra mogao da osvojim 25 evra. Problem je u tome što bonus nije ono što kažu, već je to bio bonus od rakova i ja sam osvojio 60 € sa kojima sam onda dobio napisani iznos.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 9 meseci

I'm sorry, but what is this scrab bonus?

One way or another, I was about to suggest submitting a complaint to you, and now I see you already have one with a very similar issue, but against another casino.

Just to be sure, have you encountered the same issue in both casinos? Or just in Wazamba, please?

Well, one way or another, your current complaint surely needs a better update 🙏 Please do so by using this link.

pre 9 meseci

Pogrešio sam, uvek je isto

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 9 meseci

Since this is a problem at Wazmba Casino, I have moved your posts to a specific casino. 

However, Radka asked what the scrab bonus is. Could you describe it or tell me what it means ? 

pre 9 meseci

Scrab bonus bi bio bonus koji vam daju kada dopunite.

imate priliku da osvojite besplatno okretanje ili novac koji se može igrati.

to je neka vrsta mašine sa robotskom rukom za kontrolu i pecanje objekta

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 9 meseci

Dobar dan Radka, konačno ova izjava....

Vaš kolega Peter je otkrio ove iznose razlike, baš kao i ja, i to me dovodi do mog advokata.

.......Zar niste primetili razlike u vašem stanju prilikom podizanja (6641,80€ je nedostajalo 22. marta, 25889,31€ je nedostajalo 24. marta i 28277,50€ je nedostajalo 25. marta), kao što je navedeno u jedan od Ekcel dokumenata? Liste koje ste poslali? Po mom mišljenju, to su prilično značajne i zapažene sume. Da li ste kontaktirali kazino u vezi ovoga?.....

Automatski prevod

Ali neću vam slati dalje poruke i vaši drugi klijenti će takođe odgovoriti.

Da sam prokockao svoj dobitak, ne bih se toliko dugo borio za tvoju pravdu.

Imam fizički invaliditet, ali ne i psihički.

Nije lepo što me optužuješ da lažem.

To je sve na kraju!!!

Srdačan pozdrav, Anja Meier ♥

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 9 meseci

Dobro veče prijatelju jer sam video da ste se suočili sa istim problemom kao i ja u vazambi ako vidite ovu poruku, pošaljite mi odgovor i ja ću pronaći rešenje

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 9 meseci

Zdravo, kako si to rešio?

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