Igrao sam u vazbee kazinu i zaplenili su oko 2.200 evra (možda i više, blokiran sam i ne vidim tačno) bez razloga. priložio sam poštu od njih. Od kada sam dobio mejlove oni više ne reaguju. Nisam uradio apsolutno ništa loše, samo klađenje mislim da ima vrednost. oni biraju 4 opklade za koje misle da su problematične (ne mogu da vidim koja su, jer naravno ne mogu da proverim ID-ove opklada) od preko 1.000 opklada koje sam tamo napravio.
Ovo je najsjajniji kazino koji sam ikada video, a što je još smešnije je da ih kazinoguru i dalje ocenjuje kao najbolje, i ODBIO MOJU ŽALBU jer bi trebalo da razgovaram sa kompanijom za licenciranje Curacao (koja, naravno, ne donosi ništa). Našao sam advokata i ako drugi imaju isto iskustvo, pišite mi.
Na osnovu informacija koje je pružio provajder, identifikovani ste kao deo grupe igrača označenih kao „Problem". Primećeno je da ovi pojedinci iskorišćavaju tehničke propuste i/ili greške na veb lokaciji da bi stekli nepravednu prednost kroz netačne kvote ili pogrešno predstavljene opklade.
Uskoro će vam biti poslato pismo od provajdera.
Neophodno je naglasiti da takvo ponašanje predstavlja ozbiljno kršenje propisa našeg kazina. Shodno tome, vaš nalog je suspendovan zbog nepoštenog igranja i svi povezani dobici su konfiskovani.
Prema uslovima i odredbama:
11. Izuzetne okolnosti/prekinute igre
11.8. Vazbee očekuje da bilo koji klijent neće zloupotrebiti greške na veb sajtovima i/ili aplikacijama. Očekuje se da klijent koji je postao svestan nekompletnosti na Veb sajtovima i/ili aplikacijama treba da se uzdrži od korišćenja bilo kakve prednosti i odmah obavesti korisničku podršku o tome. Korisnik koji je iskoristio greške i nije uspeo da obavesti korisničku podršku u razumnom roku može se smatrati odgovornim i Vazbee ima pravo da zahteva odštetu koja je nastala zbog kršenja ove odredbe.
16. Prekršaji, kazne i raskid
16.3. Ako kršenje pravila smatramo pokušajem prevare kazina, Vazbee može konfiskovati sve dobitke i depozite bez refundiranja."
Nadam se da ovo e vas nađe dobro.
Obavještavamo vas da je korisnik 515\3040733544\4320_19064 dodat u grupu "Problem" sa ograničenjem od 0,01%:
Evo primera sumnjivih opklada zbog kojih je korisnik bio
dodao u ovu grupu:
-3425779155, -3424728300, -3419999941, -3421536390
Problem: igrači koji su raspoređeni u ovu grupu su oni koji se ne pridržavaju nijedne specifične taktike u svojoj aktivnosti klađenja, ali koriste bilo koji tehnički problem i grešku na veb stranici da bi imali koristi od pogrešnih kvota ili argumenta opklade. U zavisnosti od situacije, koriste različite taktike (arbitražno klađenje, srednje klađenje, kasno klađenje itd.).
S poštovanjem!"
I played at the wazbee casino and they have confiscated around 2.200 Euro (maybe more, i am blocked and cant see exactly) for no reason. ive attached the mails from them. Since i got the mails they are not reacting anymore. I did absolutely nothing wrong, only making bets i think having value. they are picking 4 bets they think are problematic (i cant see which one they are, because i cant check bet-ids of course) out of over 1.000 bets i made there.
This is the shadiest casino i have ever seen and whats even funnier is that casinoguru still rates them top, and REJECTED MY COMPLAINT because i should talk to the curacao license company (which brings nothing of course). ive found a lawyer and if others have the same experience, write me.
Based on the information provided by the provider, you have been identified as part of a group of players labeled as "Problem." These individuals have been observed exploiting technical glitches and/or errors on the website to gain an unfair advantage through incorrect odds or misrepresented bets.
A letter from the provider will be forwarded to you shortly.
It's imperative to stress that such behavior constitutes a severe breach of our casino's regulations. Consequently, your account has been suspended due to engaging in unfair gaming practices, and all associated winnings have been confiscated.
According to the terms and conditions:
11. Exceptional circumstances/aborted games
11.8. Wazbee expects that any Customer will not abuse any errors on Website(s) and/or App(s). It is expected that a Customer that has become aware of an incompleteness on the Website(s) and/or App(s) should refrain from taking any advantage thereof and inform customer support about it immediately. A Customer that has taken advantage of errors and has failed to inform customer support in reasonable time may be held liable and Wazbee has the right to claim compensation that has incurred from breaching this provision.
16. Breaches, penalties and termination
16.3. If we consider the violation of the rules as an attempt to cheat the casino, Wazbee may confiscate all winnings and deposits without refund."
Hope this email finds you well.
Kindly be informed that User 515\3040733544\4320_19064has been added in Group "Problem" with a limit of 0.01%:
Here are the examples of suspicious bets which caused the user to be
added in this group:
-3425779155, -3424728300, -3419999941, -3421536390
Problem: the players, who are allocated to this group are those, who do not adhere to any specific tactics in their betting activity, but use any technical issue and bug on the website to benefit from wrong odds or argument of the bet. Depending on the situation, they use different tactics (arbitrage betting, middling, late betting etc.).
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