ForumKazinaWestCasino - opšta diskusija

WestCasino - opšta diskusija (strana 8)

pre 1 godinu od Thomas79
20193 pregleda 183 odgovora |
1...7 8 910
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pre 3 meseci

It's all crap. They've had 9 passport pics and a video. You can see everythings clear. They simply want to commit theft as I said I was closing my account.

It's been two days and no responses on the complaint.

Just seems like no one wants to help players anymore and they allowing casinos to scam players.

pre 3 meseci

In the upper right corner you have a timer that shows how long each side has to answer. Unfortunately, Tomas has not only your complaint but a lot of others and therefore it is not easy to answer right away. He tries to do what he can to make sure that every player with whom he has a complaint doesn't wait too long. So you don't need to be afraid that he doesn't want to help, but you need to be patient. I'm sure he'll get to you soon. 

pre 3 meseci

Just a little update -

Tomas response -

Dear all,

After discussing the case internally, we would expect the casino to agree to a verification call, as we don't see any issue with the documents submitted thus far. A verification call should allow the casino to dispel any concerns regarding the documents already provided.

Dear WestCasino,

please make it happen and let us know about the result.

West Casino response -

Hello masonjones,

Thank you for your reply!

I'm not sure why you are not willing to collaborate for the verification process.

A photo as requested can be easily taken with any smartphone or camera in proper lighting. Refusing to provide this will only delay the process further.


They are just trying to ignore reality. Ive sent over 7 pictures, done a video, agreed to a live video (they've said no). They ignored the picture I sent 6 days ago. Casinoguru have said the pictures are clear, ECOGRA have said they are clear. Everyone else is wrong but West. They are attempted theft and are scammers.

I went to citizens advice on friday and they have told me to instruct solicitors. So Ive done that.

pre 3 meseci

Another terrific response from these criminals -

Hello masonjones,

Thank you for your reply!

If you don't wish to comply with our requests, you can wait for your eCogra complaint to be resolved.

We have provided them with all the relevant information related to your case.

All the best,


Just a reminder on the reality -


7 Passport Pictures sent in.

1 video sent in.

Proof no metadata has been changed.

The last picture sent in 6 days ago not reviewed nor responded to.

Casino Guru employees (Multiple) and ECOGRA stated all pictures are clear.

Player has offered to do a verification Call. West Casino have refused.

Random stranger at West Casino claiming everyone is wrong and they are right in saying the images are not clear.

Random stranger at West Casino not stating which area is not clear and refusing attempts to resolve.

EU consumer law/Carribjustice courts dictate if a vendor refuses a consumers custom they are legally obliged to refund deposits. West Casino are breaking the law.

Solicitors are instructed.

pre 3 meseci

I have looked into your complaint and I have also consulted with Tomas. I honestly can't say what more the casino wants from you. When you say that eCorga has decided that the photos are also clear enough, that's good news. I think call would be able to solve it and they would see everything, but I don't understand this attitude from their perspective. 

And so I think if there is not a reasonable agreement, there will probably be consequences. Especially if the authority is on your side.

I will be interested in further developments, so be sure to let me know if you happen to have any other relevant information. 

pre 3 meseci


After a month all that has happened is Tomas has closed the complaint and said the above…

The complaint is with ECOGRA. But from what I’ve found out they are funded by casinos so why would they side with me?

I had done the complaint on this public forum so other players could see the conduct of West and Casino Guru could help me actually get answers.

All that’s currently happened is West have been able to reject everything with invalid reasons, refuse requests to do a video and then ignore my last picture I sent in?

None of this has helped at all.

pre 3 meseci

It is unfortunately a procedure that is the same for every player. If you make a complaint to the authority, it's basically in their hands and their decision is more important. So that's why it's been closed like this for now. We usually advise players to complain to the authority when we can't help, so unfortunately it's like this at the moment. 

But you know our view on the situation and I'm curious to hear what they have to say. You said that eCorga told you that your photos are clearly visible and that's the whole case here, so from what you stated, it doesn't seem to me that they are in cahoots with the casino. 

As soon as you have concrete information and the result, let me know. 

I'll keep my fingers crossed. 🤞

pre 2 meseci

The other post should be linked to West Casino page on CG.

How can CG give West and 8.5 yet users rate it terrible? Having looked at the players complaint and the way West behave I think this should be updated. This kind of behaviour can make people mentally sick.

pre 2 meseci

Sorry, but I do not understand which post you have in mind or what exactly you mean.🤷‍♀️

Do you have some kind of issue with this casino that we could help you with, perhaps?

Whenever you look at the reviews of any online casino on our website, you will find this tab there where the safety index is always explained, so everyone can better understand what we give it for. Sometimes the user experience could be bad at a better casino, and sometimes it could go the other way around. Only if players file a complaint about this casino will the safety index be affected. If you wish, here you can read something more about how it actually works.

Please let us know if we can be of any help.

pre 2 meseci
pre 2 meseci

Yes, it's quite possible that's what the player meant. It's not all good as it turned out, but I hope it's not all over yet and fairness will eventually prevail. 🤞

pre 2 meseci

I think my thread should be linked.

There will be other players who are going through this hell!

pre 2 meseci

What do you mean, the one you posted before is linked. Do you mean your complaint or something else ?

pre 3 nedelja

Ako je kašnjenje u plaćanju slučaj, onda mi je rečeno da su dokumenti nečitljivi... uglovi odsečeni? Huh!??

I želeli su sve više i više stvarnih dokumenata potrebnih za isplatu, ceo moj život da tako kažem.

Sada je na čekanju žalba u vezi isplate itd...danas kao na slici nastavio sam da igram sa ulogom od 240€ po rundi i onda došao do 61,252.95€.

Napisao mejl pokušavajući da nađem rešenje, dogovor, kompromis oko iznosa, odustao bih od nečega. Pa, i na posao, rešenje, kompromis ili advokat i sud? Naravno drugačije rečeno 😜 nedugo zatim sam hteo da se prijavim, ali sam bio blokiran, što znači da nas nije briga, ćao 😏👎 😡 je juče u ćaskanju rekao da sam već dva dana prevaren, uključujući i u vezi sa dokumenti, a nisu otpremljeni putem snimka ekrana, već su ponovo fotografisani, ali još uvek nečitljivi i u obradi su ponovo ili nisu ni započete 😡

Šta drugo mogu da radim osim advokata i odlaska na sud? Prijavi ih? Ako jeste, gde?

Srdačan pozdrav, Rene


Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 nedelja

If you have a similar problem as the player before you, I would try to file a complaint with us and see what can be done. So obviously you didn't pass the verification as you describe, and did you send the document that the casino said was not readable again ? Did you ask why your account was blocked? No compromise as you say was agreed upon ? 

pre 3 nedelja

My situation was different, they fully verified my account even I was coming from a blacklisted country.

So my id, bank account,income proof etc.all this documents.They allowed me to deposit real money after they blocked my account and they told me I broke they're terms and conditions!!

This casino is insanely scamming people.

pre 3 nedelja

Well, I have read a case that was also closed here as unjustified. Branislav explained in detail several times how it works and why some situations occurred.

I think you also have to be aware that not everything works the way you might have seen it, and so although I am sorry, we tried to resolve it as fairly as possible. 

At the very least, it was an experience for you to keep an eye out for such things. 

pre 3 nedelja

Funny fact is they didn't reply to any of my emails, requests from January 2023.

So imagine how sneaky they are.

On chatt support I go and they said always we can't help you because you're not logged in,and I've said how I can login if my account is blocked? And they told me always,send an email,and I explain to them that I've sent many emails and I don't get answers,and I repeat the Story,is like a loop,and they simply refuse any answers.comunication

pre 3 nedelja

Žalba je podneta, provera je dostupna... Nedugo zatim sam pokušao ponovo putem mejla, ali uzalud. Oni su bešćutni i uopšte ih nije briga. Pošto je u pitanju prilična suma, moj nalog je blokiran. Onda sam stigao mejl sa istim zahtevom za dokumente... na koji sam samo rekao da nemam snage, ne želim više da odugovlačim, iako je više puta traženo i predato dovoljno dokumenata, jasno i uredno. Zatim sam putem e-pošte predložio kompromis da dobijem bar 2000 evra koliko je već traženo, mali deo od 61,000 evra, i da bih bio tako velikodušan i dao ostatak, ali bi onda poglavlje bilo zatvoreno. Pa sam im rekao da me obaveste, inače već znaju za sudski sistem sa tužbama i odštetom, a onda ću morati da idem na sud sa svojim advokatom i još dvojicom. E, sad se postavlja pitanje da li ćete vi ili vaši ljudi uspeti da to rešite bez problema ili će završiti na sudu?

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 nedelja

Going to court is a solution against this scammers,but the whole process can take years and thousands of euro involved for the lawsuit companies.

This casino refuse to stand up and deal with clients issues,is easy for them to hide behind they're messy Terms and conditions.

Even they're license Holder,MGA Authority don't do anything against them,for 1 year I showed them the illegality and nobody did anything against.

My opinion is stay away for online casinos with such bad reviews like westcasino

1...7 8 910
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