ForumKazinaWestCasino - opšta diskusija

WestCasino - opšta diskusija (strana 9)

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pre 3 nedelja

pa, nije drugačije, moj nalog je verifikovan i sve je bilo u redu. Ali kada je došlo do isplate, odjednom su mi rekli da su moja dokumenta, posle nedelja i meseci, nejasna i u fokusu, pratio sam uputstva i prekjuče sam napravio 3, 4, 5 fotografija i nove, kisele i jasne. Onda su svaki put rekli da su nejasni i da su uglovi odsečeni?? Izvinite, šta?? Koja šala, napisao sam im sporazum preko mejla, inače znaju kako ide na sud, tuže par milimetara, mislim 6M, eto, pročitao sam da joj je skoro druga kuća na sudu. Samo sam hteo da predložim svojih 2000 evra koji su u isplati. I mali deo od 61.000 evra koji je dat kada smo postigli dogovor. Ostalo bih im dao, bio bih tako glup. Samo da zatvorim poglavlje. Pa, tu je žalba na čekanju i ako ovde ništa ne bude, onda je to to. Onda moram da se obratim sudu sa nekoliko dobrih advokata, jer sa tom sumom novca mnogi ljudi su spremni za to, ionako moj advokat. 🤭

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pre 3 nedelja

Učite se na svojim greškama, ima i pravednih. Ali do sada u mom iskustvu postoje dva kazina u kojima uvek mogu da kažem puna 100% brza verifikacija i isplata, i sam sam imao sjajno iskustvo. 🤭👍😉

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 nedelja

Znam da sam uvek dobijao iste odgovore sa betmakimus kazinom kao rekord 😁 Vestcasino betmakimus Goldvin svi isti, oni koji vuku prevare.....😉👍

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pre 3 nedelja

Absolutely gutted for the person on here who is being done out of 62k. I would suggest court. I’m currently having to pay enforcement but have been told there is no physical address.

Casinoguru won’t help. They’re affiliates. Absolutely useless with my complaint. But hopefully this thread stays alive and catches up with west and their group. Maybe a hacker out there might see it and cause them trouble.

pre 3 nedelja

Da vidimo šta će se desiti... bio bih zahvalan na bilo kakvoj pomoći.

Lepo je za pogledati, ali još uvek u daljini 😞


Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 nedelja

Moram da ispravim 61.252,95€ 🥴

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 nedelja

Funny fact is they didn't reply to any of my emails, requests from January 2023.

So imagine how sneaky they are.

On chatt support I go and they said always we can't help you because you're not logged in,and I've said how I can login if my account is blocked? And they told me always,send an email,and I explain to them that I've sent many emails and I don't get answers,and I repeat the Story,is like a loop,and they simply refuse any answers.comunication

pre 3 nedelja

Yeah, unfortunately, the live chat is not always aware of such things as complaints and so on. It is fully understandable that they would tell you to contact the casino by email.🤷‍♀️

pre 3 nedelja

Is unusual for casino to don't reply at all for more than 1 year and half.

I've sent them letters in mail box as well.

I've tried all possible ways to contact someone from westcasino and they simply refuse any communication

pre 3 nedelja

Žalba je podneta, provera je dostupna... Nedugo zatim sam pokušao ponovo putem mejla, ali uzalud. Oni su bešćutni i uopšte ih nije briga. Pošto je u pitanju prilična suma, moj nalog je blokiran. Onda sam stigao mejl sa istim zahtevom za dokumente... na koji sam samo rekao da nemam snage, ne želim više da odugovlačim, iako je više puta traženo i predato dovoljno dokumenata, jasno i uredno. Zatim sam putem e-pošte predložio kompromis da dobijem bar 2000 evra koliko je već traženo, mali deo od 61,000 evra, i da bih bio tako velikodušan i dao ostatak, ali bi onda poglavlje bilo zatvoreno. Pa sam im rekao da me obaveste, inače već znaju za sudski sistem sa tužbama i odštetom, a onda ću morati da idem na sud sa svojim advokatom i još dvojicom. E, sad se postavlja pitanje da li ćete vi ili vaši ljudi uspeti da to rešite bez problema ili će završiti na sudu?

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 nedelja

Sorry, but I couldn't find any complaint submitted by you for this casino in our system. 🤷‍♀️

If you believe that you stand on good grounds to file it, do so. Just keep in mind that we really cannot know the outcome of any complaint beforehand. So, our team will surely do whatever they can to get it solved in the best way possible.

pre 3 nedelja

Absolutely gutted for the person on here who is being done out of 62k. I would suggest court. I’m currently having to pay enforcement but have been told there is no physical address.

Casinoguru won’t help. They’re affiliates. Absolutely useless with my complaint. But hopefully this thread stays alive and catches up with west and their group. Maybe a hacker out there might see it and cause them trouble.

pre 3 nedelja

I am sorry about your experience, but as I can see, our complaint team worked really hard on your case, but unfortunately you decided to stop responding, so it has to be rejected at the end.

It is very important to fully cooperate with the casino to get the withdrawal. Otherwise, it cannot be delivered.🤷‍♀️

pre 3 nedelja

Pritužbe su prisutne 😡


Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 nedelja

Napisao Nik!!!!


Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 nedelja

Is unusual for casino to don't reply at all for more than 1 year and half.

I've sent them letters in mail box as well.

I've tried all possible ways to contact someone from westcasino and they simply refuse any communication

pre 3 nedelja

It depends on the topic, in my opinion. If the casino considers the matter settled already (nomatter your point of view), no one will most likely respond. Not saying this is your case, of course. Additionally, Romi made a good point when she mentioned the chat operator usually doesn't handle more than trivial questions regarding bonuses or account details. It's not their job to lose time dealing with complex situations, so you will end up with an email address in most cases.

pre 3 nedelja

Napisao Nik!!!!


Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 nedelja

Would you kindly use your own words to explain what we should see? What is the issue, please?

pre 3 nedelja

They don't reply on any requests that I made, I've asked the gambling history,not received, I've asked to talk about legislative subjects, about the fact they accepted my registration with a blacklisted country id and they fully verified my account and ranked to vip gold 🪙 . after 6 months they blocked my account without clear explanation and refused any communication further on

pre 3 nedelja

I think that, as has been said and may indeed be true, if they feel that it is closed from their side and they dealt with it, for example, in the complaint a year ago, then they obviously have nothing more to write about it. If you have written to them recently, and if it is a year old, they probably don't want to go back to it. Of course, I understand that it would be appropriate to at least give some kind of answer to the player and not just leave it at that. But obviously everyone handles the situation differently. 😕

pre 3 nedelja

Practically they refuse to answer on something that can change all the Story,they accepted me as a client even when my country was on a blacklisted list from they're terms and conditions!

So the financial team asked me multiple documents to verify my source of income,Id,bank account etc.

After my account was fully verified everything went good till the point I found out that the casino operate illegally in the juristriction and at exactly the same time they blocked my account but they accused me of breaking the terms and conditions.

From that moment nobody reply anymore to emails. They're last answer was that I broke the terms and conditions,but they didn't broke they're own terms and conditions?? Because they allowed me to play for 8 months from a blacklisted country.

pre 3 nedelja

It definitely shouldn't happen but I think I already commented on this a few days ago that Branislav has evaluated everything necessary for the case. 

I'm afraid that the casino probably won't even respond if they have been behaving like this for a long time, so I don't know if it will change anything about their decision. Have you tried contacting a gambling authority ?

pre 3 nedelja

Da, takav je kazino. Snimaju sve dok ih niko ne uhvati, onda te blokiraju i onda si buuuuu. Svuda je isto. Kada je u pitanju isplata, oni nalaze najsmešnije razloge i izgovore da ne izvrše ISPLATU. A Guru ne može ništa da uradi povodom toga, osim da nastavi sa istom starom pričom kao i kazino. Kao u jednom slučaju kada sam imao priličnu sumu od 61.000 evra, samo sam pročitao dokumente iako je moj račun verifikovan. I odjednom, kada su u pitanju sume novca, to više nije bilo provereno. Cool, zar ne?? Već sam rekao Guruu da sam, uprkos mojoj verifikaciji, opljačkan 10 puta za dva dana. Voz je napustio stanicu, pravi kompromise jer nisam prihvatio odricanje od iznosa, želeo sam deo toga ili svoj depozit nazad i pokušao da dobijem svoj dobitak. Pošto je u dokumentima sa naloga objašnjeno da moj nalog može da vrši samo plaćanja, bilo onlajn ili na kasi, poslao sam vezu do uslova i uslova da MasterCard iz gutKarte-a uvek mora da ima stanje na sebi jer je to bila pripejd kartica. Dakle, nema svrhe da ovo zahtevam. Možete ga dobiti u pisanom obliku ako želite. Na pogrešnom ste mestu, jedino što će pomoći je nekoliko snimaka ekrana svih dokaza koje možete i advokat ili advokati.

Srdačan pozdrav, Rene

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pre 3 nedelja

It definitely shouldn't happen but I think I already commented on this a few days ago that Branislav has evaluated everything necessary for the case. 

I'm afraid that the casino probably won't even respond if they have been behaving like this for a long time, so I don't know if it will change anything about their decision. Have you tried contacting a gambling authority ?

pre 3 nedelja

I've contacted mga authority that gave them license and they took under consideration, I've explained everything and as well they refused to answer,they asked me to find a lawyer.

So accepting players from blacklisted countries is accepted by the license Holder.

Online gambling is a huge scam till the end ,my opinion is that nobody should gambe anymore not even 10 euro per month,year !

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