ForumKazinaWinGaga Casino - opšta diskusija

WinGaga Casino - opšta diskusija

pre 2 meseci od psychedelicteo
2072 pregleda 23 odgovora |
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pre 2 meseci
Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za WinGaga Casino, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.
pre 2 meseci

Ima li ko da mi pomogne?

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

Hello, what specifically do you need help with ? Did something happen to you at this casino ? Could you please describe it to me so I know if it would be possible for us to assist ? 

pre 1 meseca

Dobro veče. Od nedelje sam podneo zahtev za povlačenje i još uvek nisu obradili moj zahtev, a podrška mi je rekla da ne brinem i da će ga uskoro prihvatiti. U stvari, mnogo puta su mi naglašavali da je za to potrebno 1-3 radna dana i još do danas nemaju jasan odgovor. Govorim o vingaga kazinu, koji nas igračima iz Grčke veoma otežava, kao što sam video u drugim pritužbama.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

Kalimera. May I first ask you why you think that makes it difficult for players from Greece in particular?🤔

Have you already passed the verification process at this casino, or is it not necessary?

In your complaint Tomas explained that we usually give casinos 14 full days to process the withdrawal before our complaint team is able to intervene. I will keep my fingers crossed for you to receive the money earlier.🤞

Please make sure to keep us informed.

pre 1 meseca

Već vas obaveštavam jer kazino zvanično traži 1-3 radna dana da odgovori, što nije slučaj. Ne želim da zamišljam da neće platiti. Ali tačno je da svi znaju da vreme koje traže 1-3 radna dana nije validno da traje predugo. Što se tiče procesa verifikacije, ja sam svoja dokumenta poslao sam da se proces ne bi odugovlačio, a ni na to nisu odgovorili, odnosno da li im još nešto treba. Da sam znao da je za obradu jednostavnog povlačenja potrebno više od nedelju dana, ne bih napravio depozit. Depoziti se naravno vrše u isto vreme, ali isplate traju dugo u slučaju da otkažemo naše zahteve. Nemam šta drugo da kažem.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

We sincerely appreciate your willingness to inform other players.I know it seems natural to compare deposits and withdrawals, but please be aware that they are two very different processes.

Yet I have no intention of adding more salt to the delayed payment. Instead, I wish you a good day.

pre 1 meseca

Deponovanje je definitivno drugačiji proces od povlačenja, ali kao što kupac plaća direktno, mora se poslužiti bolje i sa ozbiljnošću. Srećno

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 1 meseca
Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

Yes that is true but sometimes there can be unexpected complications which you certainly understand.

I hope you will be able to resolve the situation with the help of the complaint you have filed. 

pre 1 meseca

I dalje je isto. Nisu odgovorili na povlačenje 11-08-24 i kad god ih kontaktiram, kažu mi iste stvari. Odnosno, trebalo bi da budem malo strpljiviji.

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 1 meseca
Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

Povlačenje je završeno sada nakon 8 dana

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

So at least after a week of good news, when you got your money. 

Congratulations and I hope that if you play in this casino it will only get better. Sometimes situations like this can happen and obviously if the casino has nothing more to say to you, that's why you didn't get anything else. 

Keep enjoying your money and if you have another experience, you can share if it was better. 😊☘️

pre 1 nedelje

Dobro jutro, video sam kroz postove raznih korisnika da pomažete u rešavanju pritužbi koje igrači imaju sa raznih sajtova za klađenje, takođe bih želeo da prijavim zahtev za povlačenje novca koji sam dao od 23. septembra (183 evra) na kladionica "vingaga" tehnička podrška mi stalno govori da budem strpljiv i da razumem što nije moguće jer nema doslednosti sa njihove strane

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 nedelje

Hi there!

We indeed support players on various occasions, and we are glad you've found us here.

Before you, several other players from Greece reported delayed payments from this casino/betting company, so perhaps reading this thread might ease your pain a bit. To me, it seems they are just slow and inefficient when it comes to the withdrawals. In any case, it is important to point a few things out regarding the support we offer for free.

First of all, the casino is allowed 14 full days to resolve the incomplete withdrawal; only after this period passes we will step in. I imagine it must feel like an extremely long time yet we all have to accept that.

Secondly, we solely address issues concerning casino games, no sports betting. Perhaps it is not important; I just want you to know that.

So, you are welcome to submit the complaint here and now by using this green link 👈, and our specialists from the first response team will get to you shortly with details.

For now, I wonder about following: have you ever withdrawn any money from this casino before? That would typically imply that your account information was checked and deemed suitable for further withdrawals.

pre 1 nedelje

E, hvala vam svima puno na mobilizaciji prvo, drugo, malopre je završeno povlačenje jednog od dva bar zato što čekam drugo koje se desilo 28.9, čekamo da vidimo šta će desi se sa drugom!

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 nedelje

Hello there.

I am glad that you received the money from your complaint here. I will inform your complaint resolver as soon as you confirm that it is the whole amount. Is that right?

And then you have another one you are waiting for from the 28th. So hopefully this one will be with you soon as well.

Please let us know about it.🙏

pre 1 nedelje

Dobro smo što je novac stigao juče, hvala vam puno na interesovanju i nastavite sa dobrim radom!

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 dana

Thank you for confirming, and may it all go well for you.🙂🤞

I will post a link for you here in case you're thinking about writing about your experience from this casino in a user review. It could help others better understand how this casino works.

Are you going to continue playing there now?

pre 13 sati

pozdrav iz kazina vingaga, povlačenje je sporo.. Takođe sam pročitao od drugih da imaju problem....

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 12 sati

And how long are you waiting for your withdrawal?

1 2

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