NaslovnaForumKazinaWinnita Casino - opšta diskusija

Winnita Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 3)

 od Radka
5.714 pregleda 54 odgovora |
12 3


ne nema ažuriranja, čak sam poslao i bankovnu karticu na kojoj se vidi broj kartice, ali one i dalje opadaju, više ne znam šta da radim da bih mogao da podignem svoj novac sa pravom, ali može li neki autoritet da interveniše?

Automatski prevedeno:

izvinite ali po ko zna koji put su odbili čak i sa skrinšotom tekućeg naloga, ovde je na granici smešnog!!! Pitam se ali kako mogu da rade slična kazina a da svi ne budu uhapšeni??? nastavljaju da generički odgovaraju ne navodeći ništa osim da su isplate blokirane, ali ne žele da prihvate zahtev sa nadom da ih sve igram!!! reci mi šta mogu da uradim!

Automatski prevedeno:

I can see that you are really frustrated by all this, but on the other hand, the casino needs to verify you. KYC is very important process and they have to do it.

If the casino repeatedly refuse to accept the documents you have sent them and does not explain to you what you should do so these documents can be accepted, there is unfortunately not much you can do right now, but wait.

So, in this case, I suggest you wait for your complaint resolver to get in touch with the casino representative and try to resolve this.

Please be patient, though, as we have many complaints submitted on our site and our resolvers are really busy with all of them.

Veronika will get back to you within the timeline shown on the timer in your complaint, for sure.

Razumem verifikaciju i sve ali kad pošalješ bar 30 puta sve dokumente koji savršeno potvrđuju tvoj identitet to je šala, ništa više, zašto ne traže verifikaciju u depozit? Paze da se čovek umori, ponovi i izgubi ono što je osvojio. mi smo ozbiljni i iskreni, ovo je realnost i poput mene ima mnogo korisnika sa istim problemom, samo pogledajte recenzije

Automatski prevedeno:

So, hopefully, we'll be able to find out the reason the casino is doing so and everything will be explained soon.

Usually there are not many casinos that would verify players when they deposit. It actually could be seen as a waste of time, to tell you the truth, really time-consuming for them.

Just imagine all the players who want to try the casino, deposit some amount, and play, and then decide that they don't like the casino for various reasons, so they leave and never come back again.

If the casino would verify all these players, it would be really a waste of time, don't you think so?🤷‍♀️

That is one of the reasons that the verification process starts when withdrawing.

Do you get the point there now?


Savršeno razumem poentu, ali da li vam sistem koji koriste deluje logično? Zbog toga ne mogu da spreče povlačenja i da prave beskorisne izgovore da se nadaju da će ih igrač ponoviti i izgubiti, što je uvek sistematično. Preporučujem da igrate u ADM kazinu i sačekate da se račun verifikuje, nakon čega više nemate problema

Automatski prevedeno:

I can't really say if the system is logical, for sure.🤷‍♀️

I believe that every online casino has to do the KYC because they are not able to see the player as the real casinos do, to prevent any issues.

We usually give casinos 14 full days to proceed with this because there can be many factors they need to deal with whenever verifying all the players.

Unfortunately for vulnerable players, it really can be difficult to keep the money in the casino account, and they play them down, as you said, but in many cases, the casino can't be blamed for it, actually.

I'm really sorry that you have to go through this kind of experience, though.

Savršeno razumem poentu, ali da li vam sistem koji koriste deluje logično? Zbog toga ne mogu da spreče povlačenja i da prave beskorisne izgovore da se nadaju da će ih igrač ponoviti i izgubiti, što je uvek sistematično. Preporučujem da igrate u ADM kazinu i sačekate da se račun verifikuje, nakon čega više nemate problema

Automatski prevedeno:

I wanted to express my regret that you had to go through this and hope that you are doing well in spite of the tragic conclusion to all of the challenges you have encountered. Do you now prefer to stick with the ADM-licensed sites? If I may say it was truly a good suggestion.

Well, there is no need to return to this unpleasant circumstance, of course. I just hope you're doing well!

Dakle ... sajt gde samo uzimaju novac a da nikada ne plate ni jedan evro ... igram 3 mesija sjajne krune ... nikad nisam video 5 sedmica ... i verujte mi da sam nedelju dana postavio više od 500 evra ... samo za ... ova igra je velika prevara

Automatski prevedeno:

Ne igrajte ovaj sajt... velika prevara... neko ko igra puno... nikad nije video tako loš sajt... totalna prevara... i to treba prijaviti

Automatski prevedeno:

Did you mean rtp is low?

Dakle ... sajt gde samo uzimaju novac a da nikada ne plate ni jedan evro ... igram 3 mesija sjajne krune ... nikad nisam video 5 sedmica ... i verujte mi da sam nedelju dana postavio više od 500 evra ... samo za ... ova igra je velika prevara

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, I'm sorry to hear that you didn't manage to win at the casino. But unfortunately, the casino always has an advantage over the player who loses his deposits here sooner or later. If you're not doing well and you feel like things are not going in the right direction, it's probably best to take a break or not play. That's probably the best thing to do. 😕

Ne igrajte se... Mislim da nameravaju da zatvore sa svim našim novcem. Ja lično čekam 1700 36 dana.

nakon provere dokumenata koje su izmislili da mora proći 14 dana pre dobijanja transfera.

15. dana …. tražim podsetnik ….pišu mi u ćaskanju da pitam finansijsku službu …..a sutradan mi kažu da moram da izvršim dalje provere …..ukratko , nalazimo se 36. dana neprekidnog kopiranja i lepljenja sa sledećim napisanim: finansijsko odeljenje sprovodi neke provere, sačekajte.

Verovatno čekaju da dotaknete novac da bi mogli sve da prokockaju.

na kraju….mislim….da će, kada se sakupi malo novca, nestati.

Prikupljam podatke da bih podneo međunarodnu žalbu... očigledno novac prolazi kroz londonsku banku i završava na ruskim računima u Turskoj.

ako još neko želi da se pridruži...

Automatski prevedeno:

Verujte mi…..hiljadu sedmica čak može da izađe…..ali onda vam ne isplaćuju dobitke.

prestanite ako imate vremena

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, I'm sorry that the whole situation has been going on for quite a long time and you still can't get your money. 

As far as verification is concerned, have you gone through it successfully yet? This is a common stumbling block and without it players cannot withdraw their money. Of course, we give casinos 14 days to resolve both KYC and withdrawal processes, so if they haven't and there is still a problem, you can also use our Complaint team to file a complaint with us and we will try to help you. 

I've been looking at the casino and they have some complaints that have been settled with us so that might be helpful.

What do you think, are you gonna go for it? 

12 3

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