NaslovnaForumKazinaWinshark Casino - opšta diskusija

Winshark Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 3)

 od Gretche70
12.929 pregleda 116 odgovora |
12 3 4...6

The only way to speed up the process is if the casino is willing to do so, unfortunately. In this case, I can see, though, that they have these limits stated on their site:


So I believe the casino is acting exactly as stated in their terms.

Da, ali ne isplaćuju svaki dan. Danas sam zapravo očekivao isplatu. Sada mi podrška govori da sledeći neće doći do sutra. Tako da će mi trebati večnost da isplatim 3000 evra

Automatski prevedeno:

Did they give you any reason for the delay, perhaps?🤔 Sometimes this happens, especially if the casino is understaffed or overloaded with withdrawal requests.

filefile Zdravo!

Nedavno sam igrao tamo u vinshark kazinu i osvojio sam prilično dobro u poređenju sa depozitima. Uspešno sam završio potvrdu naloga za igru. I ja sam povukao jedan depozit.

Profit se morao ostvariti u više isplata, jer je maksimalni iznos jednog podizanja 500e

Sada su isplate u stanju „na čekanju" već šesti dan i kazino daje okrugle odgovore koje će finansijski tim obavestiti kada se isplate obrađuju.

Pa šta da se radi o tome?

To nije rad dobrog kazina. Na primer, ako igrač zna za rizik od gubitka, zašto onda kazino ne dodeli velikodušne dobitke svojim igračima? Čudno... Zarad fer pleja i kazino i igrač moraju da prate opštu sliku

Ažurirano od strane autora
Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, if you've gotten a withdrawal before like you say, I'd be patient. 

We give casinos 14 days to sort out everything they need, so if they can't send you the money, then we'll try to help you out. 

Also, you say you're verified, so maybe they'll check your gameplay and such and when they're done with that process they'll get to the withdrawal. 

However, this is just my guess and may not be the reason. 

So I would wait and see if the casino gets back to you and tells you something relevant or if nothing moves forward and you file a complaint with us. 

I'd like you to update me. 

Fingers crossed that all goes well. 🤞


Hvala vam za vašu poruku! Sačekaću tih 14 dana. Ako do tada ne uspe, podneću vam žalbu.

Držati palčeve! 👍

Automatski prevedeno:

I hope that you will be able to get your money soon, so any intervention from our complaint team won't be needed. They are unfortunately not able to start investigating before this 14-day time period passes.🤷‍♀️

We'll wait for the updates.

Upravo sam osvojio 130.000 DKK, ali vinshark ga neće podesiti za isplatu i podrška mi ne može pomoći

Da li je neko primio svoj novac i kako ste to uradili? Voleo bih da novac ide na moj račun pošto sam legalno osvojio, nadam se da će neko pomoći.

Automatski prevedeno:


Moje iskustvo sa Vinharkom je bilo veoma, veoma loše. Isplaćeno mi je 500 evra. Nažalost, ostatak sam morao da igram malo po malo zbog dugog vremena čekanja. Da budem iskren, osećao sam da je previše glupo čekati. Mogu samo da preporučim slanje puno poruka za podršku svakog dana. Imam osećaj da će se isplatiti ako izvršite pravi pritisak na njih.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi there!

They have paid now two withdrawals to me and two more is still pending.

I waited those two succesful withdrawals about week, but still there is missing winnings.

I guess you'll just have to wait.

On my case, there is 4 days left, when that 14 days time period is passed. So, then starts to investigate that. Let's hope they don't have to do that 👍

It seems that finance department checks your every played round manually, even if it was 0,10 eur round 😅 just joking ... I don't know, why that finance department feels so primal 🤷‍♂️ or do they do that just on purpose. Just wanting player to cancel his/hers requests and lose those back.

For my opinnion : Players allways do know the risks of gambling of course. I play, because I want win some money.

That's for sure, if someone wins, then some other loses, because casino allways wins. I guess it's basic rule of gambling. And for that reason every casino should respect players and pay winnings on time as fast as players do deposits there. Well, almost that fast.. 😅


And for those two succesfull withdrawals I contacted every day to finance department and asked them to process those requests.

It feels stupid, yes, and customer service / finance department allways answered the same message. It was like "our financial procedures are reviewed due course".... "finance department will notify of every payout by email" ... "concratulate of your winnings"

Third day email in a row made me annoyed 🤣 and I got the same answer like 7 days... It's like automated email, so no one has to bother to answer any specific questions.

It's too hard to speak/write freely 🤷‍♂️

Upravo sam osvojio 130.000 DKK, ali vinshark ga neće podesiti za isplatu i podrška mi ne može pomoći

Da li je neko primio svoj novac i kako ste to uradili? Voleo bih da novac ide na moj račun pošto sam legalno osvojio, nadam se da će neko pomoći.

Automatski prevedeno:

What is the reason the casino won't let you withdraw, though? I hope we can somehow help.


Moje iskustvo sa Vinharkom je bilo veoma, veoma loše. Isplaćeno mi je 500 evra. Nažalost, ostatak sam morao da igram malo po malo zbog dugog vremena čekanja. Da budem iskren, osećao sam da je previše glupo čekati. Mogu samo da preporučim slanje puno poruka za podršku svakog dana. Imam osećaj da će se isplatiti ako izvršite pravi pritisak na njih.

Automatski prevedeno:

Too bad you haven't informed our team about these events in your complaint; it could have a different outcome, perhaps.🤷‍♀️


Da li ste već primili svoj novac?

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, why do you ask, are you waiting for money here too ? 


Ćao da. Danas sam prvi put tražio 3 isplate od po 500 evra. Zato sam želeo da znam da li je Joossi dobio svoj novac. I meni je malo sumnjivo jer se obrađuje 6 dana. Do sada sam takođe dobio 2 isplate od po 500 evra. Svako povlačenje je obrađeno u roku od 2 dana.

Automatski prevedeno:

I have got 1000 eur, but other 1000 is still missing/pending. I did my requests about 11 days ago 😮‍💨

So, haven't got all of those 🤷‍♂️

Just this morning, I asked "finance team " to execute them and I got same email back that "our financial procedures are reviewed due course" 🤯


Prvi put su mi dali tačan datum kada će mi platiti, a vi ne? Ne razumem ovo odlaganje. Radoznao sam da vidim kako mi sada ide

Automatski prevedeno:

I got email yesterday like this 🤣:


I don't get it eather, the delay 😣

It's shame, how casino banish their potential customers 😑

Ćao da. Danas sam prvi put tražio 3 isplate od po 500 evra. Zato sam želeo da znam da li je Joossi dobio svoj novac. I meni je malo sumnjivo jer se obrađuje 6 dana. Do sada sam takođe dobio 2 isplate od po 500 evra. Svako povlačenje je obrađeno u roku od 2 dana.

Automatski prevedeno:

Then I would be a bit more patient and see what happens next. The fact that you have already received some money is certainly positive and I would not be so nervous yet. 

Anyway, whatever happens or you get new information, I'll be here and you can let me know. 😉

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