Dobićete svoj dobitak, ali pitam se da je to 500eur nedeljno.
Pa, u mom slučaju je to tako prošlo 🤷♂
You'll get your winnings, but I'll quess that its 500eur per week.
Well, on my case that went like that 🤷♂️
Onda imam još nekoliko nedelja pred sobom. Imam 1500, dakle 3 k 500 u isplati i 2300 ostalo na mom računu.
Then I still have a few weeks ahead of me. I have 1500, so 3 x 500 in payout and 2300 left in my account.
Dann hab ich noch paar wochen vor mir. Habe 1500 also 3 mal 500 in der auszahlung und noch 2300 auf meinem konto.
Da li još uvek imate neizmirene isplate?
Do you still have any outstanding payouts?
Hast du auch noch Auszahlungen offen?
Ne, trenutno, ali imaju par u isto vreme, oni sigurno uzimaju vaš novac brzo, ali ne žele da ga daju, tako da ste iz Nemačke, pretpostavljam, i ja sam Nemac i oduvek sam želeo da posetim ili da živim tamo. U svakom slučaju, nadam se da ćete imati sjajnu noć i da ćete uskoro dobiti isplatu.
No not at the moment but had a couple at the same time they sure do take your money quick but don't wanna give it out so you from Germany I take it I'm German myself and have always wanted to visit or live there. Lol anyways hope you have a great night and get your payout soon.
Ažuriranje: Morao sam da čekam 2 nedelje na prvu uplatu od 3, a onda se ništa više nije dogodilo. Nisam imao izbora nego da uložim žalbu, jer nisam dobio razuman odgovor. Sama podrška nije mogla ili nije htela da pomogne i uputila me je na KIC odeljenje. Nažalost, oni su uvek davali samo standardne odgovore, uvek naizmenično. U jednom su istakli uslove i uslove i kakva prava imaju, a u drugom su rekli da će u dogledno vreme isplatiti. Oni to poriču, ali sam siguran da bih, da nisam podneo žalbu, i dalje čekao svoj novac. Pogledajte samo diskusije, nisam bio samo ja.
Otkazao sam povlačenje i uložio mnogo više, što je bila najveća greška. Zato što su igre tekle dobro kao i na početku. Ali otkako sam se žalio, trčali su kao da su zaustavljeni neposredno pre nego što sam pobedio. Pisao sam i kazinu o ovome, što su oni naravno demantovali, ali ne morate biti profesionalac da biste primetili. Sada sam napravio pauzu od 4 nedelje i onda ću videti da li zaista ponovo igram tamo. Za mene je podrška veoma važna u kazinu, ali ovde je više nego loša.
Update: I had to wait 2 weeks for the first payment of the 3, then nothing happened again. I had no choice but to file a complaint, because I didn't get a reasonable answer. The support itself couldn't or wouldn't help and referred me to the KYC department. Unfortunately, they only ever gave standard answers, always alternating. In one they pointed out the T&Cs and what rights they have, and in the other they said that they would pay out in due course. They deny it, but I'm sure that if I hadn't filed a complaint, I would still be waiting for my money. Just look at the discussions, it wasn't just me.
I had cancelled a withdrawal and actually deposited a lot more, which was the biggest mistake. Because the games were running as well as they did at the beginning. But since I complained, they have been running as if they were stopped just before I won. I wrote to the casino about this too, which they denied of course, but you don't have to be a professional to notice. I've now taken a break for 4 weeks and will then see if I really play there again. For me, support is very important in a casino, but here it is more than bad.
Update : auf die erste zahlung von den 3 musste ich 2 Wochen warten,dann passierte wieder nix. Mir blieb nichts übrig als eine Beschwerde einzureichen, denn eine vernünftige Antwort bekam ich nicht. Der Support selbst konnte oder wollte nicht helfen und verwieß mich an Kyc Abteilung. Von denen kamen leider immer nur standart Antworten,immer im Wechsel. In der einen wurde man auf die AGB S hingewiesen welche Rechte sie haben, und in der anderen stand das sie zu gegebener Zeit auszahlen. Sie streiten es ab, aber ich bin mir sicher, wenn ich keine Beschwerde eingelegt hätte, würde ich immer noch auf mein Geld warten. Seht euch einfach mal die Diskussionen an, es ging nicht nur mir so.
Eine Auszahlung hatte ich storniert und wirklich auch nochmal einiges eingezahlt, was der größte Fehler war. Denn so gut wie die spiele am anfang auch liefen. Aber seit meiner Beschwerde liefen sie als würde man sie kurz vor dem gewinn stoppen. Auch das hab ich dem casino geschrieben, was sie natürlich auch abstritten, aber man muss kein Profi sein um das zu merken. Hab jetzt erst mal für 4 wochen eine Auszeit genommen und werde dann sehen ob ich da wirklich nochmal spiele. Für mich ist der Support sehr wichtig in einem Casino, aber hier ist er mehr als schlecht.
Dobro jutro Gretche, u potpunosti se slažem i zaista mi se sviđaju vaši komentari i povratne informacije ako želite više da ćaskate o čemu bih voleo da izaberem vaš mozak a lil moj broj mobilnog je 248-534-5105 ili bi bilo koji drugi način češće komunikacije uspeo Nadam se da ću se uskoro čuti.
Good morning Gretche I totally agree and really like your input and feedback if you would like to chat more which I would like to pick your brain a lil my cell number is 248-534-5105 or any other way of communicating more often would work for me hope to hear from you soon have a good day.
Ažuriranje: Morao sam da čekam 2 nedelje na prvu uplatu od 3, a onda se ništa više nije dogodilo. Nisam imao izbora nego da uložim žalbu, jer nisam dobio razuman odgovor. Sama podrška nije mogla ili nije htela da pomogne i uputila me je na KIC odeljenje. Nažalost, oni su uvek davali samo standardne odgovore, uvek naizmenično. U jednom su istakli uslove i uslove i kakva prava imaju, a u drugom su rekli da će u dogledno vreme isplatiti. Oni to poriču, ali sam siguran da bih, da nisam podneo žalbu, i dalje čekao svoj novac. Pogledajte samo diskusije, nisam bio samo ja.
Otkazao sam povlačenje i uložio mnogo više, što je bila najveća greška. Zato što su igre tekle dobro kao i na početku. Ali otkako sam se žalio, trčali su kao da su zaustavljeni neposredno pre nego što sam pobedio. Pisao sam i kazinu o ovome, što su oni naravno demantovali, ali ne morate biti profesionalac da biste primetili. Sada sam napravio pauzu od 4 nedelje i onda ću videti da li zaista ponovo igram tamo. Za mene je podrška veoma važna u kazinu, ali ovde je više nego loša.
Update: I had to wait 2 weeks for the first payment of the 3, then nothing happened again. I had no choice but to file a complaint, because I didn't get a reasonable answer. The support itself couldn't or wouldn't help and referred me to the KYC department. Unfortunately, they only ever gave standard answers, always alternating. In one they pointed out the T&Cs and what rights they have, and in the other they said that they would pay out in due course. They deny it, but I'm sure that if I hadn't filed a complaint, I would still be waiting for my money. Just look at the discussions, it wasn't just me.
I had cancelled a withdrawal and actually deposited a lot more, which was the biggest mistake. Because the games were running as well as they did at the beginning. But since I complained, they have been running as if they were stopped just before I won. I wrote to the casino about this too, which they denied of course, but you don't have to be a professional to notice. I've now taken a break for 4 weeks and will then see if I really play there again. For me, support is very important in a casino, but here it is more than bad.
Update : auf die erste zahlung von den 3 musste ich 2 Wochen warten,dann passierte wieder nix. Mir blieb nichts übrig als eine Beschwerde einzureichen, denn eine vernünftige Antwort bekam ich nicht. Der Support selbst konnte oder wollte nicht helfen und verwieß mich an Kyc Abteilung. Von denen kamen leider immer nur standart Antworten,immer im Wechsel. In der einen wurde man auf die AGB S hingewiesen welche Rechte sie haben, und in der anderen stand das sie zu gegebener Zeit auszahlen. Sie streiten es ab, aber ich bin mir sicher, wenn ich keine Beschwerde eingelegt hätte, würde ich immer noch auf mein Geld warten. Seht euch einfach mal die Diskussionen an, es ging nicht nur mir so.
Eine Auszahlung hatte ich storniert und wirklich auch nochmal einiges eingezahlt, was der größte Fehler war. Denn so gut wie die spiele am anfang auch liefen. Aber seit meiner Beschwerde liefen sie als würde man sie kurz vor dem gewinn stoppen. Auch das hab ich dem casino geschrieben, was sie natürlich auch abstritten, aber man muss kein Profi sein um das zu merken. Hab jetzt erst mal für 4 wochen eine Auszeit genommen und werde dann sehen ob ich da wirklich nochmal spiele. Für mich ist der Support sehr wichtig in einem Casino, aber hier ist er mehr als schlecht.
Ne čudi me što se ovako završilo i što pravite pauzu. Siguran sam da će to biti dobro za vas i nadam se da ćete se vratiti na pravi put i da će sve biti dobro. Takođe možete sami da odlučite da li želite da nastavite da igrate ovde ili ne.
U svakom slučaju, držaću vam palčeve i srećno. 🤞☘😊
I'm not surprised that it ended up like this and that you're taking a break. I'm sure it will be good for you and I hope you can get back on the right track and all will be well. You can also decide for yourself if you want to continue playing here or not.
Anyway, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and good luck. 🤞☘️😊
Hvala, mislim da neću ponovo igrati ovde. Mogao bih da uložim stotine više i ovde ne bih osvojio ništa. To samo pokazuje koliku moć ima kazino da odluči ko može da pobedi. Ali to je bilo iskustvo
Thank you, I don't think I'll play here again. I could deposit hundreds more and I wouldn't win anything here. That just shows how much power a casino has to decide who can win. But it was an experience
Danke, ich glaube nicht das ich hier nochmal spiele. Denn ich könnte noch hunderte einzahlen, ich würde hier nichts mehr gewinnen. Da sieht man doch mal welche Macht ein Casino hat um zu entscheiden wer gewinnen darf. Aber es war eine Erfahrung
Hej, Gretche70.
Da li ste zaista ubeđeni da kazina imaju način da utiču na igru igrača? Šta mislite kako bi to postigli sa svim igračima?
Mislim, ovo je veoma popularna ideja, ali krajnje malo verovatna. Ali ipak bih voleo da čujem više ako nemate ništa protiv.
Hey, Gretche70.
Are you truly convinced that casinos have a way of affecting player's gameplay? How do you think they would achieve that with all the players?
I mean, this is a very popular idea, yet extremely unlikely. But I'd like to hear more anyway if you don't mind.
Mogu da zamislim da mogu da pritisnu dugme za određene igrače. Kako drugačije može biti da su na početku sve utakmice tekle bez problema i da stalno nešto dobijate? Nakon što sam se požalio, igre su tekle kao da ste ih zaustavili pre nego što ste pobedili, ne samo u jednoj utakmici, ne samo u jednom danu. Povremeno ste osvojili veoma male iznose. Otkazala sam 400 evra koje sam želela da podignem i izgubila ih, to se desilo veoma brzo. Onda sam deponovao još. Ne, siguran sam da mogu nekako da to kontrolišu. Jednom sam sam snimio igre i ne morate biti profesionalac da biste videli u kojim trenucima se igre zamrzavaju, rade dugo ili jednostavno prestaju. Ne mogu da dokažem, ali to je moje mišljenje.
I can imagine that they can press a button for certain players. How else can it be that at the beginning all the games ran without problems and you keep winning something? After I complained, the games ran as if you stopped them before you won, not just in one game, not just on one day. Now and then you won very small amounts. I canceled 400 euros that I wanted to withdraw and lost them, that happened very quickly. Then I deposited some more. No, I'm dead sure they can control it somehow. I once filmed the games myself and you don't have to be a professional to see at which moments the games freeze, run for a long time or just stop. I can't prove it, but it's my opinion.
Ich kann mir das schon vorstellen das sie bei bestimmten Spielern ein knöpfchen drücken können. Wie kann es sonst sein das am anfang alle spiele ohne probleme liefen, man immer wieder was gewinnt. Nach meiner Beschwerde,liefen die spiele so als ob man sie vor dem Gewinn stoppt, nicht nur bei einem spiel, nicht nur an einem tag. Gewonnen hat man ab und zu sehr klein. Ich hatte 400 Euro die zur auszahlung storniert und verspielt, das ging sehr schnell. Hab dann auch noch einiges eingezahlt. Ne da bin ich mir tot sicher das sie das irgendwie steuern können. Ich hatte mir das mal selbst abgefilmt wie die spiele liefen und man muss kein profi sein um zu sehen in welchen Momenten die spiele hängen,länger durch laufen oder knapp stoppen. Beweisen kann ich es nicht, aber es ist meine Meinung.
Vidim. Hvala vam na mišljenju.
Ako osetite pad kvaliteta igre, mislim da je nekako prirodno da se igrači osećaju zabrinuto. Nije ni čudo što se takvi igrači drže ove sumnje, posebno kada se ista situacija ponavlja.
Sada kada razmišljam o tome, mi smo ovde u sličnim pozicijama. Ne mogu dokazati da takvo dugme ne postoji, jer je, iz moje perspektive, nemoguće dokazati da nešto zapravo ne postoji.
Prilično je paradoks, zar ne? 🙂
S druge strane, neka beskrupulozna kazina nude lažne igre umesto zvanično obezbeđenih. Ipak, rekao bih, to je drugačiji aspekt.
I see. Thank you for your opinion.
If you experience decreased game quality, I think it's somehow natural for players to feel concerned. No wonder such players stick with this suspicion, especially when the same situation keeps repeating.
Now that I'm thinking of it, we are in similar positions here. I can't prove such a button does not exist, because, from my perspective, it's impossible to prove something actually does not exist.
It's quite a paradox, isn't it? 🙂
On the other hand, some unscrupulous casinos offer fake games instead of the officially provided ones. Still, it's a different aspect, I'd say.
Osvojio sam novac na Vinshark-u (oko 18000 KR). Uspeo sam sa KIC verifikacijom/dokazom identiteta. ALI moje pitanje je;
šta mi je tačno potrebno da bih uspeo sa verifikacijom dokaza o uplati?
da li treba da pošaljem dokumente e-poštom finansijskom odeljenju/pošti? kako ste prošli i koliko brzo je moguće da se verifikujete??
I have won money on Winshark (about 18000 KR). I have succeeded with the KYC verification/proof of identity. BUT my question is;
what exactly do I need to succeed with the Proof of payment verification?
should I email the documents to the finance department/mail? how did you do and how fast is it possible to get verified??
jag har vunnit pengar på Winshark (ca 18000 KR). Jag har lyckats med KYC verifiereringen/proof of identity. MEN min fråga är;
vad exakt behöver jag för att lyckas med Proof of payment verificationen?
ska jag Maila in dokumenten till ekonomi avdelningen/mail? hur gjorde ni och hur snabbt går det att bli verifierad??
Dakle, koliko sam razumeo, oni su od vas tražili neke dodatne dokumente. zar ne?
Ovakvu vrstu pitanja uvek treba da postavite uz podršku kazina da biste dobili prave informacije i uradili po potrebi.
Uverite se da su svi dokumenti u pravom formatu i dobrog kvaliteta, kako bi mogli da ih odobre.
Obaveštavajte nas o celom procesu, a ako vam je potrebna naša pomoć, obavestite nas.
So, as I understand this, they have asked for some additional documents from you. Right?
You always should ask this kind of question with the support of the casino to get the right information and do as needed.
Make sure that all the documents are in the right format and of a good quality, so they can approve them, though.
Keep us informed about the whole process, and if you need our help, let us know.
Igrao sam ove slotove skoro 15 godina. Ono o čemu se retko govori je lični rtp %. Neki zaposleni u kazinu su priznali da ovo postoji, drugi to poriču. Ovo svakako postoji, i to verovatno reguliše provajder slotova.
Ovaj kazino je takođe bio odličan za mene u početku, čak i na 91% rtp-a koji rade na PlaiNGo-u. Ali nakon mog dobitka, kao da je pritisnuto dugme i moj nalog je mrtav. Ovo je na bilo kom slotu i bilo kom provajderu, zato mislim da kazino ima neki način da promeni rtp igrača. Dakle, da, mi smo prevareni.
I have played these slots for almost 15 years. What is seldom talked about is the personal rtp %. Some casino staff have admitted this does exist, others deny it. This certainly exists, and that is probaly regulated by the slot provider.
This casino was also great for me in the beginning, even on 91% rtp that they do on PlayNGo. But after my winnings its like a button been pushed and my account is dead. This is on any slot and any provider, thats why I think the casino does have some way of altering the players rtp. So yeah we are tricked big time.
Osoblje kazina je priznalo? Stvarno? 🤔
Svaka igra ima svoj RTP, koji reguliše provajder igre. Tačno kako ste rekli. U svakom kazinu, ove informacije treba da budu dostupne igračima, naravno.
Međutim, ako kazino radi pod nekom licencom, to se nikada ne bi smelo dogoditi, jer ih licenca kontroliše. zar ne?
Takođe, provajderi igara ne bi trebalo da dozvole bilo kakvu promenu RTP-a, jer bi to bilo protiv poštenog kockanja.
Mi, naravno, svi znamo da kazino dugoročno ima prednosti u odnosu na igrače. Zar nije tako? Ali ako postoje dokazi o nekim sumnjivim postupcima, veoma je važno to prijaviti.
Da li biste se složili?
Casino staff admitted it? Really? 🤔
Every game has it's own RTP, which is regulated by the game provider. Exactly as you said. In every casino, this information should be accessible to the players, of course.
If a casino is working under some license, this should never happen, though, because the license controls them. Right?
And also, the game providers are not supposed to allow any altering of the RTP, because it would be against fair gambling indeed.
We, of course, all know that the casino has advantages over the players in the long run. Isn't it like that? But if there is proof about some suspicious practices, it is very important to report it.
Would you agree?
Pa licenca ne uključuje nikakvo ovlašćenje koje proverava ove stvari. Nažalost ne. Licenca ne funkcioniše tako.
I kazina sa kopiranim slotovima su stvar, mislim da bi Vinshark mogao biti jedan od njih. Obratite pažnju na stariju grafiku u igri, broj u veb adresi i iznenadna zaustavljanja i greške/učitavanja u igri. Ovo je preuzeto sa drugog foruma i 100% tačno:
„Budite zaista pažljivi da mnogi sajtovi nemaju čak ni licence i slušajte Donner123, takođe proverite inspektor pretraživača, stranice imaju domene za pokretanje igrica i igre se ne isporučuju sa npr. Plai n Go itd. Igre se kopiraju u starim verzijama, uporedite sa Unibetom koji pokreće najnovije verzije igara."
Ovo je realnost. Šta možemo da uradimo povodom toga? Zašto provajdere slotova nije briga?
Well the license doesnt include any authority checking these things. Sadly no. Thats not how a license works.
And casinos with copied slots is a thing, I think Winshark might be one of them. Look out for older graphics in the game, a number in the webadress and sudden stops and error/loading in the game. This is taken from another forum and 100% accurate :
"Be really careful many sites don't even have licenses and listen to Donner123, also check the browser's inspector, the pages have Game Launcher domains and the games are not delivered from e.g. Play n Go etc. The games are copied in old versions, compare with Unibet that runs the latest versions of the games."
This is the reality. What can we do about it? Why doesnt the slot providers care?
Da, više puta je osoblje kazina priznalo da se koristi lični rtp. Kao što sam napisao, ovo je programirano od provajdera. Zato ne možete da osvojite velike hitove posle lepih pobeda. Gubit ćete sve dok ne budete "izjednačeni" sa igrom. Izgubio sam 600 evra jednom pre mnogo godina i oni su na način da sam vratio tačno 600 evra (pogodan pojedinačni dobitak) na istim slotovima, ali u drugom kazinu kasnije te noći. Mnogo puta rade tako. Licenca ne radi apsolutno ništa, pošto koriste proizvode treće strane i time mogu tvrditi da je sve u skladu sa RNG-om. To je velika prevara.
Yes more than one time casino staff admitted that that a personal rtp is used. As I wrote, this is programmed from the provider. Thats why you cant win big hits after some nice wins. You will lose until you are "even" with the game. I lost 600 euro one time many years ago and they way I won back exactly 600 euro (single win hit) on the same slots but in a different casino later that night. Many times they work like that. A license does absolutley nothing, since they use third party products and the can claim everything is according to RNG by that. Its a big scam.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja. je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
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