NaslovnaForumKazinaWinstoria Casino - opšta diskusija

Winstoria Casino - opšta diskusija

 od Anonymized420
3.189 pregleda 20 odgovora |
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Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za Winstoria Casino, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.

Pokušavam da verifikujem svoj bankovni račun nekoliko nedelja, ali bezuspešno. . Poslao sam sve potrebno i vrlo vidljivo odeljenju za finansije nekoliko puta kako su mi rekli iz podrške!!" Ništa!!!

Automatski prevedeno:

Care to explain further, please? What does it mean "nothing"? Has the casino rejected some documents, or are you left without an update? Do you know what was wrong with those documents?

Let me know, please.

Pod tim mislim da nisam dobio nikakvu informaciju niti odgovor

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, I understand from your complaint that this verification situation has been going on for 3 weeks. This is quite unpleasant if it is just a matter of verifying a bank account. 

But the question is, what is the problem with the documents you sent, since you say they are clear to see? Did you get a reason from the casino why they don't accept them? 

I also read that the casino replied that you should receive an email from the finance department. You mentioned that you didn't receive anything. Have you tried checking other tabs like Spam or similar? Sometimes emails can end up in those folders as well. 

However, since this situation has been going on for quite a while and I don't think it's any science to verify a bank account, I think you did the right thing by filing a complaint. 

However, in this case, we will have to wait and see if you get the email or if you get any relevant reply from the casino regarding your case. 

If this happens, please do not hesitate to let us know. 

Voleo bih da znam kako je došlo do ovih recenzija. Bio sam svestan da je nekoliko besplatnih okretaja ili sitnica plaćeno za recenzije, ali da li to mora biti slučaj?

Ovaj kazino je ČISTA prevara kazino

Zahtevao sam isplatu putem bankovnog transfera, pa unesite Iban i pritisnite isplatu, što se i dešava. Odjednom sam zatražio isplatu preko Mifinitija i više nemam nalog! Cela stvar je sada otkazana ukupno 6 puta i nisam dobio ništa mejlom ili putem ćaskanja uživo odgovor!

Ovaj kazino je čista prevara i nadam se da će recenzija biti ovde uređena!

Otpisao sam novac i gledam na to kao na pouku, ali onda bi kazino trebalo bar staviti na crnu listu ili drugačije oceniti!


Automatski prevedeno:

Hello regarding our casino review process, I am attaching a guide here so you can see how our team does it

Regarding the problem that occurred in the casino, when you withdrew via bank transfer everything was fine and when you wanted to withdraw via Mifinity they blocked your account ? 

Let me know so we can try to help you.



Kliknuo sam na BANKOVNI TRANSFER, uneo svoj Iban i poslao celu stvar.

Onda sam želeo da vidim šta se dešava sa mojom isplatom. Pisalo je Mifinti iako nisam platio na Mifinti.

Magično, metod povlačenja se promenio iz banke u Minfinti BEZ da ja uradim nešto slično!

Automatski prevedeno:


Kliknuo sam na BANKOVNI TRANSFER, uneo svoj Iban i poslao celu stvar.

Onda sam želeo da vidim šta se dešava sa mojom isplatom. Pisalo je Mifinti iako nisam platio na Mifinti.

Magično, metod povlačenja se promenio iz banke u Minfinti BEZ da ja uradim nešto slično!

Automatski prevedeno:

Ps: Bar su uspeli da isplate

Automatski prevedeno:

So, are you saying you have the money already? I'm a bit confused 🙂

My withdrawal has been in-progress for almost 2 weeks now, first batch of 500e has been paid the next day but then nothing


Hi, I see that you have opened a complaint about this problem. From it I read that the casino asked you for additional documents that you have to provide as part of the additional verification. Could you please let us know if you were able to verify successfully and if the withdrawal was also okay ? 


I sent the requested documents but afterwards they responded that my account is undergoing additional check by the risk department seems like its not going to happen

why do say that it accepts players from Russia, if they do not.

I sent the requested documents but afterwards they responded that my account is undergoing additional check by the risk department seems like its not going to happen

It is a common thing that the casino has some additional checks when it verifies documents. In this case you have to wait until the investigation is done and see what they tell you and what the final result will be. No need to be skeptical just yet. 

I will keep my fingers crossed for you. 🤞

why do say that it accepts players from Russia, if they do not.

Hello, can you also confirm where you got the information that they don't accept players from Russia ? Is it written in the Terms and Conditions or did you find it out some other way ? 

It is possible that the terms may have changed, so if you find something that doesn't match on our website and on the casino website, you can let us know here:


Danas sam se registrovao na Vintopia, dobio bonus dobrodošlice i počeo da igram. Odabrao sam Paisafe kao svoj metod depozita.

Kada sam tada izabrao Paisafe i otišao da uplatim iznos, a onda sam video polje UTORG koje me je zaista iznenadilo, trebalo je da promenim destinaciju i kupim kriptovalute, tako da sam poništio polje i više nisam mogao da uplatim. Onda sam probao ovo sa Skrillom, i ponovo sam video polje sa rečju Utorg i zamoljen da kupim kripto.

Služba za korisnike nije imala nikakav savet, kao ni podrška, samo je rekla da treba da koristim drugi način plaćanja, rekao sam, uradio sam to i izabrao Skrill, ali onda sam video i Utorg, do sada nisam čuo drugi odgovor od podrške .

Automatski prevedeno:

Zdravo Jaro

Pročitajte moj izveštaj o Vintopiji šta sam upravo doživeo

Automatski prevedeno:

Zdravo Radka

Molim vas pročitajte moj izveštaj ovde na forumu o Vintopiji, i šta kažete na to?

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello there!

Frankly, I have nothing to say; to be honest, I do not fully understand what happened. To me, it almost sounds like a bug, and it's super sad that you have no response from the casino.

Until the casino properly addresses this issue, I wouldn't deposit. How about you?

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