pre 4 meseci
Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za Yakuzabet Casino, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.
hej ja sam osvojio 700 evra tamo i onda su ga poništili i deaktivirali moj nalog oni su brutalni prevaranti morate upozoriti ljude ovde
hey I won 700 euros there and then they canceled it and deactivated my account they are brutal scammers you have to warn the people here
hey ich hab da 700 euro gewonnen dann stonieren die das und deaktivieren mein konto sind brutale abzockers man muss die leute hier warnen
Hteo sam da vas pitam za više detalja u vezi sa ovom upozorenjem na prevaru, ali sam primetio žalbu, pa bi možda drugima koristilo ako pomenem situaciju opisanu tamo:
„deponovao 30 evra kao novi igrač i osvojio 700 evra, ali je kazino deaktivirao njegov nalog, navodeći kao razlog dupli račun, što on poriče. On veruje da je prevaren.
Shodno tome, uveren sam da vam nisu poznati drugi računi koji su uporedivi sa vašim. U ovim situacijama, predstavljanje i procena dokaza o odnosu između drugog naloga ili naloga je najvažniji korak pre nego što se utvrdi da li je radnja dala igraču bilo kakvu prednost. Iako bi to moglo izgledati malo čudno nekome ko nikada nije otvorio više od jednog naloga u kazinu, govorim to samo da bih vam dao predstavu o tome šta će se verovatno dogoditi. Međutim, postoji i šansa da se dodatni nalozi za koje se u početku čini da nemaju ništa zajedničko. Bez obzira na to, kazino mora da pruži ubedljiv dokaz u oba slučaja.
Ipak, u ovom trenutku moramo da prikupimo što više od vas, pa vas molimo da pregledate vašu žalbu i odgovorite 👈 Dominiki.
Međutim, takođe bih želeo da saznam više o vašem problemu, pa vas molim da podelite objašnjenje koje vam je kazino dao kada je vaš nalog zatvoren, a dobici poništeni. Mora da je to bilo užasno iskustvo.
I was about to ask you for more details regarding this scam allert, yet I spot the complaint, so perhaps it would benefit others if I mention the situation described there:
"deposited 30 euros as a new player and won 700 euros, but the casino deactivated his account, citing a duplicate account as the reason, which he denies. He believes he is being scammed."
Consequently, I am convinced that you are not aware of any other accounts that are comparable to yours. In these situations, presenting and assessing evidence of the relationship between another account or accounts is the most important step before determining whether the action has given the player any sort of edge. Even though it might seem a little odd to someone who has never opened more than one account at a casino, I am just saying that to give you an idea of what is probably going to happen. However, there is also a chance that additional accounts that initially appear to have nothing in common will match. Nonetheless, the casino must provide convincing proof in both cases.
For this moment though, we need to gather as much as we can from you, so please inspect your complaint and respond 👈 to Dominika.
However, I would also like to know more about your issue, so please share the explanation that the casino gave you when your account was closed and your winnings were canceled. It must have been an awful experience.
Hvala vam što ste nam skrenuli pažnju na ovo i dali nam priliku da razjasnimo svoj stav. Svoju reputaciju shvatamo veoma ozbiljno i posvećeni smo tome da svim našim igračima pružimo zabavno, pošteno i transparentno iskustvo igranja.
U vezi sa žalbom, uveravamo vas da smo prikupili dovoljno podataka i da imamo čvrste dokaze kada se obraćamo igračima u vezi sa dupliranim nalozima. Takve postupke ne shvatamo olako. Razumemo koliko ova situacija mora da bude frustrirajuća i želeli bismo da ovu stvar detaljno istražimo.
Dostavite nam više detalja o svom problemu, uključujući svoju e-poštu. Ove informacije su ključne za nas da efikasno odgovorimo na vašu zabrinutost.
Kao kazino bez uloga, naši depozitni bonusi su dizajnirani da ponude najbolju vrednost našim igračima. Često isplaćujemo dobitke odmah, retko kada nam treba više od sat vremena, što verujemo da je izuzetno za startap. Naša posvećenost da budemo profesionalni igrači je nepokolebljiva, i nadamo se da će ova posvećenost biti prepoznata i cenjena.
Hvala vam još jednom što ste nam dali priliku da se o tome javno pozabavimo. Iskreno brinemo o našim igračima i trudimo se da postupimo po njima, posebno ako smo mi krivi, kao što smo privatno rešili prvu žalbu ovde.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention and giving us the opportunity to clarify our stance. We take our reputation very seriously and are committed to providing all our players with a fun, fair, and transparent gaming experience.
Regarding the complaint, we assure you that we have gathered sufficient data and have solid evidence when we address players regarding duplicate accounts. We do not take such actions lightly. We understand how frustrating this situation must be and would like to investigate this matter thoroughly.
Please provide us with more details about your issue, including your email. This information is crucial for us to effectively address your concerns.
As a no-wager casino, our deposit bonuses are designed to offer the best value to our players. We often pay out winnings immediately, rarely taking more than an hour, which we believe is exceptional for a startup. Our commitment to being pro-player is unwavering, and we hope this dedication is recognized and appreciated.
Thank you once again for giving us the opportunity to address this publicly. We genuinely care about our players and strive to do right by them, especially if we are at fault, just as we have privately handled the first complaint here.
Nisam napravio drugi nalog kod vas, to bi bilo novo za mene. Želeo bih dokaz kada sam se registrovao. e-mail
I haven't created a second account with you, that would be new to me. I would like proof of when I registered. e-mail
ich hab bei euch kein 2 acc gemacht das wär mir neu möchte ich gerne einen beweis wann ich mich da angemeldet habe. email
Molimo unesite svoju e-poštu registrovanu na Iz razloga privatnosti, ne možemo da delimo lične podatke na javnim forumima. Kada ga dobijemo, lično ću istražiti uzrok i obavestiti o mojim nalazima. Hvala na razumevanju.
Please provide your email registered to For privacy reasons, we can't share personal information in public forums. Once we receive it, I will personally investigate the cause and let know of my findings. Thanks for your understanding.
Pozdrav! Hvala vam na učešću na forumu.
Dozvolite mi da razjasnim samo jednu stvar.
Iako ste dobrodošli da pomognete igračima koji se bore ovde, specifični problemi i dokazi se rešavaju isključivo putem pritužbi igrača. na primer: 👈
Dozvolite Compaint timu da nastavi u skladu sa svojom procedurom za rešavanje sporova.
Nadamo se da će vam ovaj vodič dati neke korisne savete:
U ovom trenutku, tim će se okupiti i proceniti situaciju sa igračem. Predstavnik kazina će biti zamoljen da iznese perspektivu kazina kada dođe vreme.
Zato smatram da bi bilo još prikladnije da igrač za sada nastavi sa žalbom.
Da li biste se složili sa mnom oko toga?
Greetings! Thank you for participating at the forum.
Let me clarify just a single point, please.
Although you are welcome to assist struggling players here, specific issues and evidence are handled solely through player complaints. For example: 👈
Permit the Compalint Team to proceed in line with their dispute resolution procedure.
Hopefully, this guide will give you some helpful advice:
At this moment, the team will gather and assess the situation with the player. The casino representative will be asked to give the casino's perspective when the time comes.
Therefore, I believe it would be even more appropriate for the player to continue with the complaint for the time being.
Would you please agree with me on that?
Hvala vam što ste nam skrenuli pažnju na ovo i dali nam priliku da razjasnimo svoj stav. Svoju reputaciju shvatamo veoma ozbiljno i posvećeni smo tome da svim našim igračima pružimo zabavno, pošteno i transparentno iskustvo igranja.
U vezi sa žalbom, uveravamo vas da smo prikupili dovoljno podataka i da imamo čvrste dokaze kada se obraćamo igračima u vezi sa dupliranim nalozima. Takve postupke ne shvatamo olako. Razumemo koliko ova situacija mora da bude frustrirajuća i želeli bismo da ovu stvar detaljno istražimo.
Dostavite nam više detalja o svom problemu, uključujući svoju e-poštu. Ove informacije su ključne za nas da efikasno odgovorimo na vašu zabrinutost.
Kao kazino bez uloga, naši depozitni bonusi su dizajnirani da ponude najbolju vrednost našim igračima. Često isplaćujemo dobitke odmah, retko kada nam treba više od sat vremena, što verujemo da je izuzetno za startap. Naša posvećenost da budemo profesionalni igrači je nepokolebljiva, i nadamo se da će ova posvećenost biti prepoznata i cenjena.
Hvala vam još jednom što ste nam dali priliku da se o tome javno pozabavimo. Iskreno brinemo o našim igračima i trudimo se da postupimo po njima, posebno ako smo mi krivi, kao što smo privatno rešili prvu žalbu ovde.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention and giving us the opportunity to clarify our stance. We take our reputation very seriously and are committed to providing all our players with a fun, fair, and transparent gaming experience.
Regarding the complaint, we assure you that we have gathered sufficient data and have solid evidence when we address players regarding duplicate accounts. We do not take such actions lightly. We understand how frustrating this situation must be and would like to investigate this matter thoroughly.
Please provide us with more details about your issue, including your email. This information is crucial for us to effectively address your concerns.
As a no-wager casino, our deposit bonuses are designed to offer the best value to our players. We often pay out winnings immediately, rarely taking more than an hour, which we believe is exceptional for a startup. Our commitment to being pro-player is unwavering, and we hope this dedication is recognized and appreciated.
Thank you once again for giving us the opportunity to address this publicly. We genuinely care about our players and strive to do right by them, especially if we are at fault, just as we have privately handled the first complaint here.
Iznenadio si me!
Nisam upoznat sa bilo kakvim tragovima koji su vam dati u vezi sa ovim pitanjem. Iskreno, iznenadilo me je da vidim predstavnika kazina koji aktivno učestvuje u ovoj temi na forumu.
Međutim, kao administratoru foruma, meni lično nije potrebno nikakvo objašnjenje, pa slobodno pomozite igračima. Iz istog razloga, sve dok nisam igrač, ne smeju se opisivati nikakvi problemi sa moje strane.
Ja, kao administrator, brinem o igračima u izazovnim okolnostima, kao što je ovaj. Vaše prisustvo je ipak veoma cenjeno; pomoći igračima tamo gde to nismo u mogućnosti. 🙂
You took me by surprise!
I am not aware of any clues that have been given to you regarding this matter. It honestly surprised me to see a casino representative actively participating in this forum thread.
However, as a forum administrator, I do not personally need any kind of explanation, so feel free to help players. For the same reason, as long as I'm not a player, no issues are to be described from my side.
I, as the admnistartor look after players in challenging circumstances, like this one appears to be. Your presence is greatly appreciated, though; help the players where we are unable to do so. 🙂
Oh da. Slažem se 100% i pratiću vaše vođstvo kroz proces. Hvala vam!
Oh yes. I do agree 100% and will follow your lead through the process. Thank you!
Upravo sam pobedio u velikoj meri ovde i već dva puta sam keširao manji iznos. Hajde da vidimo koliko će im trebati da isplate 20k+ TRKS. Da li je neko ovde ranije uplatio veliku kasu?
I just won pretry big here and cashed out two times already of lesser amount. Lets see how long it will take them to cashout 20k+ TRX. Anyone cahed out big here before?
Hej, do sada nisam video da neko pokušava da podigne tako veliki iznos u ovom kazinu.
Međutim, zanima me koliko će to trajati i da li ćete moći sve da povučete.
Koliko je vremena trebalo kada ste napravili manje isplate? Da li ste i vi povukli koristeći kripto?
Hey, so far I haven't seen anyone trying to withdraw such a big amount in this casino.
However, I'm curious how long it will take and if you'll be able to withdraw everything.
How long did it take when you made smaller withdrawals? Did you also withdraw using crypto?
Izvinjavam se zbog kasnog odgovora, uhvatio sam se sa trošenjem nekih od dobitaka 🙂
Moram reći da je ovo redak dragulj ovde. Potpuno profesionalno. Bez gluposti sa njihovim KIC-om. U početku me nisu čak ni KIC, već su to uradili samo kako se moj dobitak povećao, mislim. Poslao sam svoje dokumente očekujući najmanje dan pre nego što mi verifikuju nalog. Umesto toga, moj nalog je verifikovan u roku od sat vremena i uplate su stigle odmah u roku od 15 minuta od zahteva.
Do danas sam još uvek iznenađen trudom koji je ovaj relativno novi kazino pokazao i nisam siguran zašto su njihove ocene ovde tako niske. Zaista verujem da zaslužuju mnogo više pažnje ne samo zbog brzine i glatkoće isplate koju sam iskusio. Njihove promocije su neverovatno velikodušne i nije potrebna opklada. Mislim.. šta još tražimo?
Prilažem snimak ekrana moje stranice sa transakcijama naloga za vašu referencu i nadam se da će ovaj kazino dobiti pažnju koju zaslužuje. 10/10 iskustvo za mene.
Sorry for the late response got caught up with spending some of the winnings 🙂
I must say this is a rare gem here. Completely professional. No nonsense with their KYC. At first they did not even KYC me, but only did it so as my winnings increased I think. I sent my documents expecting at least a day before they verify my account. Instead, my account got verified within an hour and payments came right through within 15 minutes of request.
Till this day, I'm still surprised at the effort this relatively new casino had displayed and not sure why their ratings are so low here. I truly believe they deserve way more attention not only for the cashout speed and smoothness I experienced. Their promos are unbelievably generous with No wager required. I mean.. what else are we looking for?
I am attaching a screenshot of my accounts transaction page for your reference and hope this casino receives the attention it deserves. 10/10 experience for me.
Veoma sam srećan zbog ovakvog opisnog iskustva, a još više kada ste tako dobro prošli. To je definitivno jedan od manjih kazina koji su relativno novi, ali tako pažljivi. Kada su povlačenja dobri, KIC je u redu plus postoje dobri bonusi, to je verovatno ono što igrači traže, tako da će vremenom indeks bezbednosti moći da se poveća, kao što je kazino nov, daćemo mu malo vreme.
Ali hvala vam što ste sve ovo podelili sa nama i igračima, to je svakako važno i moglo bi da ohrabri neke od njih ako žele da igraju ovde.
Neka vam i dalje ide dobro. 🙂
I am very happy for such a descriptive experience and even more so when you did so well. It's definitely one of the lesser casinos that are relatively new but so attentive. When the withdrawals are good, the KYC is fine plus there are good bonuses, it's probably what players might be looking for, so in time the safety index will be able to be increased, just as the casino is new we'll give it some time.
But thank you for sharing all this with us and the players, it's definitely important and it might encourage some of them if they want to play here.
May you continue to do well. 🙂
Hvala vam na tako iskrenom i divnom pregledu! Oduševljeni smo što je vaše iskustvo sa nama bilo tako pozitivno i zaista cenimo vreme koje ste odvojili da ga podelite ovde. Drago nam je da ste uživali u našem brzom procesu verifikacije i bezbrižnim isplatama—naš cilj je da stvari budu glatke i prijatne za naše igrače na svakom koraku. I, naravno, čestitam na tim pobedama! 😊
Posebno je zahvalno znati da su naše promocije bez opklada ostavile utisak, jer uvek težimo da našim igračima pružimo najbolje promocije. Vaše povratne informacije nam znače svet i nadamo se da se više igrača oseća isto kao i vi. Hvala vam što ste priložili snimak ekrana i pomogli nam da saznamo – vaša podrška zaista pomaže.
Još jednom, hvala vam što ste deo zajednice, i radujemo se što ćemo vam doneti još više 10/10 iskustava u budućnosti!
Thank you for such an honest and wonderful review! We're thrilled that your experience with us has been so positive, and we really appreciate the time you took to share it here. We're glad to hear you enjoyed our quick verification process and hassle-free cashouts—our goal is to make things smooth and enjoyable for our players at every step. And, of course, congrats on those winnings! 😊
It’s especially rewarding to know that our no-wager promos made an impression, as we’re always aiming to give our players the best promotions around. Your feedback means the world to us, and we hope more players feel the same as you. Thank you for attaching the screenshot and helping us get the word out—your support truly helps.
Once again, thank you for being a part of the community, and we look forward to bringing you even more 10/10 experiences in the future!
Zdravo, imao sam problem sa kazinom, ali zahvaljujući menadžmentu je konačno rešen.
Prijavio sam se preko partnerske veze, dobio 50 besplatnih okretaja bez depozita i igrao, ali nažalost nisam ništa osvojio. Onda sam jedan dan kasnije odlučio da uplatim i okušam sreću. Deponovao sam 50 €, podigao 300 € tokom procesa verifikacije, onda sam dobio e-poštu da sam igrao sa aktivnim bonusom (bonus bez depozita) i rekli su mi da mi je dozvoljeno da podignem samo 100 €. Naravno, to me je prvo jako naljutilo, a onda sam u ćaskanju uživo pitao o čemu se radi itd. Oni su tada insistirali da je tako i da moram da se pridržavam bonus uslova ne bonus na depozit i stoga možete povući samo 100 €. Stanje mi je takođe smanjeno na 100 €, što sam tada pomislio, pa, ako je tako, povući ću 100 € i blokirati svoj račun, što sam i uradio. Nakon što sam se blokirao jer mi je to jednostavno bilo drsko, napisao sam podršci putem e-pošte da pitam kakav je to obraz, da li se pravi novac može pretvoriti u bonus novac i da sada postoje uslovi bonusa za pravi novac i onda je stvar zatvorena za mene, ali ne za Iakuzabet, oni su se onda potrudili da ponovo interno provere slučaj i došli do zaključka da su napravili grešku i da će mi sada isplatiti preostalih 200 € i kao kompenzaciju dali su mi 100 besplatnih okretaja bez opklade , gde sam tada osvojio još nekoliko evra i bilo mi je dozvoljeno da isplatim u celosti, otvorili su mi novi nalog jer moj nalog više nije bio dostupan zbog samoblokiranja, tako da ne samo da su mi isplatili novac, već takođe se uredno izvinio i dao mi nadoknadu, čemu sam na kraju bio srećan, pa ako imate bilo kakvih problema sa ovim kazinom samo ih kontaktirajte putem e-pošte i oni će pokušati da reše vaš problem. Zahvalan sam kazinu na spremnosti i iskrenosti da priznaju svoje greške i izvuku najbolje iz njih.
Hello, I had a problem with the casino, but thanks to the management it was finally solved.
I signed up via an affiliate link, got 50 no deposit free spins and played, but unfortunately didn't win anything. Then one day later I decided to deposit and try my luck. Deposited €50, withdrew €300 during the verification process, then I got an email saying that I had played with an active bonus (the no deposit bonus) and they said I was only allowed to withdraw €100. Of course, that made me really angry at first, and then I asked in the live chat what that was all about, etc. They then insisted that it is the way it is and that I have to stick to the bonus terms of the no deposit bonus and therefore can only withdraw €100. My balance was also reduced to €100, which I then thought, well, if that's the case, I'll withdraw the €100 and block my account, which is what I then did. After I had myself blocked because I just found it cheeky, I wrote to support via email to ask what a cheek that was, can real money turn into bonus money and that there are now bonus conditions on real money and then the matter was closed for me, but not for Yakuzabet, they then went to the trouble of checking the case internally again and came to the conclusion that they had made a mistake and will now pay me out the remaining €200 and as compensation they gave me 100 free spins wagerfree, where I then won a few more euros and was allowed to pay out in full, they created a new account for me because my account was no longer accessible due to the self-blocking, so they not only paid me out my money, they also apologized properly and gave me compensation, which I was happy about in the end, so if you have any problems with this casino just contact them via email and they will try to solve your problem I am grateful to the casino for their willingness and honesty to admit their mistakes and make the best of them.
Hallo, ich hätte ein Problem mit dem Casino, das sich aber dank des Managements dann doch noch lösen ließ.
Ich hab mich über ein Affiliate-Link angemeldet dort 50 No Deposit Free Spins bekommen und gespielt und leider nichts gewonnen dann hab ich mich 1 Tag später dazu entschieden einzuzahlen und mein Glück versucht 50 € eingezahlt 300 € in die Auszahlung währenddessen Verifikationsprozess gemacht getan dann kam eine E-Mail, das ich mit einem aktiven Bonus gespielt hätte (den No Deposit Bonus ) und sie meinten, ich darf nur 100 € auszahlen das hat mich natürlich erstmal richtig sauer gemacht und hab dann im Live-Chat nachgefragt was das soll, usw. diese haben dann darauf bestanden, dass das so ist wie es ist und das ich mich an die Bonus Terms von dem No Deposit Bonus halten muss und daher nur 100€ auszahlen darf und mein Guthaben wurde auch auf 100€ reduziert, wo ich mir dann gedacht habe gut, wenn das so ist, werde ich die 100€ auszahlen und mein Account sperren, was ich auch dann getan habe. Nachdem ich mich sperren ließ, weil ich das einfach nur noch frech fand hab ich dem Support per E-Mail geschrieben, was das für eine Frechheit sein, kann das, aus Echtgeld bonusgeld wird und das auf Echtgeld nun Bonusbedingungen sind und dann war das Thema für mich abgeschlossen nun nicht für Yakuzabet die haben sich dann doch die Mühe gemacht und die Fall intern nochmal geprüft und sind zu dem Schluss gekommen das sie einen Fehler begangen haben und mir nun doch die restlichen 200€ auszahlen und als Entschädigung haben sie mir 100 Free Spins Wagerfree geschenkt, wo ich dann auch nochmal ein paar Euro gewonnen habe und vollständig auszahlen durfte sie mir dafür einen neuen Account erstellt da mein Account durch die Selbstsperre kein zugriff mehr möglich war also sie haben nicht nur mir mein Geld ausgezahlt sie haben sie anständig entschuldigt und mir eine Entschädigung gegeben worüber ich mich am Ende auch freuen konnte also, falls es mit diesem Casino Probleme geben sollte einfach per E-Mail kontaktieren dort wird dann versucht ihr Problem zu lösen ich bin dem Casino dankbar für ihre Bereitschaft und Ehrlichkeit ihre Fehler einzugestehen und das Beste daraus zu machen.
Hvala vam što ste podelili ovo svoje iskustvo, zaista je važno kada je podrška spremna da pomogne igračima, tako da mi je drago da to čujem.
Da li ćete sada nastaviti da igrate tamo? Verujem da da, tačno, posle ovog lepog iskustva.
Ako želite, sve ovo možete podeliti u recenziji korisnika za ovaj kazino i pomoći drugima da saznaju više o tome kako oni rade.
Evo vam linka gde to možete učiniti.🙂
Thank you for sharing this experience of yours, it is really important when the support is willing to help the players, so I am glad to hear it.
Are you going to continue playing there now? I believe yes, right, after this nice experience.
If you wish, you can share all this in a user review for this casino and help others to learn more about how they work.
Here's the link for you where you can do so.🙂
Ne bih se mogao više složiti sa Nick_Charlesom! Pre nekoliko nedelja, imao sam neverovatno iskustvo u Iakuza.Bet kazinu, osvojivši znatnu sumu po mojim standardima. Kao novi kazino, bio sam nestrpljiv da isprobam njihov bonus bez opklade i probam igre. Ipak, bio sam potpuno nespreman za pobednički niz koji je usledio. Kako su moji dobici rasli, tako su rasle i moje brige. Šta ako nisu isplatili? Šta ako su koristili taktiku odlaganja kao što to rade mnogi drugi veliki kazina (kakva šteta)?
Odlučio sam da zaustavim igru i pokušam da izvršim gotovinu. Kao što se očekivalo, stigao je KIC zahtev. Otpremio sam sve tražene dokumente, uključujući i selfi, predviđajući bar dan ili dva za obradu. Na moje zaprepašćenje, KIC odobrenje je stiglo manje od 10 minuta od podnošenja dokumenata. Ovo je podiglo moje nade da ću dobiti isplatu istog dana.
Podneo sam zahtev za povlačenje 0,1293 BTC , skoro 10.000 EUR, i strpljivo čekao. Iako moja isplata nije bila munjevita kao Nick_Charlesova, ipak je bila izuzetno brza i respektabilna, i trebalo je samo 25 minuta za tako značajan iznos. Bio sam u šoku. Pošto sam retko osvojio ovoliku pobedu, moje iskustvo sa drugim poznatim kazinom, uključujući i druge Dama kazina koji su sestrinski sajtovi, bledilo je u poređenju, pošto često plaćaju tačno na vreme, otprilike jedan dan ili samo nešto manje od 24 sata.
Ovo iskustvo je bilo neverovatno prijatno i nešto sa čime se dugo nisam susreo u novom kazinu. Želim Iakuza.Bet nastavak uspeha, jer su jednostavno neverovatne. Priložio sam i snimak ekrana moje isplate za vašu referencu.
I couldn't agree more with Nick_Charles! A few weeks ago, I had an incredible experience at Yakuza.Bet Casino, winning a substantial sum by my standards. As a new casino, I was eager to try out their no wager bonus and sample the games. However, I was completely unprepared for the winning streak that followed. As my winnings grew, so did my concerns. What if they didn't pay out? What if they used delay tactics like so many other big casinos do (what a shame)?
I decided to halt my play and attempt a cashout. As expected, a KYC request came through. I uploaded all the requested documents, including a selfie, anticipating at least a day or two for processing. To my astonishment, the KYC approval came in under 10 minutes of submitting the documents. This raised my hopes of receiving the payout on the same day.
I submitted a withdrawal request for 0.1293 BTC, nearly 10,000 EUR, and waited patiently. Although my payout was not as lightning-fast as Nick_Charles', it was still remarkably quick and respectable, taking just 25 minutes for such a significant amount. I was in shock. Having rarely won this big, my experience with other well-known casinos including other Dama casinos that are sister sites to paled in comparison, as they often pay just in time about a day or just a bit less of 24 hours.
This experience was incredibly pleasant and something I haven't encountered in a new casino for a long time. I wish Yakuza.Bet continued success, as they are simply unbelievable. I've attached a screenshot of my cashout for your reference as well.
Lep post, koji će svakako pomoći igračima da odluče da li žele da igraju ovde. Povlačenje je i vama bilo dosta brzo, zajedno sa verifikacijom, što bi verovatno svi cenili da je tako svuda i stalno.
Postoji li nešto što biste poboljšali u ovom kazinu?
Nice post, which will definitely help the players to decide if they want to play here. The withdrawal was quite fast for you as well, together with the verification, which probably everyone would appreciate if it was like that everywhere and all the time.
Is there anything you would improve in this casino?
Možda traže previše jer daju veoma atraktivan rake back koji se zasniva na ivici hausa umesto na samo procentu za koji verujem da je to jedini pošteni metod. Međutim, oni plaćaju rejk bek jednom dnevno i voleo bih da ih vidim u mogućnosti da dozvole igračima da dobiju svoje rejk bekove kad god požele i onoliko puta koliko mi želimo. Ha.
Samo da budemo pošteni, njihovi reke bekovi i kešbekovi su takođe bez opklada i ovo svakako nije žalba na to da mi ne dobijamo instance reke beka. Hehe.
Might be asking for a bit too much since they do give very attractive rake back that is based on the house edge instead of just a percentage which to me I believe its the only fair method. However, they do pay rake backs once a day and I would love to see them able to let players get their rake backs at anytime they wish and as many times as we would like. Ha.
Just to be fair, their rake backs and cashbacks are also wager free and this certainly is not a complain about us not getting instance rake backs. Hehe.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja. je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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