Trebalo bi da budete u mogućnosti da podnesete žalbu na našoj veb stranici kad god želite koristeći vezu . 👈
Da li imate problema sa pristupom obrascu za podnošenje žalbe ili dobijate captcha grešku nakon podnošenja? Ako jeste, imamo alternativni način da vam pomognemo da podnesete žalbu. Samo nisam primetio da ste spomenuli da ne možete da ga pošaljete; Žao mi je zbog toga.
Ako primetite bilo kakav problem ili grešku, odgovorite na ovaj post. Trenutno se bavimo gore pomenutim problemima sa captcha, ali to je vrsta slučajnog problema. Dakle, potrebna nam je i vaša pomoć oko definisanja tehničkog problema. 🙏
You should be able to submit the complaint on our website anytime you like by using the link. 👈
Are you having any trouble accessing the complaint submission form or getting an captcha error upon submitting one? If so, we have an alternative way to help you submit the complaint. I just didn't spot that you had mentioned you could not submit one; I'm sorry for that.
If you notice any issue or error, please respond to this post. We're currently dealing with the aforementioned captcha issues, but it is sort of a random issue. So, we need your help with defining the technical problem too. 🙏
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