NaslovnaForumKazinaYbets Casino - opšta diskusija

Ybets Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 9)

 od JMiles1984
51.748 pregleda 504 odgovora |
1...8 9 10...26

Who do I contact regarding that? Id definitely be interested in reopening the case.. if it's not too late


That is okay; no worries. Go back to your complaint and reopen the complaint, or contact your complaint resolver Michal.

Let us know how it goes, for sure.


Osvojio sam €5600 na i želim da podignem novac. Nakon što je provera mojih podataka trajala izuzetno dugo, još uvek nisam dobio novac. Kao razlog se navodi da kazino ima problema sa platnim sistemom i da će to biti rešeno u najkraćem mogućem roku. Ali ništa se ne dešava. Prošlo je više od 30 dana, a ja još uvek čekam svoj novac. Navedeni razlog je isti.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, I see you've been waiting quite a while for your money. A month would be over for me and I would definitely recommend you to file a complaint with us if you would be interested in help. 

You can do so at this link. ⬅️

What payment method did you use to withdraw ? Wasn't there an alternative that could have been used and there would have been no problems ?

Imam potpuno isti problem kao i skoro svi ostali ovde. 29. sam uputio svoj prvi zahtev za povlačenje i odgovor je uvek isti: čekajte... imaju problema sa procesom plaćanja... sve će se rešiti. U početku sam ga trebao dobiti za 24 sata. Onda je trebalo duže. Danas su mi rekli da mi ne mogu dati nikakav rok i nemaju više informacija, pa moram da čekam. Svakim danom izgovori postaju sve gori i gori i sve više shvatam da svi mi ovde u postu prolazimo kroz istu stvar. nastaviću da čekam. Želeo bih da znam da li je neko ovde ikada bio plaćen?

Automatski prevedeno:

Hey, I was looking at the complaints and on 26 August a similar case was solved where a player was waiting for his money. So it's probably possible that they are having problems if they are telling more players or they just have enough withdrawals. I would suggest to wait and if nothing changes in 14 days, then I would recommend to file a complaint. 

What do you say, do you think you can take it ? 🙂


Hvala vam puno. Ja ću to učiniti. Ali meni je to jako čudno, ne traže broj računa, ne traže verifikaciju, ništa... kako ću doći do novca? Uplatio sam depozit debitnom karticom.

Automatski prevedeno:

What payment method did you use for the withdrawal, the same as for the deposit ? If the casino doesn't require any documents and therefore verification, you won't have to go through it now. Usually the casino asks for it the first time you make a withdrawal, sometimes later or when the player wins a bigger amount. So I wouldn't see a problem with that. But like I said, we'll have to wait to see what happens next. 🙂


Da, u tome je stvar... metod povlačenja koji sam izabrao je bio isti kao i metod depozita. Visa debit. Jer osim te opcije imate samo Skrill digitalni novčanik. Apsolutno nema drugih metoda povlačenja. A pošto kažu da način isplate mora biti isti kao i način depozita, tako sam i uradio. Ali nisu ni tražili broj računa... Veoma mi je čudno. Još uvek nisam dobio validan odgovor iz kazina o mojim povlačenjima. Od 29.

Automatski prevedeno:

It is always so tricky to speculate on what is actually happening. The casino should inform you in the first place, and I fear speculation won't get us much further right now anyway.

I truly hope you will get a proper response very soon!


Ono što sada kažu putem e-pošte je da kartica koju sam koristio za depozit nije ista kao ona koju sam koristio za povlačenje. Objasnio sam da mi moja kartica ne dozvoljava da platim depozit i da sam zato koristio privremenu pripejd karticu (povezanu sa mojom originalnom karticom). Čekam konkretan odgovor o povlačenju jer sam sve tačno objasnio.

Automatski prevedeno:

The situation with prepaid cards is always harder in casinos. When players accidentally come in with the fact that they have a similar situation as you, it is often problematic. So if you're getting nowhere and can't solve anything, then by all means let us know and we'll try to help. 

I hope it won't be necessary. 


Možete li me posavetovati o najboljem postupku? Dobio sam mejl od jednog od kazino agenata da će me kontaktirati juče sa odgovorom šta da radim. Niko mi ništa nije rekao. Jutros sam poslao e-mail i oni su se vratili sa istom starom pričom... javićemo se uskoro. Uvek je isti odgovor. Mnogo je loše kada nešto obećaju, a ne ispune. Šta misliš da treba da uradim? Ova situacija dobija neprihvatljiv obrt...

Automatski prevedeno:

In this case, you could file a complaint here with our team, if you feel that the casino is doing nothing to solve the issue.

May I ask how long this is going for now? When exactly did you start the verification process?


Od mene nisu tražili nikakav proces verifikacije. Nisu mi tražili nikakva dokumenta. To mi je veoma čudno. Danima sam čekao rešenje za moj zahtev za povlačenje. Kao što sam gore objasnio. Oni zaista ograničavaju metode povlačenja. Ne mogu da podignem na isti način na koji sam deponovao (virtuelna kartica povezana sa mojom karticom), pa čekam drugu alternativu... koja nikada ne stiže. Mislim da je bolje da otvorim žalbu. Gde mogu to da uradim?

Automatski prevedeno:


They are asking me for a few documents. None of them is my account number. This makes no sense. One of the points they are asking is this one.

3. Your photo with a passport in hand in front of the Ybets website.


Yeah, this is an usual verification process, to ask for few documents so they can verify you. I hope it'll go smoothly and you will be able to get to your money shortly.

Keep us updated about any changes, please, and we are here to help if anything.

Želim da napišem žalbu. Proces toliko traje, nemam drugog odgovora. Uvek govore isto. Danas, i samo zato što sam tražio ažuriranja, rekli su mi da je moja sesija igre poslata na pregled. Potpuno isto što kažu i drugim igračima. Prošle nedelje su mi tražili dokumente i poslao sam ih i ništa drugo nisu rekli. Danas sam saznao jer sam pitao, inače mi ne bi rekli. Nedostatak poštovanja prema igraču. Koji je link za pisanje žalbe?

Automatski prevedeno:

If I may, I imagine it must be hard. On the other hand, taking the picture you describe surely does not require the same amount of time as the complaint process. Such pictures are not so uncommon, please understand the casino staff has not the opportunity to meet you face in face, so they must find a way to verify it was you who created the account, played the games and won.

You may file the complaint in this section 👈 To avoid missleading expectations though, I strongly recommend to browse this guide 👈


"We know players want to resolve their problems as soon as possible, which is why we always try hard to get back to each player within 48 hours after they submit their complaint. Our team works fast, which means that once we submit our initial response to the player, they can rest assured that we are doing our best to find a solution to their problem and will get back to them within 7 days."

"You will get your first response from our complaint team within 48 hours, but we do our best to respond within 12 to 24 hours.

Each involved party (you, the casino, or the Casino Guru team) has seven days to respond when they are required to do so to move the complaint forward. When this period elapses without a response, we usually choose to prolong the time limit by another seven days.

As the successful resolution of a complaint often takes a lot of communication between all three parties, the total time can add up. The average time it takes to close successfully-resolved complaints is roughly 21 days from the date they were submitted, but again, this varies a lot from one complaint to another."

I do not want to discourage you, please do not think that. Working with the casino is always the best option, based on all of the experiences.


I ve tried 3 times but i cant apply for a complaint.

At the moment the situation is only getting worst. The casino now have a new one.. i did the withdrawl request via card as they said. On my casino account was saying -900€ , so i was thinking "ok now is for real". But no. Another time playing with the users. I asked about the status of my withdrawl. The moment i asked, one lady said to me "it was rejected by the bank, check your limits". My bank didnt contact my about that. They always send notifications about every action related with my account. YBets casino is playing with me. They dont want to pay!!!!!!! I saw the complaints of the other users!!!

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