NaslovnaForumOdgovorno klađenjeHow do you figure out when to quit playing for the day?

How do you figure out when to quit playing for the day? (strana 4)

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Hello everyone! In fact, I've never had a problem with it. That is, I play for fun, and for me, it's more like a hobby, not an obligation :) You can say I don't have a problem with it since I don't spend too much time on it and don't expect much.


Unfortunately many players play for different reasons. When you say it's like a hobby, do you prefer slots or live casino games? I always found live casino game more appealing.

When I read this article about How L&L Europe Ltd implemented their responsible gambling tools and how they generally approach the responsible gambling, this forum thread came to my mind. Take a look at the article if you're interested in the RG topic. It's necessary to say that there are incredible differences in approach, tools and possibilities, when it comes to Responsible gambling topic in various casinos.


Na primer, smatram da je veoma dobro što mnoga kazina nude mogućnost postavljanja ograničenja.

Ograničenja gubitaka/Limit depozita.

Ovim se možete zaštititi ako skoro imate osećaj da klizite u pogrešnom smeru.

Kada igram, uvek mislim u sebi da sam izgubio u trenutku kada sam uplatio. 🙂 i ako pobedite, srećni ste

Mogu samo da savetujem svima da zaista igraju toliko da to ne utiče na druge stvari u životu.

Slotovi mogu biti stvarno zavisni. 😀

Automatski prevedeno:

I only think the biggest issue of loss and deposit limits is the simple fact that when you reach the limit, you can go to another casino and nobody will ask about the limit you reached in the previous casino. Otherwise, setting the limits is a great and simple thing you can do to protect yourself.

I worked in a casino so I noticed how people play and make deposits. Many people can control themselves, but they sometimes reach a point when they feel some injustice or they feel like the moment of the great winnings is coming so they start depositing more and more until they have nothing to deposit. They lose the control for 1 gambling session, but it costs them a fortune. Those people often come the next day and claim that someone hacked their account etc.

Deposit limits would easily protect you against this and even when players feel they can control themselves, they should set the limits. Loss limits can be very helpful in a case when you're lucky and you win some nice amount of money. When it happens, many people tend to start betting higher bets and try to win more which only results in a quick loss. Loss limits can protect you from losing you winnings.

I'd also like to highlight that unfortunately there are enormous differences in how those limits work in different casinos so it's always important to read the terms and conditions or ask the customer support. It happened many times that a player thought that the limit would protect them, but it didn't, because it behaved differently than the player expected. Fortunately, we have a team of testers in CasinoGuru and they're already reviewing how those responsible gambling tools work in different casinos so we should have some data about it in the future as well.


Hvala na detaljnom objašnjenju!

Da, nažalost, postoje ljudi koji na trenutak oslabe i izgube mnogo.

Lično, uvek postavljam ove granice kada pobedim da ne bih ponovo izgubio.

Nažalost, postoji mnogo kazina, zbog čega je teško suzdržati se.

Kako kažete, limiti neće važiti u drugim kockarnicama, pa svako treba sebi da postavi limit da ne izgubi sve.

Igram dugo i znam da ponekad izgubiš kontrolu 🙂

Ali funkcije generalno su se od tada dobro promenile. 🙂

Hvala ti što si tu dragi Danijele!

Toliko toga činite za nas i samo sam hteo da vam se još jednom zahvalim na tome!!!

Srdačan pozdrav

Automatski prevedeno:

Takođe mislim da kako starite, postajete svesniji kockanja.

Kada sam bio mlad, na primer, imao sam nekoliko trenutaka u kojima sam zaista preterivao tako da je to stvaralo probleme u mom životu.

Kad si mlad i nemaš dece pa samim tim ni odgovornost, sve je teže da se kontrolišeš.

Ali čim odrasteš i dobiješ decu, zaista naučiš da se kontrolišeš.

Nadam se da će ljudi tamo naučiti da se kontrolišu jer u pozadini često stradaju porodica i deca, što je veoma neprijatno.

Kockanje je zaista svuda u naše vreme.

Zato je još važnije naučiti da se kontrolišete.


Automatski prevedeno:

I'm not a well-experienced gambler myself, but I would like to add that even the loss limits must be set reasonably because even being a great tool, it is still up to the player to define how much he/she can afford to lose in a different time period.

A top of that, was yesterday when a player posted a screenshot showing that one casino sets its minimum limits that can be put into the responsible gambling loss limit tool, otherwise you are not allowed to set these limits at all.

Well, not a good approach. If the casino fails to change that, there will be penalization very soon. It's a freshly opened casino, so there is still a fair chance that it is not a bad intention, just luck of knowledge, or simply an error. We asked our affiliate team to get in touch with the casino and let them know about the issue.

One has to be still cautious, I'd say. 🤔

Da li ste potpuno u pravu?

Svako mora da odluči za sebe i odredi koliko želi da igra, a pre svega moraš da se stvarno kontrolišeš, inače to može brzo da se obori.


Mislim da će vreme pokazati šta je to. 🙂

Želim vam prijatan dan ♥

Automatski prevedeno:

Exactly, the limits should not be regulated by the casinos, otherwise, it is pointless to even set any. 🙁

Stay well and sound! 💚

Hvala na detaljnom objašnjenju!

Da, nažalost, postoje ljudi koji na trenutak oslabe i izgube mnogo.

Lično, uvek postavljam ove granice kada pobedim da ne bih ponovo izgubio.

Nažalost, postoji mnogo kazina, zbog čega je teško suzdržati se.

Kako kažete, limiti neće važiti u drugim kockarnicama, pa svako treba sebi da postavi limit da ne izgubi sve.

Igram dugo i znam da ponekad izgubiš kontrolu 🙂

Ali funkcije generalno su se od tada dobro promenile. 🙂

Hvala ti što si tu dragi Danijele!

Toliko toga činite za nas i samo sam hteo da vam se još jednom zahvalim na tome!!!

Srdačan pozdrav

Automatski prevedeno:

Thank you for the kind words, but it's not just me or Radka who help others. Yes, we are those who are the most visible, but we currently have approximately 15 people who only deal with player complaints (over 1000 submitted every month), we have Simon who's focused on responsible gambling activities and our academy, that should help online casino employees to do their job better and better understand the players' needs. At the end of the day, I'm the face of the academy, but it's Simon and content writers who prepare the topics and texts. I'm only the one in front of the camera 😀

When we had the last company event in 2022, there were over 70 people, but only a few of us are "visible" 🙂

Ažurirano od strane autora

15 ljudi koji se bave samo pritužbama je mnogo i mogu dobro da zamislim da imate puno posla oko toga.

Sve više cenimo vaš rad!!!!

Zanimljivo je od svih vas što ste pomogli tolikom broju ljudi! Sve ovo nije samo po sebi!!!

Bez vas, dragi Casino Guru timu, mnogi ljudi bi bili zaglavljeni i imali bi male šanse da ostvare svoja prava!

Tako da mi je čast da budem deo toga. 🙂

Ti si, dragi Danijele, lice cele stvari, što ja lično mislim da je dobro jer ti se čini da si jako fina osoba i zaslužuješ samo najbolje!!!

Proslava je definitivno bila super kul!!!

Bilo bi stvarno super da postoji neka vrsta tombole na kojoj bi članovi Gurua mogli da odu na zabavu. 😀

Bilo bi stvarno super videti vas sve uživo 😀

Nadam se da neće biti dosadno kada ovo pišem, hehe, ali zaista sam ti veoma zahvalan.

Otkad sam naišao na tvoj sajt i obratio pažnju gde igram zahvaljujući tvojim savetima više nemam skoro NIKAKVE probleme!

Ne znam ni kako da ti zahvalim. 🙂

Želim tebi i tvojoj porodici divan dan dragi Danijele 🙂

Svi ostanite bezbedni i zdravi. 🙂

Srdačan pozdrav!!!

Automatski prevedeno:

Another Guru Gathering is held at the end of March, so check our social media for pictures 😉.

Ažurirano od strane autora

Iskreno moram da priznam da sam jako malo na društvenim mrežama i da nikad nisam pomislio da te tražim tamo 😀

Trenutno sam stvarno radoznao i pogledaću okolo. 🙂

Automatski prevedeno:

I was feeling the same before I started working for Casino Guru 😀.

No pressure, it's just another way how we try to educate the public a bit in a positive manner - and it's not mandatory for anyone! 😂😁



A hug 😁

I think if you're wondering when to stop because you play every day, you should stop now. Addictions are insidious


I agree that when you start thinking about when is the right time to stop, then you should probably stop now. Maybe not forever, but to take a break at least and think about how you want to control your gambling in the future.

Iskreno moram da priznam da sam jako malo na društvenim mrežama i da nikad nisam pomislio da te tražim tamo 😀

Trenutno sam stvarno radoznao i pogledaću okolo. 🙂

Automatski prevedeno:

I really believe you'll find some posts interesting. We try to post a lot about events that we attended and inform about all activities that we do since Casino Guru isn't just an online casino database. It's much more! (Complaints, CasinoGuru Academy, News, Global Self-Exclusion initiative etc.)

The latest addition is Gamtegrity


Zvuči veoma zanimljivo!!!

Danas ću odvojiti malo više vremena i pogledati izbliza! 🙂

Zaista je neverovatno šta ste izgradili za tako kratko vreme!!! I postaje sve veći i veći 🙂🤜🏻🤛🏽

Stalno nove ideje koje obogaćuju i nas igrače.

Sve u svemu, radite zaista sjajan posao, na čemu smo mi igrači veoma zahvalni!

Mislim da se možete radovati novim temama u budućnosti ♥

Živeo tim gurua 🙂‼

Automatski prevedeno:

Keep track of the Casino Guru News - section "Gambling Industry" sub-category: Casino Guru🙌


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