Koliko je vremena trebalo za povraćaj sredstava? Takođe osporavam nekoliko uplata sa Santeda BV, moje nije bilo sa kreditnom karticom, ali imam dosta istih dokaza (bez licence, lažne kompanije, trgovci trećih lica sa sličnim imenima povezanim sa njihovim kazinima, lažne veb prodavnice, nazovite to) koji ste prosledili u svom sporu na osnovu ove poruke, koristili su MCC 5816 za moje transakcije koje spadaju pod digitalnu robu i igre (kbok prodavnica koristi isti kod za video igre) umesto MCC 7995, transakcije sa mojim sporom su takođe van mojih funti i penija (iako je to možda konverzija valute), ali su sve u isto vreme.
How long did it take for your chargeback? i'm also disputing a few payments with Santeda BV, mine wasn't with a credit card though but i do have a lot of the same evidence (no license, dodgy shell companies, third party merchants with similar names linked to their casinos, fake webstores, you name it) you've forwarded in your dispute based on this message, they used MCC 5816 for my transactions which comes under digital goods and gaming (the xbox store uses the same code for video games) instead of MCC 7995, the transactions with my dispute are off my pounds and pennies aswell (that may be the currency conversion though), but are all at the same time.
Zdravo čoveče, mogu li da pitam kako si naterao elegro da ti vrati novac pošto se pretvaraju da ne mogu da me identifikuju?
imam neovlašćena plaćanja nikotpf*marinebeauti
Hi man, may I ask how you got elegro to refund you as they are pretending to be unable to identify me?
i have unauthorised payments to nikotpf*marinebeauty
Kako? Preko vaše banke? Koji su to trgovci bili?
How? Through your bank? What merchants were they?
Nadam se da će dole pomoći bilo kome
Transactvorld obrađuje uplate za dolenavedene stavke i dobio sam povraćaj sredstava. Oni su takođe povezani sa Paimentzom
I hope the below helps for anyone
Transactworld process payments for the below and I have had my refunds. They are also linked with Paymentz
Moj je trajao manje od nedelju dana. Zato mislim da to nije bio povraćaj. Moj trgovački kod je bio 6051, nefinansijska institucija za direktni transfer novca. Ne znam da li je ovo napravilo neku razliku.
Mine took less than a week. So this is why I don't think it was a chargeback. My merchant code was 6051 a direct money transfer non financial institution. I don't know if this made any difference.
Jesam juče, ali nisu odgovorili, poslao sam još jedan e-mail.
hvala ti!!!
think transactvorld je takođe sitekcraft
I did yesterday but they havent replied, i have sent another email across.
thank you!!!
think transactworld also is sitexcraft
Da li ste direktno kontaktirali morsku lepotu info@marinebeauty.co.uk
Pitajte zašto ste im uplatili ono što ste kupili itd. Dokaz o kupovini adresa Dokaz o poštarini itd. Brojevi naloga
To je u €, tako da sam sumnjičav da li je sajt u UK
Did you contact marine beauty directly info@marinebeauty.co.uk
Ask why you have payments made to them what you have purchased ect proof of purchase address proof of postage ect order numbers
It's in €so I am suspicious if it's a UK site
jutros sam dobio odbijenicu za isplatu novca od talismanije. razlog za to je taj što je moja banka odbila uplatu. čuvajte se prevaranta, sve sam istražio, nijedan sajt za klađenje na mreži nije siguran, pročitajte pažljivo pre nego što počnete da igrate sa njima, idioti.
this morning I received a rejection for the payment of money from the talismania shit. the reason for this is that my bank refused the payment. beware of scammers, I've researched everything, no online betting site is safe, read carefully before you start playing with them, idiots.
Jesu li vam se isplatili? Početkom maja mi je rečeno da ću dobiti povraćaj novca, ali do danas nema novca
Have they paidout to you? I was told in the beggining of may that i will recive refund, still no money to this day
nisu isplatili brate namamio sam ih malom uplatom da vidim d ali oni su prevaranti ispostavilo se da su oprezni ljudi na svim sajtovima za klađenje na internetu oni ovo rade pažljivo pročitajte ovo pre nego što se registrujete bilo gde nemojte daj karte pasoše i ostalo i što je najgore kaže tehnička greška, puno ljudi čeka na uplatu, zato nema toga i tog i na kraju moja banka je odbila uplatu zbog problema. idioti
they didn't pay out bro i lured them with a small payment yes i see d but they are scammers it turns out they are be careful people on all betting sites on the internet they do this read this carefully before signing up anywhere don't give your tickets passports and other things and what the worst he says technical error, a lot of people are waiting for payment, that's why there is no this and that, and in the end, my bank rejected the payment because of the problem. idiots
Još uvek niko nije imao sreće sa Smpai* transakcijama ili platinom? Otpustio sam toliko mejlova i nisam imao ništa. Sumnjam da ćemo ih ikada dobiti osim ako ne pronađemo procesor plaćanja!
Still noone got any luck for Smpay* transactions or the platinum? I've fired so many emails across and had nothing. I doubt we'll ever get these unless we find the payment processor!
Paimentz, Elegro i Co. nisu glupi, oni prebacuju odgovornost na banku.
U početku je bilo dosta uspeha, jer se samo nekoliko ljudi prijavilo. Međutim, ako se više ljudi registruje istovremeno, oni postaju sumnjičavi i odbijaju da izdaju povraćaj novca 😉
Paymentz, Elegro and Co. are not stupid, they shift the responsibility to the bank.
In the beginning there was quite a bit of success, as only a few people registered. However, if several people register at the same time, they become suspicious and refuse to issue refunds 😉
Paymentz, Elegro und Co. sind halt nicht doof, die schieben die Verantwortung auf die Bank.
Zur Anfangszeiten gab es durchaus erfolg, da sich nur wenige gemeldet haben. Wenn sich jedoch zeitgleich mehrere Melden werden sie stutzig, und weigern sich Erstattungen auszustellen 😉
Upravo sam pogledao ovu morsku lepoticu u kući kompanije, njihova registrovana adresa je P. O BOKS broj. crvena zastava,
Guglao sam šta to znači.
Podrazumevana adresa kuće preduzeća se koristi kada se postojeća registrovana adresa kompanije koristi bez odgovarajućeg ovlašćenja. Ako Companies House utvrdi da je registrovana adresa kompanije neovlašćena, menjaju je u podrazumevanu adresu.
Dakle, izgleda da je ova lukava potreba da proverite recenzije trustpilot-a.
Just looked at this marine beauty on company house their registered address is a P. O BOX number. Red flag,
I googled what it means.
Companies House default address is used when a company's existing registered office address is being used without proper authorisation. If Companies House determines that a company's registered office address is unauthorised, they change it to the default address.
So looks like this one's dodgy need to check out trustpilot reviews.
Definitivno sajt za prevaru jer nema bezbednog logotipa za vize na dnu stranice
Definetly a scam site as no secure visa logo at bottom of page also
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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Currently, you are browsing the responsible gambling section of our website, which contains information related to problem gambling and responsible gambling practices. You clicked a link that leads outside of this section.
If you feel like you struggle to keep your gambling habits under control, we strongly recommend staying in the responsible gambling section and seeking help.
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Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.