Da, putem e-pošte su oboje tražili sledeće:
Molimo vas da nam dostavite sledeće detalje kako bismo vam mogli pomoći.
Slika vaše kreditne kartice koja prikazuje prvih šest i poslednje četiri cifre broja vaše kartice
Adresa e-pošte/novčanika koja se koristi za transakciju na vaš upit
Bankovni račun sa vašim imenom
Napisao sam sve važne detalje kao što je ccv itd., nakon nekoliko zahteva za ažuriranje, artsrid je rekao da je ovo refundirano 28.8.2024., kada su tražili ove detalje, ali će možda trebati još nekoliko dana (još uvek čekam da vidim taj povrat novca).
Finnart je u suštini rekao isto kao i gore nakon nekoliko jurnjava, iako je bio drugačiji datum povraćaja.
Iznenađujuće, čini se da je Artsrid bolji od njih dvojice u odgovoru.
Pretražio sam propise kompanije navedene na njihovim veb lokacijama, oba pravila vode do drugih kompanija, a informacije o kompanijama su veoma ograničene, a ona na koju je Artsrid povezana nazad je navodno raspuštena u oktobru ove godine
Yes it was via email they both asked for the below:
Please provide us with the following details so we can assist you.
Photo of your credit card showing the first six and the last four digits of your card number
Email/wallet address used to the transaction on your query
Bank receipt with your name on it
I scribbled out any important details such as ccv etc, after a few update requests artsrid said this was refunded on 28/08/2024 which was the day they asked for these details but may take a few more days to come(still waiting to see that refund).
Finnart essentially said the same as the above after a few chasers although a different refund date.
Surprisingly Artsrid seem to be the better of the two at responding.
I did search the company regs listed on their websites, both regs lead back to other companies and info on the companies is very limited with the one Artsrid linked back to apprently been dissolved in oct this year
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