Danas je poslednji dan za Spor, čekali su do sada. Jasno sam naveo u mejlu da nije primljena nikakva roba, rekli su da su dostavili priznanice putem e-pošte, na šta sam pokazao nikakav dokaz, takođe sam ih zamolio da dokažu komunikacijski trag koji mi je poslat ( što neće moći da urade, jer mejlovi očigledno nisu poslati).
Bilo kakav savet momci o tome šta da uključite u ovu e-poruku da bi bila besmislena. Jasno sam rekao da sam državljanin Velike Britanije tako da ne bih imao irski broj telefona ili adresu, dao sam dokaz o komunikaciji sa Grotobook-om, a to je MIDATES, rekli su da ih nisam ni kontaktirao, to je zato što su moji datumi duhovi!!!
Ne znam šta drugo da stavim zaista, pokazao sam njihovu veb stranicu (grotobook) da su povraćaji dozvoljeni i oni odbijaju bilo kakav povraćaj jer sam ja odobrio transakcije pa se nadam da će to biti dovoljno.
Today is the last day to Dispute, they have waited till now. I have clearly stated in the email that no goods were received, they have said they have provided receipts via email, to which I've shown proof of none, I have also asked them to prove a communication trail of these being sent to me (which they will not be able to do, because the emails were clearly not sent).
Any advice guys on what to include in this email to make it fool proof. I've clearly stated I'm a UK citizen so wouldn't have an Irish phone number or address, I've provided proof of communication with Grotobook, which is MYDATES, they said I had not even contacted them, that's because mydates are ghosts!!!
I don't know what else to put really, I have shown their website (grotobook) of refunds being allowed and them denying any refund because I authorised the transactions so I hope it will be enough.
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