pre 1 nedelje
Hvala druže cenim to, tako da su potpuno licencirani..
Thanks mate appreciate it, so they are fully licensed..
Hvala druže cenim to, tako da su potpuno licencirani..
Thanks mate appreciate it, so they are fully licensed..
da, legitimni svi koje sam našao na LinkedIn-u 😂
yeah legit everyone I found on LinkedIn 😂
U potpunosti se slažem sa vama po ovom pitanju i nameravao sam to da pomenem u svojoj poslednjoj e-poruci
pre čekanja na akciju FOS-a. Takođe mislim da je e-pošta Andreas pravedan - isprobao gomilu različitih kombinacija, ali ova nije uspela
Completely agree with you on this one, and was going to mention that in my final email
before waiting on FOS action. I also think Andreas email is just tried loads of different combos but this one didn’t bounce
bukvalno sam ih video ranije i pomislio isto. Suština je da sam počinio prevaru i sada imam Cifas. Taj novac je otišao Santedi preko Modulra i ne vidim kako bi FOS ignorisao tako nešto.
i literally saw them earlier on and thought the same thing. Bottom line is, I’ve committed fraud and have a Cifas now. That money has gone to Santeda via Modulr and I can’t see how the FOS would ignore something like that..
Britanska komisija za kockanje ne priznaje licence Curacao, po zakonu Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva one moraju imati licencu u Velikoj Britaniji, plus postoje varijante licenci Curacao, a kvalitet ploče za igre na Curacao je upitan kada je dobar dan. Pravo je krivično delo poslovati sa klijentima u stranim zemljama, jer kompanija tada postaje odgovorna pravnim procesima u tom regionu. Problem je u pronalaženju rukovodilaca ili viših rukovodilaca da se suoče sa optužbama, nisam previše siguran u zakone o ekstradiciji u Kurasau, ali sam siguran da je to holandska kolonija ili je bilo donedavno. Rekavši da je Santeda naplaćena kazna od 5 miliona evra u Španiji za nezakonite radnje, takođe je dobio neotkrivenu kaznu u Švedskoj i upozorenje od australijskih medijskih vlasti zbog korišćenja više URL-ova za zaobilaženje regionalnih blokova posebno za Goldenbet. Dakle, oni imaju prethodne u smislu zločina i suočavanja sa optužbama, zbog čega bih vas pozvao da ih prijavite komisiji za kockanje UK, jedan izveštaj bi mogao da uradi posao, ali više ljudi onda pokreće ozbiljniju istragu.
Curacao licenses aren't recognized by the UK gambling commission, by UK law they have to have a UK license, plus there's variants of curacao licenses, and the quality of the curacao gaming board is questionable on a good day. It's a crime straight up to operate to customers in foreign countries, as the company then becomes liable to that regions legal processes. Trouble is finding the executives or the higher ups to bring in to face the charges, i'm not too sure on the extradition laws in curacao but i'm sure it's a dutch colony or was up until recently. Saying that Santeda did get charged a 5million euro fine in Spain for illegal practices, also got an undisclosed fine in Sweden and a warning from the Australian media authority for using multiple URLs to bypass region blocks for Goldenbet specifically. So they do have previous in terms of crimes and facing charges, which is why i'd urge you to report them to the UK gambling commission, one report might do the job but multiple people then brings up a more serious investigation.
Malo je verovatno da će FOS stati na vašu stranu sa situacijom sa Cifasom, ali to ne znači da ne možete da prijavite Santedinu nelegalnu praksu, ako je to dospelo u vesti kao što je bilo sa španskim/švedskim slučajevima, onda možda imate šansu da koristite da bi kao dokaz niz liniju banka stala na stranu osuđenih kriminalaca u tom slučaju, mala šansa, ali mogućnost.
Ne znam detalje u vezi sa Cifasovim stvarima, ali bi verovatno bilo vredno podići FOS u svakom slučaju, u zavisnosti od agenta, oni mogu subjektivno posmatrati slučaj bez pristrasnosti u vezi sa optužbama za Cifas.
FOS are unlikely to side with you with the Cifas situation, but that doesn't mean you can't report Santeda's illegal practices, if that hit the news as it did with the spanish/swedish cases, then you may have a chance in using that as evidence down the line as the bank would be siding with convicted criminals in that case, slim chance but a possibility.
I don't know the details of the Cifas stuff but it'd probably be worth raising the FOS either way, depending on the agent they may look at the case subjectively without making a bias with regards to the Cifas charges.
Cenim savet, i dalje pokušavam da obradim šta se dešava tbf.. svejedno ću pomenuti različite članke u svom odgovoru, i naravno činjenicu da uopšte nemaju licencu, pa zašto bi im bilo dozvoljeno da trguju?? !
Appreciate the advice, still trying to process what’s going on tbf.. im gonna mention the different articles in my response anyway, and of course the fact that they do not hold a license at all, so why should they be allowed to trade??!
To je siva zona, mislim da banke jednostavno odbijaju povraćaje sredstava kao kockanje, čak i sa svim MCC situacijama i licencama. Oni ne žele da budu proglašeni odgovornim u svakom slučaju, FOS je pogođen i promašen jer je situacioni plus zavisi od agenta.
It's a grey area, i think the banks just reject the chargebacks as gambling, even with all the MCC and licensing situations. They don't want to be found liable either way, FOS is hit and miss as it's situational plus depends on the agent.
Biće to duga vožnja druže, neću imati previše vere jer sam mislio da sam ranije stigao negde sa Modulrom i na kraju nije bilo ništa haha, ali ovo je moj nacrt koji ću poslati u ponedeljak. Takođe planiram da kažem Modulr-u da ću reći njihovim klijentima i partnerima da pomažu u omogućavanju ilegalnih kazina u Velikoj Britaniji koji nisu na Gamstop-u i da vidim kakav je njihov odgovor 😂😂😂
It’s gonna be a long ride mate, not gonna keep too much faith as I thought I got somewhere with Modulr earlier and it ended up being nothing lol but this is my draft which I’ll send out Monday. Im also planning to tell Modulr that im gonna tell their customers and partners that they are helping facilitate illegal casinos in the uk that aren’t on Gamstop and see what their response is 😂😂😂
Možda bi bilo vredno ubaciti FCA i šta ne, onda kada odgovore, snimite ih ako odgovaraju odvojeno, a ne u lancu e-pošte, a zatim odgovorite na nit sa tim snimcima ekrana, mislim da sa ovim sumnjivim kompanijama zaista morate da stavite u situaciji u kojoj im je neprijatno i drže se toga.
Might be worth throwing the FCA and what not in, then when they reply, screenshot them if they reply separately rather than in the email chain, then reply to the thread with those screenshots, i think with these shady companies you've gotta really put them in a situation where they're uncomfortable and keep at it.
Da, nema mcc kodova na bankovnim transferima.. bukvalno svi moji su bili preko pai op, VL, Noda itd. koji još nisu odgovorili. Modulr je brzo reagovao, ali i brzo mi je rekao da to uradim
Yeah no mcc codes on bank transfers though.. literally all mine were through pay op, WL, Noda etc who haven’t replied yet. Modulr were quick to respond but also quick to tell me to do one
Možete li mi možda proslediti te linkove ovde? Definitivno ih želim poslati FOS/UKGC/Bank i videti da li će preispitati svoju prvobitnu odluku. Definitivno nas čeka duga vožnja ovde, ali neću odustati, u ovom trenutku nije toliko u pitanju novac, više se oni suočavaju sa muzikom za mene.
Could you possibly forward me those links on here? Definitely want to send them to the FOS/UKGC/Bank and see if they reconsider their initial decision. We're definitely in for a long ride here, i'm not going to give up though, at this point it's not so much about the money, more them facing the music for me.
Bankovni transferi su komplikovaniji od onoga što sam pročitao u ovoj temi, ali ako nastavite da pritiskate Modulr i idete na njih pod pravim uglom, siguran sam da će ili popustiti ili propasti, onda možda imate ugao sa FOS uprkos Cifasu
Bank transfers are more tricky from what i've read on this thread, but if you keep pressing Modulr and go at them with the right angle i'm sure they'll either relent or slip up, then you may have an angle with the FOS despite the Cifas
Već jeste, ali su nepristrasni. Dali su mi referencu i rekli mi da nastavim sa svojim danom. Gospođa je bila prilično ljubazna, ali je takođe rekla da je FOS taj koji će odrediti kako se stvari kreću u zavisnosti od moje situacije
Already did but they are impartial. They gave me a reference and told me to move on with my day. Lady was quite nice but also said it’s the FOS that would determine how things move depending on my situation
U svakom slučaju, koristio sam Cifas kao način da okrivim svoje dosadne glupe postupke.
u ovoj fazi sve što mogu da uradim je da pošaljem Modulru poslednju poruku tražeći od njih da pregovaraju o nagodbi između mene i Santede (pošto su oni jedini koji jebeno odgovaraju) i vide šta ćemo dobiti.
Ne znam da li je ovo previše grubo, ali samo želim da Santeda izgori. Mislim da je i Andreas pedo:
Dodaću ono što sam ranije rekao plus nešto u vezi sa:
hared sa FOS-om. Pored toga, imam pristup softveru koji mi omogućava da dobijem adresu e-pošte svakog zaposlenog. Osiguraću da ovaj nacrt stigne do svakog ključnog donosioca odluka u FOS-u, Action Fraud-u, Modulr FS-u i FCA-u kako bi rasvetlio ovu prevarantsku šemu kojom se finansiraju Modulr-ove operacije.
Dalje, podeliću istinu sa svakim pojedinačnim klijentom i konkurentom Modulr FS-a koje mapiram preko LinkedIn Sales Navigatora, uključujući Frog Capital, Cledara,,, Teia, Nebeus, Rvvup i druge. Moj cilj je da istaknem sistemske propuste koji održavaju takvo nedolično ponašanje, narušavajući integritet vaše FCA regulative.
Either way I’ve used the Cifas as a way to blame my stupid actions so far.
at this stage all I can do is send Modulr one last message asking them to negotiate a settlement figure between myself and santeda (as they are the only ones who f*cking respond) and see what we get.
Dunno if this is too harsh, but I just want Santeda to burn. I reckon Andreas is a pedo too:
I’ll add in what I said earlier plus something along the lines of:
hared with the FOS. Additionally, I have access to software that allows me to obtain every employee's email address. I will ensure this draft reaches every key decision-maker in the FOS, Action Fraud, Modulr FS, and the FCA to shed light on this fraudulent scheme that funds Modulr's operations.
Further, I will share the truth with every single client and competitor of Modulr FS that I am mapping out via LinkedIn Sales Navigator, including Frog Capital, Cledara,,, Teya, Nebeus, Rvvup, and others. My aim is to highlight the systemic failures that perpetuate such misconduct, damaging the integrity of your FCA regulation.
Ja bih nastavio sa tim, sigurno će sa svim imejlovima neko viši da će to shvatiti i istražiti, a ako se pogreši, onda će pasti grudva, voleo bih da se ove kompanije suoče sa revizijama kako ja mislim da bi otkrivaju čitavu zečju rupu ilegalnih aktivnosti. Zapravo je odvratno kako je, uprkos očiglednim nezakonitim aktivnostima, sistem namešten za njih.
I'd keep at it, surely with all the emails someone higher up is going to catch wind of it and investigate, and if there is wrong doing then it's gonna snowball, i would love for these companies to face audits as i feel it would reveal a whole rabbithole of illegal activity. It's actually disgusting how despite blatant illegal activity, the system is rigged for them.
Pet hiperlinkova na tom snimku ekrana e-pošte, sumnjam da će UKGC želeti da ih vidi, i baciću ih na veze sa Goldenbetom i UKGC/FCA itd. da pokažem da moje tvrdnje nisu neosnovane, i postoji više pravnih presedana.
The five hyperlinks in that email screenshot, i've got a suspicion that the UKGC will want to see them, and i'll throw them into the links with Goldenbet and the UKGC/FCA etc to show that my claims aren't baseless, and there's multiple legal precedents.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja. je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.
Currently, you are browsing the responsible gambling section of our website, which contains information related to problem gambling and responsible gambling practices. You clicked a link that leads outside of this section.
If you feel like you struggle to keep your gambling habits under control, we strongly recommend staying in the responsible gambling section and seeking help.
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