Zdravo momci, već 3 dana neprestano čitam ovu temu i svi ste mi zaista bili od pomoći. Pitanje, dobio sam odgovor od elegro-a - rekli su da ne mogu da verifikuju moj identitet i trebalo bi da kontaktiram banku za povraćaj sredstava. Kontaktirao sam banku juče i oni su me uputili na stručni tim koji će me kontaktirati do kraja nedelje. Rekao sam da sam ponovo imao kockanje u ilegalnim kockarnicama i da sam registrovan na Gamstop-u i da sam prevaren. Krenuo sam putem da su svi mcc kodovi pogrešni. Još nisam započeo nikakav formalni proces povraćaja sredstava, ali mislim da bih to mogao učiniti danas. Elegro je rekao da me ne mogu locirati, pa da li to znači da imam dobre šanse da povratim sredstva putem naplate? Odgovorili su u roku od 24 sata što je bilo iznenađujuće i rekli su mi da kontaktiram banku radi povrata naplate. Bilo kakav savet
Hi guys, been reading this thread constantly for 3 days now and you've all been really helpful. Question, ive had a response from elegro - they have said they cant verify my identity and I should contact the bank for a charge back. I contacted the bank yesterday and they have referred me to a specialist team who are contacting me by the end of the week. I've said I've relapsed gambling on illegal casinos and that I'm registered with gamstop and I've been scammed. I've gone down the route of mcc codes all being wrong. I've not started any formal chargeback process yet but I'm thinking I might do today. Elegro have said they csnt locate Me so does this mean I have a goodnchance of getting the funds back through charge back? They responded within 24 hours which was surprising and told me to contact bank for charge back. Any advice