NaslovnaForumOdgovorno klađenjeTips for Responsible Gambling: Let's Share Our Advice

Tips for Responsible Gambling: Let's Share Our Advice (strana 2)

 od Collinsraf
5.733 pregleda 37 odgovora |
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Želeo bih da dobijem neko mišljenje od ljudi ovde na forumu. Ako mogu da podelim svoju priču.

Bio sam kockar u kazinu više od godinu dana i upoznao sam jednog koji je izgledao prilično obećavajući. Tu je počela moja nesreća.

Upoznao sam ovaj kazino i tu sam shvatio da imam ozbiljan problem sa kockanjem.

Ušao sam u ćaskanje nekoliko puta da tražim da se moj nalog zatvori. Nisam jasno pomenuo problem kockanja, jer oni koji imaju kockarski problem se stide da to kažu.

Pitao sam nekoliko puta nakon što sam izgubio mnogo novca da zatvorim račun, au ćaskanju su mi uvek bili pažljivi, obaveštavali me o nekim odgovornim alatima za kockanje, kao što su limiti depozita, limiti opklade, pauze, ali mi nikada nisu rekli za mogućnost samoisključenja.

Devojka za ćaskanje mora da je analizirala moj nalog igrača i predložila mi da „blokiram kazino igre na neodređeno vreme" uz zadržavanje oblasti za sportsko klađenje.

Taj argument je bio dovoljan da ostanem aktivan u kazinu.

Pitanje 1 – Šta se podrazumeva pod neodređenim vremenskim periodom? U mom rečniku to znači bez datuma završetka

Kasnije sam shvatio da je ovaj metod isti kao ništa, jer sve što je trebalo da uradim je da se prijavim u ćaskanje i zatražim da se kazino oblast deblokira, i opet bih imao kazino. Čak sam blokirao i deblokirao kazino područje desetine puta dnevno.

2. Pitanje – Zar osoblje za ćaskanje i drugo osoblje kazina nije obavezno da bude obučeno da uoči igrače koji pokazuju obrasce zavisnosti od kockanja? Po mom mišljenju, ako su obučeni za to, lako mogu da vide da je igrač koji traži da blokira kazino nekoliko puta dnevno ili paranoičan, ili ima problem sa kockanjem, i da treba da deluje da ga zaštiti.

Posle nekoliko gubitaka i nekoliko zahteva za zatvaranje naloga, predložili su VIP menadžera.

Nudi mi 500 evra i garantuje mi svu podršku sveta. Ponudio mi je kešback za gubitke, itd... Pa, za nekoga ko je zavisnik, to je davanje vida slepom čoveku.

Ovaj superprofesionalni menadžer naloga i ja smo se sprijateljili i postajalo mi je sve teže da priznam da sam potpuno zavisnik. Kada nisam uplatio neko vreme, on bi se pojavio sa nekoliko besplatnih okretaja ili nekoliko evra... i sve bi počelo iznova.

Skupila sam hrabrost da odustanem tek kada su mi promenili menadžera naloga, a čak sam i sa tim morao da odustanem tokom dugog vikenda jer nisam želeo da me ubedi da ponovo ostanem, jer hoće.

3. pitanje - da li je ceo ovaj proces normalan? Da li je sve ovo legalno? Da li je sve ovo dozvoljena praksa?



Ako mi možete pomoći sa odgovorom na ova 3 pitanja, bio bih vam zahvalan.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello again,

I can't provide direct experience, because I have never been in that position, but I would respond to the topic. Presenting the business standards, because nothing in life is just one sided.

Just recently I posted a question on our social media profiles: Can you tell the difference between an account closure and permanent self-exclusion? In my opinion, your experience is very close to this subject.

I perfectly understand anyone may feel ashamed to come clean about losing control over gambling. Sadly

people close their accounts for many reasons, and online casinos' responses to such requests can vary significantly. Therefore, you should have a clear understanding of why you want to close your account and then proceed accordingly by telling the support.

Relying on your assumption that every single chat worker is able to analyze your gaming history is not just quite unreal but also very dangerous.

Account closure can be easily revoked, so the Self-Exclusion without mentioning the gambling issue. Also, a casino worker will most likely try to attract you to stay, suggest gambling tools, or use other methods to prevent harm but still convince you to stay. That's the crucial point. They just do not have to take the request so seriously until you clearly state the addiction. Such a statement should change everything.

So sadly, yes—if a player evades saying he's experiencing gambling harm, what the casino did does not sound that extraordinary to me.

I'm not saying it was all good; I have not, for example, seen the way this manager treated you. In my opinion, it sounds kind of weird, but I can't judge anyone without knowing the full context.

Lawyers would probably say this was legal, but we are not lawyers here.

In order to bring more insight to the whole situation, we would need to see the timeline and concrete chats, I guess. Still, if you feel that, for example, the casino forced you to act under duress with its approach, you may gather the evidence and present this through the complaint.

In any case, this is very true from the safety perspective:


I spotted a few players submitting complaints because the casinos closed their accounts to prevent gambling harm. Those players claim there have never been any signs, and they have never asked for that.

This, in my opinion, demonstrates how important the open and clear communication is.


Hvala vam puno na uvidu.

Ali lako je videti kako je dotični kazino čak ignorisao frazu, želim da se isključim zbog zavisnosti od kockanja.

U avgustu prošle godine, iskoristio sam dug vikend, kada je moj ViP menadžer bio odsutan, da zatražim samoisključivanje, a ni tada nisu zatvorili nalog, rekli su da nije moguće jer sam VIP korisnik i morao sam da sačekam da ga moj VIP menadžer zatvori.

Kada je stigao, došao je sa bonusom i ubedio me da ostanem.

Kasnije sam zatražio momentalno odustajanje, tvrdeći da je to moje pravo.

Tražio sam povraćaj novca, odbijen je, morao sam da uključim proviziju za kahnavake Gaming, a onda su pretpostavili grešku i vratili mi samo iznos koji je deponovan od tog zahteva za samoisključivanje.

Ovo vam govorim samo da biste imali primer kako su me i uz zahtev za samoisključivanje ignorisali.

Onda sam saznao da su neke od plaćanja u ovaj kazino izvršene korišćenjem korisnika koji nemaju nikakve veze sa kazinom, kao što su:


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U svakom slučaju, ulazak u ovaj svet kazina je kao ulazak u mračnu mrežu

Automatski prevedeno:


I see. The topic of closing a casino account essentially changes as the specifics do.

What, in my opinion, always remains, though, is whether and how the player expresses the addiction. I was trying to point out that a standalone self-exclusion request without any mention of the addiction will very likely end up with a retention process. Like the situation with the VIP manager, for example.

Now it seems that you stated the addiction or immediate gambling harm, which is always a good call when losing the control. As I suggested, though, these situations are very delicate; there are no international scripts for possible scenarios, so the casino has to rely on its own standards, and players tend to rely on their own expectations.

So, the self-exclusion request is, in many situations, considered a usual request for the account closure unless the player ask for the permanent self exclusion due to the gambling addiction. The addiction is the trigger here, not the self-exclusion option.

To the payment processors, it is pretty much a very common way to handle deposits. I already saw some activity in the thread about misused merchant codes, which is quite the subject, isn't it?


Da li je ovo zakonska procedura? Zar to ne krši AML pravila?

Automatski prevedeno:

Not sure what specifically is supposed to be in question.

Well, I told you we are not lawyers, so you should ask specialists on legal matters if you're concerned about legality and the AML.

Legal matters are out of my range of knowledge and also outside Casino Guru's field of expertise.


Do you have the chat logs that back up your claim?

if you request self exclusion and state gambling issues. Then any casino (even the scam ones) will instantly block your account.

I speak from experience, so I’m happy for you to prove me wrong


hvala na odgovoru,

Imam otvorenu žalbu na kazino, kome je, uprkos regulisanju, trebalo 13 dana da zatvori moj račun.

Ali u izveštaju koji sam napravio gore, nakon što sam tražio samoisključivanje, tražili su da sačekam VIP menadžera, a on me je okrenuo.

Međutim, uvek sam tražio da zatvorim nalog, ali su mi uvek davali nešto, ili bonus ili VIP menadžer ili nedeljni kešback itd.

Čak sam tražio da me blokiraju iz oblasti kazina desetine puta dnevno i da me deblokiraju. Nažalost, kazino nije preduzeo ništa i predložio mi je da se samoisključim. Mnogo sam rekao svom VIP menadžeru. Dozvolio sam da me odvedu u polje prijateljstva... i to je bio kraj

Automatski prevedeno:

That’s a fair point but if you say that you specifically mentioned gambling issues then the casino wouldn’t take 13 days to close the account.

On another note. The casino VIP manager isn’t your friend and never will be. They are there to exploit you as much as they can and extract as much money out of you that is possible.

Im sorry to appear cynical, but after spending many years in the depths of despair that is gambling addiction, I simply can’t accept that any casino would act in this way.

I have played thousands of casinos and every single time I self excluded and mentioned addiction, my account was locked out immediately


I još uvek nije rešeno.

Ovo je primer, u drugom kazinu, tražio sam samoisključivanje, nisu zatvorili račun i tek kada sam uključio kahnavake Gaming proviziju, nastavili su da vraćaju depozite nakon samoisključenja

Automatski prevedeno:

You seem to be avoiding the points that I raise in my replies.

What help is it that you need from the forum?

Support to help you through the gambling issues or the issues you seem to have with the gaming commission?

Are you based in Canada?

Živim u Portugalu.

Moj problem je sa igrama

Automatski prevedeno:

So how come you keep mentioning the kahnawake Gaming commission?

They are based in Canada.

Did you gamble on casinos from Canada.

What games do you have issues with


Ne. Ali to je regulator nekih kazina koji rade u Evropi.

Na primer



Nine casino


Automatski prevedeno:

Yeh that’s fine. But still not sure what it is you're looking for on here.

you don’t really seem to engage in the messages.

if you have lost your money at the casino then you need to accept that and let it go. Nobody is to blame for you losing it other than yourself.

trying to get gaming commission’s involved and banks and that is a waste of time. Blaming the game is a waste of time.

the first part of accepting that you have a problem with gambling is to stop finding someone or something to blame.

take ownership, take space away from it and focus on moving forwards

My words exactly leave the pass in the pass get on with your new life. It is hard to closes a account at the casino, but when you say you have a gambling problem it will take time to closes your account because this goes out to all the casinos your name will be black listed, please don't look at this as being embarrassed that you have a gambling problem this is a good step in the right directions, its like a alcoholic that said they want to quit drinking they ask for help. Playing at the casino is all about lucky and stupidity your lucky if you win and your stupid keep going on if you lose 🫢😮‍💨.

First, make sure you have discretionary income to use - that is the money left over after taxes, rent, food, utilities, clothing, savings, etc.

When you enter the casino, the 1% rule is a good place to start [ex. if you want to play a $10 table, have at least $1,000 dollars available].

If you really want to stretch your dollars, enter tournaments as a small buy-in may give you many more times in chips, will give you significantly more play time, and the competition will show you where you are weak so you improve.

Lastly, remember the casino will try everything it can to get you to spend more than you plan ... so do not take any extra money, credit cards, or other source of further funding.

Love you game

My words exactly leave the pass in the pass get on with your new life. It is hard to closes a account at the casino,but when you say you have a gambling problem it will take time to closes your account because this goes out to all the casinos your name will be black listed,please don't look at this as being embarrassed that you have a gambling problem this is a good step in the right directions, its like a alcoholic that said they want to quit drinking they ask for help Playing at the casino

Charlie_Manchester deleted the post
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