NaslovnaForumOdgovorno klađenjeAny help or guidance for those struggling

Any help or guidance for those struggling

pre 4 godina od inferno2110
12.945 pregleda 19 odgovora |
pre 4 godina

What is your take or opinion on players that have a gambling addiction to the unhealthy and cant control themselves around gambling?

  Do you feel the best way of dealing with something as strong and potentially devastating as a strong addiction is avoidance? Avoiding casinos or any other gambling hall, bingo hall in hopes there inner addict doesn't come out.

  My personal opinion of this is the same way i feel about any addiction of alcohol, cigarettes or drugs, anything that can posses you do its bidding and takes away your free will cannot be helped, cured or relieved by avoiding it just letting it sit for the day when your weak and forgetful, maybe accidentally pass by the gambling hall from work , sooner than you realize you'll be back at it ! Because it never left you, it just was waiting its time to act. The only way is to talk about it, ask your family, friends for help, they will admire your strength in being able to ask another for help! Trust me. Go to a gambler anonymous or group therapy sessions, face it head on and be open to new ideas and ways to cope with feelings inside yourself. Don't let it sit and wait for the time you least expect it and resistance inst strong.


Anyone have any comments or advice for others? Please share your mind.

pre 4 godina

It's very serious problem , i would say worst than drugs, because here u have no limit 

People usually get addicted when gambling become their thing to do in spear time, and not just fun ..and that's how become regular thing in your life..

if  don't cut that right away the oppression gets bigger every day,simply because human psychology when something become u a regular thing, it's not amusing so much, (like a marriage) and ppl always go for something that excites them more, and the only thing in gambling that excites u more is bigger stake every yea

pre 4 godina

for sure a serious problem for people who could not play in moderation, drink in moderation etc                                                   and for people who have no control over her own behavior the only solution is not to play or drink anymore at  all in my opinion. any other attempt to deal with it will fail for sure.           





pre 4 godina

Common, until you admit you have a problem you won't be able to solve it. Man up guys. Just admit it. OK, so I am starting Gamblers Anonymous group: "My name is Deadhead and I have a gambling problem."

pre 4 godina

Till you play and do not expect a win and don't care, it's OK (and take any winnings as a something positive but not expected)  

But when you start to believe that you can make big money on casinos ... then it's time to therapy

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 4 godina
pre 4 godina

The first step to addressing problem gambling is to acknowledge the problem. Most gamblers deny that they have an addiction to gambling. Some feel that if they have the money to gamble away then it is no problem at all. But these are signs that gambling is already an addiction and requires the person to take serious steps. 

Only when a gambler acknowledges that they have a gambling problem could they proceed to the next steps like reaching out for support, identifying ways to avoid gambling or finding the root cause of the problem.

Some self-help steps are:

  • Use self-applied limits on casinos. 
  • Avoid using the auto-play.
  • Uninstall mobile apps to reduce gambling while you are on the go
  • Reach out for help from professional organizations who offer rehabilitation services
pre 4 godina

I was reading and watching a lot about problem gambling "no substance" addiction. The worst thing is that you cannot see any external signs of it, there are no smells of alcohol, no smell of tobacco, no holes in hands from needles and eyes look normal too. It is just very well hidden addiction. 
I think that inferno2110 is right that if you find yourself that you cannot control any aspect of gambling you should find help in groups like gamblers anonymous or gambling therapy in UK - they have enough experience to help as they went through the same experience in the past. There are also good articles about problem gambling here  . I saw there also some list of help centers for many countries, but what I'm missing there is more centers for UK as we have much more than just GamCare we have Gambling Therapy, rehab4addictions, Rehab Recovery etc. There are many people in UK with gambling problems as they think the  money will help them. However, even they win 100 000 pounds they will gamble it away because they wanted to win a million. 
Here is link to my favourite video on youtube: "Problem Gambling: No One Wins". I like the story how the guy had everything and lost it -  it is from 43:30 




Ažurirano od strane autora pre 4 godina
pre 4 godina

Hey guys.

We do our best to provide helpful advice for people struggling with problem gambling in our problem gambling articles (as joe3 linked above. We are still working on it to make it better, adding new articles and fine-tuning those that we already have.

If you have any suggestions on what could be improved in these articles or added to them, please, let me know. Our goal is to make them as good and helpful as possible, and your feedback can help us achieve it.

pre 4 godina

Mislim da je opasno imati ovisnosti o igri, jer nije vidljiva kao ovisnost o drogama ili alkoholizmu, pa je i teže dobiti pomoć, samo ako je osoba voljna i prepozna problem koji ima, može li tražiti pomoć, ali ako to ne kažu i ne učini vidljivim, vrlo je teško da se oporavi ili izađe iz te ovisnosti.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 godina

Yes, that is true. I think there are signs that can be spotted by family or friends, which can then take initiative and try to help the person that struggles. We are also planning to add this specific topic into our problem gambling articles, although it will take some time before they're 100% ready. But definitely this is an important part of battling problem gambling in general.

pre 4 godina

The first step to addressing problem gambling is to acknowledge the problem. Most gamblers deny that they have an addiction to gambling. Some feel that if they have the money to gamble away then it is no problem at all. But these are signs that gambling is already an addiction and requires the person to take serious steps. 

Only when a gambler acknowledges that they have a gambling problem could they proceed to the next steps like reaching out for support, identifying ways to avoid gambling or finding the root cause of the problem.

Some self-help steps are:

  • Use self-applied limits on casinos. 
  • Avoid using the auto-play.
  • Uninstall mobile apps to reduce gambling while you are on the go
  • Reach out for help from professional organizations who offer rehabilitation services
pre 4 godina

Very well said

pre 4 godina

 Like substances, gambling addiction is very difficult and to overcome it requires extreme motivation and strength, however it can be overcome. It grows out of personal problems that are reflected in this.




pre 4 godina

Ja sam kockar i igra kad ne možete prestati igrati je bolest, žalim se na odgovorno igranje, postoje kockarnice poput jedinstvenih, machacha i vegasplusa, čak i znajući za vaš problem i samo-isključeni omogućuju vam da ponovo otvorite račun. Na terapiji sam više od godinu dana, nadam se da ove kockarnice ovu nevidljivu, ali vrlo zaraznu bolest, shvataju ozbiljnije.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 godina

That is a difficult problem. Abstinence is not something we can easily do on our own. Do you have friends and family who don’t suffer from addiction? Maybe you can let them help you monitor your activities or stop you by force whenever you try.

pre 4 godina

Najbolje rješenje je posjetiti psihologa koji će pružiti pomoć i razumijevanje. Ponekad je, na žalost, potrebno uzimati lijekove, posebno u najtežim slučajevima. Srećom, ovo nisam doživio, ali siguran sam da je podrška najvažnija, bilo da se radi o rođaku, prijatelju ili strancu.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 godina

Već neko vrijeme posjećujem psihologa, a imam i psihološke tretmane. Moj problem su kazina koja znaju moj problem s kockanjem i kad majmun bez problema uđe u mene, oni ga ponovno otvaraju bez ikakve sramote.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 godina

This should be taken very seriously. If you specifically tell them about your gambling issues, they close your account and then they reopen it after you come back and ask them for it, they should refund you the lost money.

pre 4 godina

Pozdrav, registrovan sam u RGIAJ na državnom nivou Španije. Zabranjen mi je pristup internetskim i licem u lice kazinima. Postoji li alat za blokiranje i za kazina izvan Španije?

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 godina

Hello Janquel.

Unfortunatelly, something like global self-exclusion list doesn't exist yet. But we are making an initiative to create one. The only possibility for you is to try some application.

Here are a few options, some of them have a monthly fee, some not.

My best recommendation is to choose the app and then ask some good friend or family to instal the app on your devices. Most apps they have something like admin and user mode, and admin can change important settings. So it would be great if you have a role of user, and chose somebody else whom you trust to be admin.

It's very important to install the chosen app to all your devices. (PC, cell phone, Notebook)

pre 3 nedelja


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