Ne, definitivno ne možete da kontrolišete rezultat utakmice.
Možete samo da kontrolišete sebe, što potencijalno može smanjiti prednost koju kazino ima u odnosu na svakog igrača. Možete tvrditi da imate nekakvu strategiju, znam da ste je ovde odavno spomenuli, ali da vas pitam ovo:
Počnete da se igrate svojom strategijom, gubite, dobijate, onda dođe trenutak kada počnete da dobijate malo više, dobijete neki profit i tu stanete, pošto ste pametni i ne želite da izgubite svoj dobitak. Shvatam. Šta ćete onda da radite u trenutku kada počnete da gubite dosta od samog početka i jednostavno nećete stići do tačke kada imate malo profita (ili ste u stanju da budete gotovi) pa ne možete jednostavno zaustaviti i uzeti profit? Šta radiš?
No, you definitely can't control the result of the game.
You can only control yourself, which can potentially decrease the advantage that the casino has over every player. You may claim that you have some sort of strategy, I know you mentioned it here long time ago, but let me ask you this:
You start playing with your strategy, you lose, you win, then there's a moment when you start winning a bit more, you get some profit and you stop right there, since you're smart and don't want to lose your winnings. I get it. Then what are you going to do in a moment when you start losing quite a lot from the very beginning and you simply won't reach the point when you have a bit of profit (or you're break even) so you can't simply stop and take the profit? What do you do?
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